Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 14 - 13

He recalled that he had specifically told her to stay but apparently stay in her language meant the opposite. The others seemed to understand as they had their heads hung low as well.

"I am sure we will be able to see her in the future. She is our benefactor after all...," said the oldest of the kids but his voice gradually faded into the background as Rui Fei\'s attention was on something else.

Something beautiful blowing with the wind. He narrowed his eyes as he followed the cloth that was being swept by the breeze. When he realised what it was, his heart jumped as he leapt forward to grab the silk cloth that was seconds from being scorched by the blazing fire.

Recalling those alluring phoenix eyes staring at him blankly in the dungeon he slowly opened his hand revealing the face veil she wore.

If it weren\'t for her he would have suffered the same fate as his older siblings. A sweet smile crept up his face as he made up his mind. He swiftly turned around with a beaming smile and said, "Then we go find our Jiejie and show our gratitude," before leaping over the wall leading the way.

The three children followed behind him like little lambs with looted gold on their shoulders. Thus the beginning of their journey to find their benefactor.

Two districts over, Prince Rui was in an inn seated opposite prime minister Yi discussing business. Okay, it wasn\'t exactly a discussion more like threatening for a cause. His sitting posture was incredibly domineering as a twirling dagger hovered above the palm of his hand.

Sitting opposite such a person one could understand why the prime minister was slouching as he trembled like a leaf. He wasn\'t restrained to that chair but he didn\'t dare leave despite having plenty of lacerations on his skin. One look alone and it was obvious what happened here.

"You see prime minister Yi, I recently acquired... yes let\'s say acquired a new skill which means I... can infiltrate your mind at will," he said with the last part spoken in a whisper. He chuckled in delight with a smile as creepy as the

Joker\'s before continuing, "with that said it would be good if you watch what you say in that head of yours otherwise you might lose it. Do. You. Understand?"

The prime minister quivered recalling the feeling of having his body cut by that incredibly sharp dagger. He felt it was such a misfortune having to have attracted this vile prince\'s attention. Sadly for him, he couldn\'t even think such things in the presence of Prince Rui otherwise this...


That was the sound of that dagger flying towards his eyes making him move backwards in fright. Lucky for him it stopped less than an inch above his eye and as of right now it was currently spinning slowly like it was waiting for further instructions.

Prince Rui on the other hand was laid back with his one foot crossed over the other staring at his empty hand as though looking at something amusing. His one eye was pink while the other was a deep amber which looked especially frightening.

"Look what you made me do? This is why I wonder if you are even worth keeping....," he said in a menacing tone that\'s before the door was suddenly knocked.

A man dressed in maroon from head to toe walked in and knelt before him. He glared at him before gesturing with his fingers for him to come closer.

The man complied and whispered something to the prince. His grip on the sheath of his sword tightened with each word. He knew none of his words would please Prince Rui but it had to be reported.

As expected, the prince did not like this. The dagger that was less than an inch above prime minister Yi\'s eye suddenly stabbed his eye causing a stream of blood to flow down his face. The man cried out in pain as the dagger was taken out of his eye.

Just when he thought his torment was over the dagger stabbed again and again and again till he stopped moving entirely. Soon the floor was covered with a pool of blood which Prince Rui was staring at coldly. His jaw was clenched tightly thinking of a thousand ways to torment Rui Fei when he catches him.

Unable to contain his anger he stood up as pink aurora lights tinted with a hint of red came out in full force flipping the table. The table shattered into pieces as the man bellowed in anger. He kicked the corpse of the prime minister breaking its spine before storming out of the room.

The maroon dressed man glanced over at the still-warm corpse and stretched out his hand. A mesmerizing flame appeared on the palm of his hand before he sent it to the prime minister\'s corpse. The body instantly combusted and was burnt almost immediately leaving nothing behind. It was as though prime minister Yi never existed.

With the task done he followed after the prince. It seemed a lot of blood would be spilt tonight. Rivers of blood would be flooding the streets of Shangxin.


While Prince Rui was spilling blood, Red Bane was already half a continent away from Shangxin. She was sailing fast treating the powerful waves like nothing.

Her destination was still unknown but she had an extra person on board and that stranger was currently in the captain\'s cabin talking to Pirate King Ji.

The man dressed in a blue robe was tapping the table in frustration as he stood in front of Ji Wen. The atmosphere was incredibly tense as something very unexpected had happened.

"Are you sure he searched that study as per instruction..... he is a kid after all," asked the man somewhat dissatisfied with Ji Yao.

As soon as he asked this the rushing waves outside suddenly became more violent like they would overturn the ship at any moment. A dangerous flash of lightning reflected in the blue-robed man\'s eyes who heeded the warning.

Ji Wen had his hands touching with the tips of his fingers joined together forming a triangle as he glowered at the man.

"He didn\'t find it because Rui has somehow been enlightened and that\'s because of....," he said before pulling out a scroll from his desk drawer, ".... this. He knows."

The blue-robed man opened the scroll and his hands trembled as he gazed down at all the seven keystones drawn on the scroll. This was an exact blueprint of how to reopen the portal that once merged the two worlds. He was about to say something else when he noticed the insignia. He raised his head and stared at Ji Wen with a look of sympathy.

"Qilin Huo?"


Was the sound of Ji Wen slamming the table. "Don\'t fuckin mention her name in front of me," he spoke in a harsh tone with flashes of lightning striking the sea. That name was taboo to Ji Wen and everyone knew it.

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