The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 414 - Dominating Xiangyang (II)

Chapter 414: Dominating Xiangyang (II)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Quer: “Your servant, Qu Shiyu, greets my lord!”

Laosiji Lianmeng: “Your general Wan Zhixin, greets my lord!”

Kouzhejiao Chifan: “Your humble servant, Liu Fangfang, greets my lord!”

Yumaodangtou Dingqingtian: “Your general Mo Maomao, greets my lord!”

When Meng Hun knelt before Jiang Pengji and acknowledged her as his lord, the livestreaming room erupted in a commotion as many in the audience followed suit.

They all knew that this livestreaming room broadcasted livestreams about palace infighting. The Streamer once mentioned she despised palace infighting; she was determined to ascend the throne. Yet years have passed and she hasn’t made her move. Many viewers even speculated with ill intentions that Jiang Pengji was only boasting.

Meng Hun’s action is now undoubtedly a foreboding —

From tonight henceforth, their streamer is truly about to ascend the heavens.

Jiang Pengji’s lips moved into a smile, her cold and stiff face warming as she held Meng Hun up, saying, “You’ve worked hard tonight.”

Meng Hun rose spontaneously and grinned, revealing a mouth full of snow-white teeth.

“My lord, this is not so. If we measure who contributed most to the success of this endeavour, it is unequivocally you, my lord. Your servant dares not claim credit.”

He has not felt a joy like this since that fateful year when he rebelled against the Mengs: he felt especially overjoyed tonight. He felt his entire being come to life, his blood flowing in excitement.

Even though he was stained in blood from head to toe, and smelled like it too, he felt more at peace than he’d been in years.

If it was someone else, they might think Meng Hun’s words stemmed from bootlicking, but Jiang Pengji knew these words flowed from a heartfelt and genuine respect.

Her smile deepened gradually, and her eyes softened and became warm.

“The credit due to you cannot be robbed. Get someone to hang this head on the city walls. When Wenzheng and the rest sees, they will understand.”

As she spoke, she lifted her legs to kick General Jiu’s head.

The head rolled, as if a ball...

Meng Hun nodded in submission, “Your servant will arrange this now.”

“How many prisoners does Tsing Yi army have?” Jiang Pengji shouted for Meng

Hun stopped, then said, “In order to conquer the city, I wonder how many men were sacrificed, including military trainer Luoyue’s 1000 imperial guards... taking all into account it’s about 2000. Presently, Tsing Yi army’s 100,000 men cannot guard the city, much less those of us who are fewer in numbers... all the more humiliating. If there are soldiers from Tsing Yi army who willingly surrender, we will consider taking them in. Stabilising the situation is of utmost importance now.”

Meng Hun’s face had a hint of embarrassment, he felt it’d be dangerous if the number of prisoners amounted to 2000.

Tsing Yi army has more than 10,000 manpower, 3000 deployed out of the city during the day, and approximately 500 were exterminated.

He divided his troops and led a coalesce to ambush the nearby Tsing Yi army at the east gate whereby they defeated at least 3000 of their enemies. After General Jiu met his defeat, it frightened another group of men who escaped... accounting for this, the remaining prisoners from Tsing Yi army is less than 2000.

Jiang Pengji read his expression, her heart was moved, saying, “We are temporarily incorporating them in to make up the numbers.”

Meng Hun was astonished, “Make up the numbers?”

“Yes, the Xiangyang district may have been won, but we cannot guarantee that another wave of Tsing Yi army will not descend on us and wreak havoc. We are in need of people now. When the situation in Xiangyang district stabilises, I intend to enlist recruits all over again, the criteria will be stricter as the quality is more valuable than quantity.”

Meng Hun understood Jiang Pengji’s motives and he heaved a sigh of relief.

“How does my lord intend to deal with the corpses of the rebels?”

Having experienced the earthquake in Shangjing, Meng Hun has some reservations towards corpses, fearing that after the dead body decomposed, an epidemic may emerge or contaminate the water sources.

