Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 358 - Ebiru

Alex closely watched the four monsters: the sphinx, the basilisk and the two huge humanoid yet animalistic statues, one had a crane head and the other a dog one. He shifted his vision to the girl standing right in the middle, Cerri, who was surrounded by the two items, the large golden coffin and what appeared to be the Ark of Covenant.

At the moment, the Ark still exuded its luminous light, but it didn\'t melt anything it touched anymore. Meanwhile, the girl seemed to be operating it, as she touched different parts of the Ark, tinkering with it. Suddenly, a cluster of light congregated above the Ark, forming into a hologram-like image of the entirety of Planet Earth when seen from outer space.

Alex was shocked when he saw the hologram-like display, as he knew there was no way an ancient civilization had this kind of high-end technology. If they did, he just could not believe it. Hence, the spectacle made Alex believe a little about Cerri\'s statement that she wasn\'t from Earth.

While Alex was still shocked, Cerri, who had stayed silent, finally said something. "Alex, my master and us, we all came to Earth more than 5,000 years ago. We came on a mission and we have succeeded."

Cerri then continued to operate the Ark, as Planet Earth disappeared and it zoomed out of the galaxy and into a certain green planet.

"This is our planet, our home, Ebiru."

Alex could clearly see that all the four figures seemed to react when they saw the image of the planet.

"Mankind knew my master with many names: the god Anu, Uranus, the allfather and many others. He was a great man, until his creation turned against him and killed him. Ever since then, our master has been sealed from us, until today."

Before Alex could process the new unexpected revelation, he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the Ark. At the same time, the two statues immediately moved towards the majestic coffin and lifted it up together.

Looking at the scene before him, Alex couldn\'t help but ask, "What do you want to do?"

Cerri turned her body around and gazed at Alex and Tiffany before saying, "We are going home."

In an instant, a bright pillar of dazzling light appeared all around the Ark, covering Cerri who was near it. On the other hand, the two statues slowly made their way to the light while carrying the golden coffin.

Tiffany, who understood the situation, shouted loudly, "Cerri! Are you leaving? How long will you leave? Will I ever see you again?"

Cerri shifted her gaze to Tiffany, as she looked at the little girl with fondness, "Yes, my friend... We\'ll meet again, maybe after all of you have succeeded in your world tribulation. Until then, it\'s time to say goodbye."

This time, the words Cerri just said really piqued Alex\'s interest, "What do you mean?"

Right after the two humanoid statues walked into the light, the two legendary creatures swiftly followed them. Cerri, who had walked out of the light, was standing still right outside the pillar of light, staring straight at Alex, "I hope your world can survive the test, Alex, I really don\'t know much about it, what I know is that your daughter is very special, Alex. Even more than you can imagine. She has the same ability as my master. Maybe... She will be the key to Earth\'s survival."

Upon hearing that, Alex was stunned, "What do you mean? Tell me more." Alex was still asking for more answers, but Cerri had already walked one step into the light, "I\'ve already said more than I\'m supposed to."

She then glanced towards the Ark, "This Ark is a device that can connect our two worlds. Maybe we can meet again in the future. Good luck Alex and goodbye Tiffany."

After Cerri took the last step and went inside the light, the Ark suddenly closed itself up and all the light instantly disappeared. Now, there were only three of them left inside the ziggurat, while the rest were already turned into corpses.

Alex turned around and faced his daughter, "Are you okay, Tiff? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Don\'t worry, daddy. I am fine."

Alex checked his daughter\'s body one last time before he lifted his head and looked at Ardeth, "I guess this is it. We should leave this place immediately."

Noticing that Ardeth seemed to have something in his mind, Alex asked, "What\'s wrong, Ardeth? What is it? Is there something else?"

Ardeth scratched his head and pointed towards the walls of the hall, "There are so many unknown engravings here. They are very interesting and I wish to study them."

Alex shook his head and let out a smile when he heard Ardeth\'s answer, "Yes, of course. You can study them, but later. After all, there are only three days left before the tribulation starts. We can return here another time in the future. We actually really should return to bury all these corpses as well. They might have people waiting for them at home."

After thinking for a while, Ardeth thought what Alex said made sense. So, he replied, "Alright, Alex. You are right. Let\'s go."

The three of them swiftly walked out of the ziggurat, crossed the stone bridge and headed to the garden. When they reached the garden, Snowy, who had been waiting there for a while, was very happy to see Tiffany\'s return.

Three humans and one beast quickly traced their path back. When the four of them reached the river, Alex was startled, as the barrier existed on the river was still there.

"Now, how to get past this barrier?"

Alex suddenly become really worried, with Cerri already leaving how will he leave this place


Author Note: 

Dear Doomsday Pillars Reader

I apologize for the slow update with the story and thank you for your patience

The truth is that the story of Doomsday Pillars is currently around 70% done and My concern is the chapters towards the ending will become too much a spoiler for my other Novel "Earth Greatest Magus". Therefore I am kinda reluctant to write chapters daily. 

For that reason currently, I can only promise 5-10 chapters per month and will gain daily again as soon as I am ready to finish the novel.  But please do not worry, I will never stop writing this novel until the ending. 

Meanwhile, I hope you would keep supporting me by following my other Novel. Earth Greatest Magus that\'s happening 2000 years before Doomsday Pillars started or the latest one Blood Elf Monarch that started just right before the Doomsday pillar started

Your sincerely, Avans

PS: Don\'t buy the highest tier as I will drop 5 free chapters from the Privilege chapters at the end of month.

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