Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 73 - The Fox Hides His Brother Away

Chu Yun had kept busy, paying informal visits to some key ministers, delivering gifts from the Second Prince\'s estate, and exchanging a few courteous words with whoever principal spouse welcomed him in their husband\'s absence.

The key to Chu Yun\'s visits was to only stop by when the Ministers themselves were sure to be busy at court. Although he was an alpha, his reputation as Xiao Zai\'s fawning fox husband preceded him. Hua Nanyi\'s stoic presence at his side put at ease any omegas more uncertain about entertaining him in private -- probably believing her to be someone Xiao Zai had sent with him to ensure he "behaved."

During these house calls, Chu Yun talked about everything but politics. He was polite and personable, but not overly close with the Minister\'s spouses. The gifts he brought were tasteful and of good quality, but not expensive enough that they could be considered bribes.

Everything had gone according to plan, and he had even received a few calling cards extending their gratitude and inviting him and Xiao Zai for a luncheon or supper at their earliest convenience, when he\'d gotten Chu Hean\'s letter asking if he could pay him a visit.

The timing wasn\'t ideal, and Chu Yun tried to talk his brother out of it at least until after the First Prince\'s wedding, but Chu Hean\'s insistence made him worry that something had happened.

Selfishly, he had decided not to host Chu Hean at the estate, but now, even before they could have a proper talk, Xiao Zai was there asking for explanations.

He exchanged a worried look with his brother, who spoke up, "I apologise for my sudden visit. I understand it might be inconvenient for his Highness."

Xiao Zai frowned. "What\'s inconvenient for me is not knowing you were coming at all."

Chu Yun cleared his throat awkwardly. "It was all very sudden."

Xiao Zai gave him an incredulous look. "It takes several days to reach Haolin from Xin."

Yes, that was indeed the case. Chu Yun didn\'t have as much of a leg to stand on, but he would rather die than admit the real reason why he kept Chu Hean\'s visit a secret. 

And all for nought, because here Xiao Zai was, meeting Chu Hean.

"I was busy during those days," Chu Yun said, sounding unconvincing even to himself. 

Xiao Zai\'s frown deepened. "Why is Chu Hean staying at a inn instead of our home? He\'s family, you think I wouldn\'t let my own brother-in-law stay with us?"

Chu Hean was looking between the two of them with a deeply uncomfortable expression. "Maybe I should go upstairs," he said, smiling wanly, "the two of you should talk first."

He left without any of them trying to stop him.

"Why are you making me say it?" Chu Yun grit out, as soon as Chu Hean had disappeared up the stairs to the second floor, his voice filled with recrimination. 

"Because I don\'t get you! Why didn\'t you tell me your brother was coming? Why keep him here?"

Chu Yun looked away, balancing his chin on his open palm. They were lucky the restaurant was empty. Otherwise the presence of two alphas in an omega-only inn would be too conspicuous.

"I didn\'t want him to come," Chu Yun admitted, the words muffled by his palm.

"What?" Xiao Zai asked.

Chu Yun crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, his fine features arranged in a deep scowl and tinged subtly with red.

"I didn\'t want him to come, alright?" he hissed. "I wanted him to stay with us even less."

Xiao Zai gave him a long look, and then finally asked, "because you were afraid I would do something to him?" 

When Chu Yun lifted his eyes towards Xiao Zai\'s he saw them filled with a deep-seated sadness, all traces of anger gone from his expression.

"No, that\'s not it," Chu Yun said, reaching towards Xiao Zai before retracting his hand, embarrassed. As humiliating it was to admit the real reason, he couldn\'t let Xiao Zai think he still doubted his honesty about the events of that day. 

It was better to get it over with. He was only prolonging his own torture. 

Almost in a whisper, he confessed, "I don\'t want him to get close to you."

Xiao Zai blinked at him, once, then twice. "What?"

This was mortifying, Chu Yun was five seconds away from jumping out of the window and disappearing into the mountains.

He looked away from Xiao Zai, staring at the wall-scroll to his right. "What if he\'s interested in you? Maybe he sought you out on purpose during his heat?"

Just saying the words made Chu Yun feel as if he was on fire. First, for the betrayal to his brother, second, for the humiliation of having to admit such petty thoughts.

"Were you jealous?" Xiao Zai asked, his tone even.

Chu Yun refused to meet his eyes. "No," he scoffed, "I\'m just worried that it could create a bad-"

He was cut off by Xiao Zai\'s disbelieving laugh. "Who are you trying to fool? Me or yourself?"

Chu Yun\'s mouth snapped shut with a click. He didn\'t have an answer for him.

Xiao Zai leaned across the table, bringing his lips close to Chu Yun\'s ear. "Go see what your brother wants, and then come back home." His warm breath tickled Chu Yun\'s skin, he closed his eyes when Xiao Zai let out an amused exhale. "We have a lot to discuss...and I won\'t let you escape so easily this time."

After that, he got up from the table and left without as much as a look back.

Chu Yun remained glued in place for a long time. He waited for the heat suffusing his cheeks to abate before going upstairs.


Chu Hean was putting away his clothes when Chu Yun walked into his room -- which didn\'t bode well for how long he planned to stay.

"So, can you tell me why you had to come here in such a hurry?" Chu Yun asked, closing the door behind him with a soft thud.

Chu Hean sat on the edge of the bed and then looked up at Chu Yun pleadingly.. "Uncle wants to marry me off, too."

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