Jiang Pengji didn’t even lift her head to speak, “Send them directly out of town to be burnt. When the occasion calls for it, we must attend in accordance to it. We are lacking in manpower, after assuming responsibility in the Xiangyang district, there are many other things to do, from whence do we have extra hands to dig a hole to bury them? The sun is shining upon us in its full intensity, if left for long, the dead bodies will dealing with them earlier is ideal. Remember to bury them in a secluded area.”

As she spoke, she could not help but notice Meng Hun’s appearance.

Jiang Pengji had a fine set of fighting abilities, though outwardly she may have looked pathetic and bloody, the blood on her was shed by others.

Meng Hun had the capabilities of an average man. Though the battle was in the dark and disordered, he was ferocious and unafraid of death... he fought courageously with all his might, and his arms, shoulder blades, back and other body parts sustained injuries. If he did not take care of them and the injury festered or becomes infected, that would spell trouble.

“Right, I’ll get some men to get you water to clean your wounds,” she said. “If the wound festers, you’ll suffer for nothing.”

After hearing this, Meng Hun’s heart was comforted.

He responded gratefully, “Thank you, my lord, for your concern.”

Meng Hun carried General Jiu’s severed head and walked to the door to summon a troop. He ordered him to hang the head on the west gate of the city.

“Send more men to guard the district headquarters well, to safeguard the lord’s safety. Stay alert, all of you, there’s no room for any negligence.”

Even though more than half of Tsing Yi army has been vanquished within Xiangyang district, they could not ignore the possibility that their enemies may rise up against them.

“Yes, sir!”


Without attending to her own image, she called for someone.

“Where are the ladies in the hall just now?”

That troop’s face turned red with embarrassment and said, “Does Langjun want to see them all?”

Jiang Pengji raised her brows and said, “Call me lord.”

He corrected his words, then asked again, “Does my lord want to see them all?”

“Yes.” Jiang Pengji nodded.

When she rushed in for a kill, she noticed not just General Jiu and the rest but also 20 over scantily dressed women in the hall.

Back then the situation was messy, Jiang Pengji could not vouch for their safety. Now that things have become peaceful, they should be given a place to settle down.

The troops are a group of officials, even if strict rules and discipline govern their head, one cannot guarantee that they won’t have lustful thoughts and act upon them.

After all, these troops came from a background of bandits.

Jiang Pengji understood very well what bandits are like.

Shortly after, the ladies who were locked up at the small woodshed by the side hall were brought before them. They all looked downcast, some had solemn faces, others were trembling in fear, still others from their appearance to their eyes, were dumbfounded, as if walking puppets.

Jiang Pengji took her seat and the ladies recognized her. They recalled her indomitable look when she barged in to kill and receded in fear.

“My lord, the people you asked for have been brought over.”

Jiang Pengji glanced at the women, then shifted her eyes towards the soldiers.

She asked plainly, “Did you guys bully them?”

Their faces turned deathly while, they lowered their voice saying, “We did not bully them...only when jostling, it’s inevitable that we’ll touch a bit...”

The internal rules the troops observe are clear and strict. Whoever disobeys, there are serious consequences awaiting. They know their limits.

Expectedly, men of all ages have natural urges.

Jiang Pengji is very sympathetic, she never expected them to be devoid of desires and be content with being single like a monk.

To resolve this awkwardness, she gave Meng Hun a prior notice that every soldier is allowed to act impulsively once a month. They could decide what to do with their time that day.

So long as, they didn’t beat up or murder others, breaking the rules commanded and warned against, she would turn a blind eye to the rest.

Consequently, if they disobeyed the rules she set, they would be in a sorry state.

“You are honest, leave us. Search within the district magistrate for clothes with thicker material and give it to the ladies.”

That guy experienced saving grace, he hurriedly got up and left.

After leaving, he discreetly raised his hands to wipe his forehead, in relief he took a long deep breath.

Facing the chief military master, Meng Hun, he could still hold his bearing. Yet when faced with his lord, he stammered even when speaking.

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