Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles

Chapter 128 - Peace Negotiation

Chapter 128 - Peace Negotiation

The negotiation took place in a city closest to the borders of Rozel kingdom and king Dermogal’s territory.

Each king from both sides of Adernia attended the negotiation, while Mari and General Kuryu* were the representatives from Rozel kingdom.

King Muzio of Equus broke the uncomfortable silence weighing on everyone.

“We, the Equus tribe, dispatched our troops in light of repaying our debt to King Almus. Therefore, we demand no compensation or territory from Rozel kingdom.”

Muzio glared at Mari after making such statement.

“However, the shamans* of your kingdom wreaked havoc in our country. We demand your apology and compensation for that.”

(Hmm, he dared bring that up at this moment. I thought he would’ve avoided airing the kingdom’s dirty laundry in public. But I guess this is an appropriate time to get angry, isn’t it?)

Mari scrutinized Muzio’s reaction.

Muzio’s tremoring hands were an indisputable evidence of the magnitude of his anger.

“What evidence have you got?”

“There was a Gallian shaman in the rebellion.”

Mari smiled.

“There are also Adernian shamans in our kingdom. Just because the Gallians are behind the insurrection, that doesn’t mean that they are our spies.”

Indeed, there was no evidence.

A powerful incantation was utilized upon every spy that was deployed abroad to prevent information leaks.

Even in a kingdom advanced in sorcery such as Rozel kingdom, there were only a handful of shamans who could utilize that sort of high-level incantation.

Actually, were there even shamans who could undo that incantation in Adernia?

Mari was taken aback by Muzio’s retort.

“The culprit confessed and claimed that she operated under the orders of Rozel kingdom to inflict confusion in our country.”

“… Really?”

Living in style for over 500 years was not just for show, making facial expressions exceptionally easy to read like an open book.

Mari understood that Muzio was telling the truth.

However, she insisted on a confirmation, just in case.

“I apologize for being crude, but I’d appreciate it if you could produce this said culprit.”

Muzio signaled his guards.

A moment later, the guard dragged in a woman with hands bound behind her back - it was Lydia.

It was difficult to confirm her facial expression since she had her head hanging down and hair covering her face.

But the slight trembling of her shoulders was evident.

“Show your face.”

The guard grabbed Lydia’s hair to reveal her face to Mari.

She was ghastly pale with teary eyes.

Mari let out a quiet sigh.

She then turned around to face Muzio.

“I don’t know her. Who could she be? I’d be troubled if this merely a stunt you pull.”

“How dare you so impudently …”

Any evidence presented would be meaningless unless Rozel kingdom conceded.

And Rozel kingdom had no reason to concede.

No matter how much evidence was put together, it would be good enough to be dismissed as a hoax.

In the first place, deploying spies abroad was a commonplace practice embraced by every kingdom.

What was the point of blowing this matter out of proportion now?

Nevertheless, Rozel kingdom’s influence would weaken should an apology be declared.

That must be avoided at all costs.

This was diplomacy, not a trial.

If the Equus tribe only instigated this allegation against Rozel kingdom in private and did not disclose it to other Adernian regions, there might still be a possibility for compensation, though an apology would be pushing it.

Rozel kingdom might have to pay hush money regarding this matter anyway.

But then again, it would be consolation money camouflaging as a gift for the new king’s inauguration nevertheless.

Alas, Muzio had disclosed this matter to other regions.

It was unwise of him; and a little too late to take back even if he could.

If he desired compensation, he should have presented this allegation in a confidential diplomatic meeting with Rozel kingdom.

This would be Muzio’s diplomatic failure.

However, from Rozel kingdom’s point of view, dealing with the repercussions and criticisms from neighboring countries would be way more problematic than making a deal to pay hush money in a confidential diplomatic meeting.

If the king of Rozel’s loyalty were to be doubted, the lords within the kingdom would feel the reverberation as well. This could lead to the destruction of the kingdom.

The vengeance against Rozel kingdom would then be a great success.

Being perfectly aware of this risk, withdrawing now would be the wisest choice.

“Well, no matter. Now I understand what kind of kingdom this is. This matter will be known all over the world regardless.”

“No matter what you say, the truth is the truth.”

With a face as white as a sheet, Lydia was dragged out of the room.

Thus the prelude to the negotiation was over.

What followed was a full-scale peace negotiation.

On behalf of the kings of Adernian regions, Almus read the prepared conditions.

“Our demands are the following seven points.”

First, we demand the acknowledgment of our territory.

Second, we demand the restoration of the original territory to the kingdoms of Fardam and Gillbed.

Third, we demand compensations for kingdoms of Fardam, Gillbed and Demorgal 500 Tarlants* (13,000 kg of silver) each, as well as 1,000 Tarlants (26,000 kg of silver) for Rosice* kingdom. (A total of 2,500 Tarlants.)

Fourth, we demand Prince Aldo to be handed over to Demorgal kingdom.

Fifth, we demand the coronation of Prince Carlo as king of Demorgal be approved.

Sixth, we demand the release of the Adernian prisoners of war that had just occurred during this war.

