I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 224 I also can

Chapter 224 I also can“

Xiaolei felt the man froze the moment he saw her revealing satin nightgown. The corner of her lips curved up slightly when she saw his reaction.

However, before she could take her hand off her robe’s sleeve, Yu Chen suddenly stopped her. He pulled her robe up and made her wear it again. He even tied its belt and this time, it was Xiaolei’s turn to freeze.

Her eyes circled wide as she watched him.

Once her robe was back to its original state, the man looked at her. He was blushing hard.

\\"Xiaolei... I...\\" Yu Chen sounded so flustered. His eyes were wandering as he held her shoulders, making sure to keep some distance between them.

\\"You really don’t want me?\\" Xiaolei’s eyes narrowed as she tried not to sound like a disappointed kid.

Yu Chen swallowed when he heard her. He noticed the change in her expression and his face became grave. \\"No, I want you... I mean there’s no way I wouldn’t want you.\\" He sounded so sincere.

\\"Then why...\\"

\\"I’m so sorry I upset you.\\" His eyes now burned with sincerity and regret as he looked at her. \\"Xiaolei, listen... This is not because I don’t want you at all because I really do. It’s just that I don’t want us to do this just because you are giving yourself to me as a reward.\\" He trailed off and he caressed her cheek, his eyes filled with emotion. \\"Now that you are my real fiancée, now that I heard you say you love me, I want to do this properly. I can wait and... I can always claim my reward after you’re officially mine.\\"

Xiaolei’s heart immediately melted upon hearing him. She was utterly speechless again. Well, she knew that this man was an endangered species from the very start. She remembered how chivalrous he was when she asked him to marry her. She remembered how he insisted on following the traditional order. He was just so innocent so this really shouldn’t be a surprise to her anymore but, he really was making her speechless to no end.

Blushing hard, Xiaolei bit her lips to stop herself from smiling. \\"But I’m already officially yours.\\"

Her eyes were so focused on him, waiting for his reaction. But the man shook his head and said, \\"Not yet. Not until I can finally call you my wife.\\"

Xiaolei almost choked. She felt her blood climb up and gather in her head. She covered her mouth with the back of her hand, attempting to hide her over-ripe tomato colored face. What should she do now? How should she reveal this? How would he react if she told him?

Hearing him say that he wanted to do this properly made Xiaolei feel a bit troubled because knowing his traditional chivalrous side, Xiaolei couldn’t help but think that this might disappoint him. But he was the one who signed their marriage certificate first and even instructed an attorney. Now that Xiaolei thought about it, shouldn’t he already expect that she might have already married him when he woke up? Could it be that he forgot about it?

Xiaolei shook her head. She just couldn’t make herself believe that Yu Chen had forgotten such an important matter.

\\"Uhm... actually... we are already...\\" Xiaolei kept pausing as she spoke, trying to read his expression. She breathed a quiet sigh as she cupped his face, resting her hands on his nape.

\\"What is it? We are already what?\\" he asked. Impatience and curiosity were now evident in eyes.

Xiaolei bit her lips again. She was about to continue her statement when she felt her knees starting to feel numb from kneeling for quite a while now. She sighed and let her body fall on him to relieve their burden. She sat on his lap, still straddling him when... she felt something hard hit her down there.

They both reacted like lightning had just struck them. They both froze in place with their faces turning red.

Because Xiaolei was wearing a nightgown and Yu Chen was wearing silk pajamas, they both distinctly felt each other’s bodies through their clothes.

Xiaolei subconsciously tried to hold herself up again using her knees but her knees had totally become numb now that she could only sit back on him. This time, the impact was harder because Xiaolei’s weight was fully on him, igniting a sweet electricity inside her as Yu Chen sucked in a deep breath.

When she looked up and their eyes met, what Xiaolei saw made her turn agape. Yu Chen’s face was burning red and the way he looked at her that moment made her swallow her own saliva. He had that so damn sexy yet innocent look in his face that was seducing her and arousing her desire to do naughty things to him.

Damn it Yu Chen... how the hell can I resist you if you’re like this?!

\\"X-xiaolei...\\" he uttered, his hands fell on her waist. When Xiaolei realized that he was going to help her up, she suddenly caught his wrists, causing the already flustered man to experience another shock.

\\"Yu Chen, didn’t you say you can wait?\\" she teased, looking at him like she wanted to punish him.

\\"I can,\\" he replied, still sounding firm.

\\"Even though you’re already like this?\\"

He nodded. She could see he was trying so hard but his decisiveness was a tough nut to crack. The embarrassed look on his face was so priceless and seductively cute that she felt like blood was about to gush out of her nose. But even then, she couldn’t stop herself from being naughtier watching his reactions.

\\"But what if I tell you that I can’t? That I can no longer wait?\\" she said and the man instantly became unresponsive. It appeared that her words had hit him hard this time and his system couldn’t handle the surprise.

Xiaolei waited patiently, pressing her lips tight as she anticipated what he would do or say next, when out of the blue, he moved her up, rolled out from under her and effortlessly escaped from her grasp. Xiaolei didn’t even have the time to speak.

\\"Then let’s go,\\" he said, holding her hand as he stood by the bed.

\\"Huh? Go where?\\" Xiaolei asked, looking at him in confusion.

\\"To the civil registry –\\"

\\"Wait, what?\\"

\\"Let’s get married now.\\" He was so serious and unexpectedly calm. \\"If you can’t wait anymore...\\" he trailed off and blushed before he continued. \\"I also can’t.\\"

Xiaolei’s mouth dropped. She knew in one glance that this man wasn’t kidding at all. He was more than serious and she knew he would really do this. My god, what just happened?

When Yu Chen started to help her climb off the bed, Xiaolei finally snapped and stopped him.

\\"Wait. Uhm... actually we don’t need to do that anymore.\\" She quickly said, now holding his wrist with both hands.

Yu Chen obviously didn’t get what she was trying to say. \\"You changed your mind?\\" he asked innocently, frowning a little.

\\"No! It’s because we’re already married!\\"

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