The Legacy System

Chapter 100 - 100: Police Arrival

It was a ludicrous reason, to begin with, he had been apprehended for the kidnapping of his own little sister Takeshiba Aika.

Apparently, the news had been widespread in the media, and social networks, where one of his guards had confessed that he was part of the team kidnapping her. ​​

Nobody knew where the guard was now, or if he was alive or not. But the confession had broken the internet, and people were forwarding it as much as possible.

Even though unwillingly, the police and the government couldn\'t allow this case to go unnoticed, so they had started an investigation and even apprehended Takeshiba Yuto.

At the same time, they had even informed Master Takeshiba, who was clearly dumbstruck at that moment and couldn\'t make sense of the situation.

With what he knew his son was a sharp, and intelligent person, he would never do something as stupid as kidnapping his own blood sister.

Firstly, he knew about his influence, power, and strength, he even had an idea of the hidden pieces he had, so it was impossible for him to escape with this.

Secondly, he had high hopes for this youngest son of his, and had always given him whatever he asked, he went out of his way to ask for an engagement with the crumbling Yoshida\'s for him.

He had always given him whatever he asked for, so if he needed money he could just go up to him and ask for the money, he didn\'t have to do such a brainless thing as kidnapping his own sister.

These thoughts were enough for Master Takeshiba to ascertain that it wasn\'t his son who had done the kidnapping, and he was probably being set up.

But who would dare to go out of his way and set him up like that? Was the guy behind the conspiracy truly that ballsy, or just had a death wish?

There was also one more matter that he didn\'t understand from all this, how come his daughter was kidnapped and he had no idea of it. What was the security guarding her doing?

All these thoughts confused him more, as he immediately got up from his seat, and made for the station, while telling the commissioner calling him, to try and tone this matter down.

Even though it was a bit late, they still could find a way to play around it, but first, they had to find the person who had prepared the set-up.

With all this new information and Takeshiba Yuto\'s words, the spear was headed towards Eric. He had been the one to profit from all this.

For that reason, they were heading up towards the Fragrance Hall in this big caravan of police cars, and news vans\'.

As a matter of fact, Takeshiba Yuto had tried to obstruct the police a bit in returning to this place because he wanted to give ample time to Master Miura to do what he had to do.

But seeing that he wasn\'t getting any news from Master Miura for a long time, then he decided that he had to come here, and see for himself what was happening.

Of course, he would be accompanied by the police, as they had a reason to go and meet with Eric too. They wanted to inquire about any possible involvement he had in this case.

Young Master Takeshiba Yuto was thinking of finding Eric captured and tortured by Master Miura, to take the cooking recipes out of him, and then blame him for kidnapping his sister.

While Eric would only be a scapegoat, he would take his time to search about the real kidnapper and the reason why he was set-up.

As for the possibility of Eric overturning the situation with Master Miura, it was a clear impossible madness, that sly fox would never misstep.

When the police caravan arrived in front of the Fragrance Hall, Young Master Takeshiba Yuto wasn\'t surprised to see this place empty.

He thought that most probably Master Miura had already captured Eric and he was torturing him slowly to get the cooking recipes out of him.

But if that was the case, then why hadn\'t he informed him of the situation? Did he think that he, Takeshiba Yuto, was a good-for-nothing, and he could cross him like that?

This whole situation was making him have a really bad premonition, something wasn\'t right. Something was definitely not right with this situation.

In the meantime, the police surrounded the place, and the entire empty street in a short time, and started searching for any witness.

Even though it was useless and they didn\'t think that they would be able to find anything. From the moment they saw the empty street, they knew that this was a \'fight reservation area\'.

What that meant was that someone with power, had used his background, or some kind of benefit or threat to clear the place because a big fight might happen.

The weird thing in this place was that there were signs of a fight in this place, but no blood spilled, nor corpses. This was impossible.

Just what had happened here, didn\'t make sense in the least, as they kept searching for any possible clue around the place.

It was at that moment, when Eric came out of his restaurant, with a high and mighty attitude as he took a look at the scene as he walked in the direction of the person in charge.

The policemen were a bit startled seeing Eric get out of his restaurant, but seeing him calmly assess the situation, and head towards their superior, where all the media was gathered, they were alarmed.

Immediately taking their guns out, they started screaming,

"Stop! Place your hands above your head, and don\'t move!"

Their gun pulling and screams caught the attention of the whole crowd, as they all turned their faces to look at Eric.

But while most of them were looking towards him with curious and slightly confused looks, there was one person who seemed to have just seen a ghost.

Young Master Takeshiba Yuto had never even imagined the possibility of Eric being alive, safe, and sound. In his head, Eric\'s chapter had already been closed.

No matter how sharp he was, and how intelligent he was, if he didn\'t have enough power to stand tall in this world, then he was destined to be just a stepping stone.

But right now, Eric was standing in front of him, with the look of the anger of someone being wronged. He wasn\'t looking at him though, he was looking at his Uncle Satoru.

On the other hand, Eric stopped, raised his hands above his heads, as his clear voice sounded through the place.

"My name is Eric Jade, and I am the half-owner of the Fragrance Hall! It\'s nice of you to show up only after the damage has been done, esteemed policemen.

I just want to congratulate your superior on his timely arrival! Perhaps you should have waited some more time, and came here when I died."

His words stunned the crowd, as a new wave of curiosity and confusion spread through the place. His words startled even Uncle Satoru, who had been assessing him up all this time.

He seemed to be angry at the police incompetence and his ironic words wore more than enough proof for that.

As for uncle Satoru, he just looked with a fierce and sharp look towards Eric, as he said in a solemn, and cold voice,

"What do you mean kid!?"

Eric seemed to be fuming hearing that tone towards him, as he said in a loud and clear voice,

"A big fighting to the death took place in here, with a lot of shootings, and weapons clashing, and it took you more than 4 hours to appear.

Is this some kind of joke!?"

At this moment, Eric looked like an angry Young Master who was throwing a tantrum in front of the police. But what surprised them more, was the news he just said.

A big fight had happened in this place! There were people clashing with weapons, and even a shooting took place. Just what had happened here?

Uncle Satoru was clearly startled by this entire situation, not because of the fight, or clash, but because of Eric.

Earlier he had truly been here and could understand what was going on, but he had made a blind eye because of the involvement of Young Master Takeshiba Yuto.

What surprised him now though was the fact, that earlier Eric was in front of a big group of soldiers giving a really fierce aura, while seemingly alone, as his only backup had left him dry.

So how was it possible that he was still here, alive, safe, sound, and looking as if he didn\'t have even the slightest scratch on his body?

Being part of this situation, and remembering all the moves of Young Master Takeshiba Yuto during the time he was detaining him, he felt like he was being used as a chess piece against this kid.

A sensation that he didn\'t like in the least, as he looked at Young Master Takeshiba Yuto with a fierce look, of someone who had just made the mistake of his life.

While Young Master Takeshiba Yuto was getting more and more confused about what was happening in here, and how the situation was turning.

Uncle Satoru thought that Takeshiba Yuto\'s confused look seemed a bit weird, but he didn\'t bother with it, as he turned towards Eric and said,

"Are you saying that you were part of a fight, and even used guns towards other people kid!?"

Hearing those words, Eric seemed to have heard a big joke, as he looked like a lunatic who was laughing from being too angry as he said,

"What are you being used as another pawn from the Takeshiba family to make me give up on loving Takeshiba Aika?

Well, tell them they don\'t have to worry anymore, because, from the moment we escaped from our kidnappers, we already decided to walk our separate tracks."

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