Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 355 - Basilisk

Alex could vaguely see the huge snake creature swirling at the bottom of the abyss. It swiftly slithered its way up and rose to the top of the stone bridge.

When the creature slowly showed its appearance, Alex spotted a tusk-like horn on top of its head, exactly at its forehead. When it completely exposed its body, the creature was around 2 meters in diameter.

Alex couldn\'t estimate its length as half of its body was still inside the abyss. Turquoise-colored scales could be seen covering the creature\'s whole body, giving it an aesthetic yet dangerous look.


[Legendary Creature]

The creature was able to devour two strong Sky realm fighters with ease like eating a chicken drumstick. It even didn\'t give the fighters a chance to fight back. 

At the moment, the two unfortunate fighters were inside the creature\'s stomach, moving up and down, pressed and squeezed until their body became nutrients for it.

When he saw the information from his bracelet, Alex was shocked, extremely so. How could there be another legendary-class creature hidden inside this hidden place? 

From the looks of it, the Basilisk and the Sphinx both had at least the power level equal to a Saint realm fighter, two levels higher than he currently was.

Moreover, this creature was also never seen or heard of in Alex\'s previous life, causing him to worry about the current situation. Alex wondered what was this place he stumbled into and how many mysteries it contained.

Alex couldn\'t help but become anxious, especially with his 13 years old daughter by his side following this journey. Heck, he couldn\'t even let her daughter go from this place either.

However, the most surprising thing he had heard today was the mysterious girl Cerri calling Tiffany to take care of the creature. The very same creature who just devoured two people alive.

"Tiffany, it\'s time to use your ability." Cerri said once more, as she thought that Tiffany didn\'t hear her.

Alex, as the protective dad he was, surely would not allow Tiffany to even come closer to the snake. Not a chance. So, he stood in front of Tiffany blocking her way and crossed his two arms, his attitude clearly questioning Cerri\'s words.

"Please, Alex. If she won\'t do it, we will all die here." Cerri anxiously said, when she noticed the snake was about to finish its digestion.

When Alex was about to open his mouth, he suddenly felt a pull on his clothes. Turning his head around, Alex saw Tiffany who was smiling, "Don\'t worry, daddy. I know what to do."

Looking at the smile on Tiffany\'s face, which seemed like trying to assure him, Alex was silent for a moment before releasing a deep sigh. He stepped out of the way, allowing Tiffany to walk past him.

Alas, there was no way Alex would let her go easily just like that. Therefore, he accompanied his little girl, as she walked closer to the snake. Naturally, Alex already drew and brandished Stroke in his hand, in case anything dangerous came towards them.

At the same time, the monstrous snake seemed to finish her snack and glared at them with a gaze full of rage and… curiosity. Alex unconsciously gripped Stroke\'s hilt harder when he saw that.

[We can not beat this creature, master] Stroke\'s voice echoed in Alex\'s mind.

"I know, Stroke. But we still need to try. There\'s no way I will just stand still."

While Alex and Stroke debated whether it was a good idea to attack the creature, Tiffany, on the other hand, raised both of her hands and aimed them at the creature. A split second later, her body was glowing brightly, while her eyes turned all white.

Alex was stunned when he felt a strong yet calming energy radiating from all over Tiffany\'s body. Currently, Tiffany totally had the traits of a goddess, with her body shining and her hair fluttering. Unfortunately, Alex\'s state of awe didn\'t last long as Tiffany\'s struggling voice traveled through the air.

"Sis.. ter.. Cerri sh..e is.. re..sis.ting.. too strong!"

Cerri\'s face immediately changed when she heard that. It appeared the creature was too strong for the current Tiffany. Cerri swiftly looked around, her gaze quickly landed on Heinrich. "You! It\'s time to show your usefulness! I need you to buy time and stop the creature for a few minutes."

Surprisingly, Heinrich didn\'t even try to argue, not even one bit and quickly ordered his fighters to attack the creature. Immediately after, half a dozen Iron Eagle fighters stepped forward and brought out their weapons. The weapons in their hands seemed to be the tier 2 energy weapon. 

The fighters began to fire their weapons, while three other fighters, that appeared to be equipped with tier 2 or 3 weapon artifacts, charged fearlessly toward the monster. The trio used the barrage of attacks as their cover. 

Meanwhile, Hanz also didn\'t remain still as he swiftly followed behind the three moving fighters.



As their enhancement spells took effect, the three of them began to cast their own unique spells and quickly swung or thrusted their weapons towards the creature.

Loud sounds reverberated in the air as the weapons hit the scales of the creature. Evidently, the creature wasn\'t happy with the barrage of attacks it received. However, the first being the creature struck was not Hanz and the three fighters who were nearby. Instead, it was the half of a dozen firing squad\'s fighters.

From within the abyss below the bridge, a massive tail suddenly emerged and lashed towards the bridge, right at the location where the firing squad was. As a result, two of the fighters were crushed to mincemeat, while another two fighters were thrown from the bridge into the abyss.

To Alex\'s complete surprise, Heinrich still looked calm despite instantly losing four of his men from that strike. He even calmly sent some of his men to fill the gap left and created another firing squad.

While the backline was mostly destroyed by the creature\'s sneak attack, Hanze and the other three, who used melee weapons, were only able to make small scratches on the creature\'s body. The scales of the creatures were simply too formidable. 

But even though their attack gave miniscule, almost nonexistent effect to the creature, all of them continued their attacks. They even became even more ferocious.

One of the frontline fighters, who held a sabre in his hand, wasn\'t prepared when the creature suddenly turned its head around. Without being able to do anything, the poor guy was gulped by the creature at a shocking speed.

When they saw that, Hanz and the rest of the fighters immediately split up and launched their attacks on different parts of the creature.

This time, the creature ignored Hanz and the others again, and spat a green liquid towards the newly formed firing line. The liquid hit one of the fighters, who instantly screamed in agony as his body started melting like a burning candle.

"This is a massacre!" Ardeth shouted, as he witnessed the sight before him.

Alas, Ardeth\'s shout didn\'t do anything, as the monster spit out more green liquid, even more this time. Luckily, before it could reach the fighters, Alex swiftly dashed and appeared in front of them as he casted his [Shield Barrier] spell to hold the attack.

Indeed, the barrier immediately melted into a void. But at the very least, it had saved their lives and carried out the purpose it was created for.

"Heinrich, tell your men to retreat!!!" Alex loudly shouted, but Heinrich seemed to not hear him, as he sent another line of fighters.

The creature was no longer concerned about the fighters close to it. Instead, it directed its attention towards the group at the back, where the glowing Tiffany, Heinrich and Cerri were. While Tiffany was focusing her effort on controlling the creature, leaving her totally vulnerable, Alex quickly jumped in front of her and casted another [Shield Barrier].

Alex knew it would not even hold more than one attack from the creature, but he prepared to do anything for his beloved daughter.

The snake rapidly slithered on the bridge towards the group, utterly ignoring Hanz and the other two who attacked it without stopping. When it almost crashed into the barrier set by Alex, the huge snake creature suddenly stopped in its tracks and froze one meter in front of Alex.

"I did it!" Tiffany shouted in her usual happy tone.

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