Empress with no Virtue

Chapter 3

Eventhough Ji Wui Jiu does not wish to admit that it is true, to a certain extend, what Ye Zhen Zhen said was true. However, since he is the emperor, his pride does not allow himself to admit that he sacrificed his body for the empire. Therefore, he automatically ignored part of the truth.

Reality hits fast, Li Concubine was already waiting outside with her maid servant holding a tray with a colorful lotus shaped bowl. Bowing Feng You De said; “Niang Niang, the emperor is currently going through the imperial documents, why not you give me the items instead” Then you can leave…

Of course Li Concubine would not want to leave this easily. Initially today she wanted to show off in front of the empress, and in the end it didn’t turn well, and not to mention the tease she received from Xi Consort. So she is here to tattle tale to the emperor.

“This bowl of soup, is personally made by me. The emperor is doing his best for the country, I must of course serve him better, don’t worry I will bring it in myself”

Although he has tried his best to give some hints, not sure if Li Concubine understood them or not, that she still wants to go in. It is also not right for him to tell her that the emperor is in a bad mood now too. Right at this moment, from the study comes a roar..”Who is out there!?”

“To answer my emperor….”

“Emperor, I have cooked a bowl of nutritious soup for you, will be bringing it to you now”

“Feng You De, let Le Concubine in”

Taking the tray from her maid servant, Li Concubine went into the study.

Looking at her being all petite and pretty walking in, placing the tray onto the table, each move seems like she is being flirtatious. Actually, even without General Su, with just her beauty alone, Li Concubine is worthy of being one of his consort. Not to mention that she is very good in making Ji Wu Jiu happy.

Normally, even when Ji Wu Jiu is not in a good mood, seeing Li Concubine will appease him, but today with her being the reason he was unhappy, he is still far from being appeased. Li Concubine served the soup to him “ Emperor, why not try a sip”

Drinking a little, without any expression “My beloved concubine, it was hard on you”

“To be able to do all these for you, it makes me very happy”

Ji Wu Jiu, held her hand for a moment and said “ I know”

“Furthermore”, Li Concubine smoothly moved to sit on Ji Wu Jiu, with her hands on his shoulder, gently continued “Emperor, is working everyday for the country, you would be more tired. Eventhough the country is important, your majesty should take care of your ownself more”

In the whole sentence said by Li Concubine, he only catched “ For the country”. His mind then wandered off to “Sacrifice for the country”

“I still have to look through the imperial documents, my beloved concubine you can go first” Pushing the pretty maiden away from his arms.

“…..Your majesty?” Li Concubine was astonished, not sure what happened, but this is different from what she predicted.

“By the way, you should not come to the imperial study anymore, this is not a place for woman in the first place”

Immediately kneeling, Li Concubine looked at the emperor with tears forming “Did I do something wrong?”

Answering her coldly “ It seems that I really dote on you too much”


In Kun Ning Palace, Ye Zhen Zhen opened up a blueprint, examining it in detail. On it was a detailed design of a gun. Looking at the intricate design, Ye Zhen Zhen’s eyes were shining brightly.

While holding down the drawing with her body carefully Su Feng asked “ Niang Niang, are you not afraid that Li Concubine went to the Emperor to tattle tale?”

“Tattle about what? I did not do anything wrong..”


“Not to mention, even if she did not tattle, the Emperor will still dislike me”

“Niang-niang, aren’t you worried?”

“Worried.. yes very..” Looking at the drawing.. “ I want to get this gun made fast”

Looking at both of them, Su Yue can only shake her head.

“The emperor has arrived——“ announced by the eunuch guarding the door. At the end of this sentence, Ji Wu Jiu has already reached. Wearing an intricately design yellow robe. Ye Zhen Zhen, bowed too him while thinking “ this emperor, what is he doing here when there is nothing”

Ji Wu Jiu glanced through her room and saw a drawing, initially he thought that the empress is just learning how to draw some flowers or mountains, so with interest he walked towards it to get a better look. When he saw that it was a detailed blue print of a gun, he closed his eyes “ Where did you get this drawing from!?”

“I found it”

“O? Where?”

“Imperial Garden”

“What the empress means is that, some defense minister sneaked into the imperial garden with the drawing, and lost the drawing there?”

“….” In her heart, “what I meant was, your ability to talk nonsense is better than me”

Nodding, Ji Wu Jiu continued, since this is what you have said, there shouldn’t be any error. Those defense ministers are useless, I will go investigate now”

“Your Majesty!” Ye Zhen Zhen kneeled in a hurry. “This has nothing to do with the ministers of defense, nothing to do with my second brother as well” (Her brother is one of the minister there). If Ji Wu Jiu were to investigate, her second brother would be implicated as well.

Looking down at Ye Zhen Zhen, happy that she finally submit to him, “Then tell me, from where did you get this drawing from? Don’t tell me you drew it!”

With a crying face Ye Zhen Zhen “ Really it is drawn by me”

Taking a second look at the drawing again, he saw that although it was drawn properly, it still lacks in some aspect and really looked like a beginner’s drawing. But…

“How did you manage to draw it? From where did you refer?”

“I once stoled my cousin brother’s gun, took it apart..” “and also placed it back”

“Cousin Brother”.. Of Course he knows who is her cousin brother, the head of the imperial guards, Lu Li. Every 3 to 4 days he will be hanging around him, of course he knows who he is. Lu Li, really does have a gun, this way Ye Zhen Zhen has successfully helped save her 2nd brother, Lu Li will not be at fault as well. No matter if Ye Zhen Zhen told the truth or not, she is clever to use this excuse.

However, Ji Wu Jiu, haven’t decided to let her go easily, then with his finger slowly rapping the table, “Then, it looks like you have lied to me”

“Your Majesty, I am wrong,” A little scared, Ye Zhen Zhen understood that she cannot take on the crime of lying to the emperor.

Seeing her being afraid, Ji Wu Jiu felt a little better. “Seeing that it is your first time, I will let you go” Ji Wu Jiu, mentally take note of this matter, at this speed she will soon over take her grandfather. (In terms of ticking him off)

“Thank you, your majesty” Ye Zhen Zhen replied looking at him with the utmost sincerity.

“Ok, you may stand” Ji Wu Jiu said and returned his gaze to the drawing.

Trying to guess what does the emperor want actually, sitting opposite him, Ye Zhen Zhen was looking at the emperor. From her angle, she saw a high bridged nose, handsome face, high forehead, a very elegant face; blinking once in a while, with long and thick eye lashes, with a very fair complexion….

Such a nice face. Ye Zhen Zhen pouted..

“You have a lot of mistakes in your drawing”

“Which part?” Ye Zhen Zhen’s body leaned forward, looking at the drawing. While she leaned, she accidently exposed her chests by 1 inch more, and she did not realize.

“……..” Ji Wu Jiu, tried to look somewhere else “A lot of parts”

A little down, thinking that she has edited the drawing many times, thinking that it is finally time to make it into a real gun. Who would have known that it is far from completion.

With a gentle tone “I have a lot of completed blue prints and drawings of guns”

Ye Zhen Zhen with gleaming eyes “Will you show it to me your majesty?”

Ji Wu Jiu replied with a sly smile “ Of course… not”

Ye Zhen Zhen finally understood, the reason why he is here, is solely to make her unhappy.

When he say Ye Zhen Zhen looked like she just swallowed a fly, Ji Wi Jiu suddenly felt a little more happy.

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