Seventh, we demand a three-year cease-fire agreement to be signed.

Almus had finished reading.

Kuryu and Mari ridiculed those demands.

“They aren’t even worth considering.”


The two of them shook their heads showing derision.

Then General Kuryu stood up and stepped forward.

“I’ll accept the first, fourth, fifth, and sixth demands. However, I cannot conform to anything else. Don’t take us for a joke!”

Kuryu’s expression transfigured into ire.

A poignant countenance indeed.

Nevertheless, it was evident that tension was running through both Kuryu and Mari.

“There seems to be some misunderstanding. Let me reiterate. We were not defeated by you. If you persist with your standpoint, please do keep in mind that it is possible to regain our territory immediately.”

Mari glared at the Adernians.

However, her piercing glare did not faze the Adernians.

King Gillbed finally stood up and conveyed his rebuttal.

“Well. I see you are rather unreasonably obstinate. If that is the case, I could not show mercy. After all, our soldiers are burning with vindictiveness, ready to take arms anytime.”

That was a lie.

The powerful clans in Gillbed kingdom surely desired for the war to cease.

For the first time in decades, not only they had managed to acquire some territories from Rozel kingdom, but also formed an alliance as well.

They did not wish for further exploits.

The powerful clans in Gillbed kingdom were thinking along those lines.

The uncovering of such inclination by the Rozel kingdom was the only fear they possessed.

In other words, king Gillbed was bluffing.

“Lady Marin/Marlin*, Lord Kuryu, aren’t you required to return to tend to a dire condition as well? It seems like your country’s backyard is on fire. I reckon it would be wise to extinguish the fire sooner rather than later, wouldn’t you say?”

Almus implicitly hinted on the Germanisians and the Gallians of the northeast region.

Incidentally, Almus was oblivious regarding their uprising.

The information regarding this threatening state of affairs was being transmitted here via the falcon post and post horses, but still yet to arrive.

While it was merely a speculation based on the flurried withdrawal of the Rozel kingdom, there was also some hope left.

“Backyard? Well, what could you be referring to … the backyard of my house, perhaps? There are many beautiful flowers (poisonous plants) flourishing in the backyard of my house. I don’t think there’s any fire, though.”

Mari feigned her ignorance perfectly.

She did not look agitated at all.

(… Could king Almus have found out the rebellion? That being said, anyone could make a speculation. Was he trying to ask a leading question to get information out of me?)

(Se doesn’t look perturbed at all … could my speculation be inaccurate? However, their frantic withdrawal was a given fact …)

Weighing in on each other, both of them exchanged silent gazes.

The negotiation had drifted in an unsettling turn of affairs.

Only one thing was certain.

Both countries desired peace.

Otherwise, someone would have walked out of the meeting already.

This marked the beginning of the negotiation.

It was unthinkable for Adernia side to accept those terms of peace either.

The weighing and balancing would start from here.

The negotiation commenced.

“We cannot accept the return of the territories to the kingdoms of Fardam and Gillbed.”

Mari was scrutinizing the two kings.

“But I think there is room for negotiations regarding the compensation.”

It was easily understood just by observing the situation with respect to the disputed territories.

Should their territories be reduced, the powerful clans in the kingdom would be dissatisfied, and hence distrust against the king would increase.

The kingdom would face great criticisms especially when the powerful clans became this negotiation’s target of repercussions.

But the compensation was not something as obvious.

It was merely a disappearance of the king’s assets.

It should not concern the powerful clans at all.

Rozel kingdom had a much more centralized system than the various kingdoms in Adernia.

However, the support from the powerful clans was still crucial.

In other words, the fate of the feudal nation rested in the hands of the powerful clans.

“But 2,500 Tarlants is too much. It’s not the amount we can approve.”

“… How much would your country approve?”

“One thousand and five hundred Tarlants.”

“You must be joking!”

In the end, a common ground between both parties was yet to be reached.

Author’s note:

1 Tarlant = 26 kg of silver

Even if Snowden blabbed, there had been no country that could destroy the alliance with the United States**

Even if Lydia blabbed, it would not directly affect Rozel.


* Inconsistencies in the previous translations: Kuryu or Curiu. I decided to use Kuryu in my translation. Please let me know what to use for future chapters.

* In the previous chapters, I believe the word “sorcerer” was used. However, I think “shaman” is more accurate because the author uses the kanji for “witchcraft (that utilizes curses) master” instead of “magic user”.

* I wasn’t able to find any references regarding their currency in the previous translated chapters, so I’m going with “Tarlant” (plural: Tarlants). Please let me know if this is acceptable.

* There are inconsistencies for the name of this kingdom: Rosice/Rozyth, etc. I left it as “Rosice” in my translation. Please let me know which term to use for future chapters.

* Previous translations used “Marin” but it should have been “Marlin” according to how it was written in katakana. I’m leaving it to the editor to decide which to use. (I put Marin/Marlin in my translation).

** Perhaps the author is trying to compare the Snowden case with the case with Lydia in the story. The author even uses the same sentence structure for both statements.

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