The Legacy System

Chapter 473 - 473: Tyrant Leader Eric Over!?

Chapter 473 – 473: Tyrant Leader Eric Over!?

Since the house didn\'t have many entrances, the number of the opponents able to enter inside was always limited to something over 50 at a time.

Furthermore with Eric\'s and the puppets infinite looking stamina they were killing left and right without caring in the least.

So slowly but surely the numbers of the attackers were dwindling, as not even a slight wound was appeared on Eric\'s body, and even less the puppet who didn\'t even get a scratch.

Seeing this, the guy in charge felt like he wanted to cough a few mouthfuls of blood, as the people that he had instigated, lied, and brainwashed all this time were being killed like that.

It was so difficult to actually convince all of them to do something like this, and yet their numbers were going down like they were vegetables chopped on the chopping board.

He had to do something, he couldn\'t allow Eric to continue kill his people like that, even though he had a lot of them, he still needed them to perfectionate this place, his personal kingdom.

Thinking as hard as he could, he could finally reach a brilliant idea, as he ordered his people,

"Stop entering the building to die, rather than that destroy the building, and let that bastard be buried alive in there!

At the same time, the snipers and gunners take positions on the exists of the building, don\'t let that bastard even think of getting out alive!"

The moment they got such an order, the crowd stopped running inside the building to try and kill Eric, who had already killed a few hundred more, and started attacking the walls of the building.

Noticing this, Eric took a few moments of rest to recover his health, stamina, and energy through potions, and when the building was about to get destroyed he made the puppet turn into armor and jumped outside.

"Hahahah~! What made you guys think that I would wait inside to let you kill me?"

While he said those words with a happy smile, and a cheery voice, to the people outside his words were the same as the whispers of the Grim Reaper before their death.

The guys in the first row couldn\'t help but think that they had seen their life expire in front of their eyes, and it was impossible for them to escape.

They had understood it perfectly, as the next moment Eric had appeared in front of them, with the puppet extending two sharp swords for him, and with a quick and swift move he cut through 10 people.

This seemed like the perfect meaning of chopping people like chopping vegetables, and this was just the start.

The guy in charge of the insurgence and rebellions was so startled and frightened when he saw Eric act like that, as he couldn\'t control himself but scream at the snipers and gunners,

"Shoot him! I want you to shoot and kill him!"

"But leader our people are around him, we might kill our own brothers!"

"Don\'t question my decisions, shoot that bastard! Now~!"

The poor gunner and snipers had no other choice but to obey as they started shooting towards Eric\'s direction.

Even though they tried their best, and the snipers were quite good, the gunners were still unable to keep the target in sight and shoot only at the target.

Really soon, it wasn\'t only Eric who was killing the insurgents but their people themselves as well. On the other side, Eric was just like a death god reaping lives with each step.

Not even one of his steps was empty or didn\'t end up with killing one or two insurgents, but still the numbers he was facing were quite big.

Until now he had actually managed to kill a few thousand people, but there were still more than 20.000 people left, and this was slowly getting to him.

It wasn\'t only a matter of health and stamina but also a question of mental fortitude, and spirit power. 

If it weren\'t for those potions of his keeping him up, he would have already been injured or killed by now.

Still despite all that, he had the confidence of cleaning his house from any kind of rat that was fighting or hiding at the moment.

But man, were this guys a pain in the ass. Not getting scared even seeing these many people dying in front of them, they continued coming towards him in waves.

It was just like he was fighting some sort of snake, no matter how many times he managed to cut his tail, the snake would always regenerate it quickly, and then attack again.

With this clear, there were only to options in front of him. First he continued to cut the snake\'s tail until it was unable to grow it again, or just take down the head and then kill its body.

The first way was too tiring and long, as he would have to kill all these idiots before killing the leader.

And truth to be told, he was afraid that the bastard in charge might even try something against the people that had been backing him up, the prisoners.

Until now he had been too focused on himself, and didn\'t have the time to think about them, but if this continued for long enough no one knew what might happen.

For that reason, the second option was the best option for him, and he immediately got to work, as he started making a path for himself towards the Leader guy.

With one sword on each hand, and a great armor he started carving a path through the insurgents by himself.

It was just like some kind of big snow removing car, carving a path through a snow covered highway. 

Extremely simple, easy, and pleasant looking to the eye. The only differences here were that Eric was cleaning his path from humans and not snow, but he wasn\'t a snow removing truck either.

Noticing Eric\'s new trajectory the poor Leader started shivering all over, as for some reason he felt like he was watching death slowly walk over to him.

It was at that moment that he was finally reminded of the hostages, as he started screaming to the people closest to him,

"Hostages, use the hostages to block his path and cover from his attacks!"

While his people were still a bit in shock about what was going on, he went to Ice, and putting his knife on her throat he screamed out loud,

"Stop this madness, otherwise I am going to kill her, you monster!"

His words managed to attract the attention of not only Eric, but also the rest of the people inside the venue, as they couldn\'t help but praise their Leader for being so wise.

None of them seemed to care that if he had done something like this earlier, then they wouldn\'t have needed to leave so many corpses behind.

As for Eric he couldn\'t help but get a bit angry that this bastard had tried to use this shameless mean to actually make him surrender.

Even though Ice was considered as a stranger to him, for some reason he couldn\'t allow that bastard to kill her.

The expression on Ice\'s face was amidst sadness and regret, as she seemed to believe that Eric would throw her life away and wouldn\'t care much about her.

Seeing this Eric couldn\'t help but stop fighting for a moment, as a sword or a knife pierced through his back.

That was enough to make the Leader extremely happy as he thought that this was the end of Eric, with such a wound it should be impossible for him to keep it up for long.

In the meantime Ice couldn\'t believe her eyes, the person that had placed a slave seal upon her, and that had always talked to her as a liability, was actually doing something like this for her.

Even her Master had actually crossed her and was only using her. Most probably if her Master was found in the same situation, she would have discarded her immediately.

After all, compared to her own life, the life of a tool or a slave was nowhere worth it. Few people would do something like Eric did at this moment, and willingly or unwillingly weird feelings surfaced on her heart.

On the other hand, the Leader seemed to be quite happy at this moment, as he started laughing out loud and then saying with a scream,

"Hahahahahah~! You dare to claim to be a Tyrant Leader!? Hahahahah~! You can\'t even sacrifice a sl*ut in order to reach your goals, what kind of Tyrant Leader are you!? Hahahah~!"

The idiots who had been brainwashed seemed to be happy as well, as they finally had a chance to kill this deadly star, as they couldn\'t help but laugh along, as they said their own minds.

\'Hahahahahah~! This idiot is done!\'

\'I will make sure to torture him slowly until death, I will fill his wounds with salt, and make him eat his own waste!\'

\'I will give him a taste of his own medicine!\'

The more they talked the weirder did things get, but Eric didn\'t seem to care about them, despite his blood leaking from his back, as he looked towards Ice with a serious and solemn face and screamed,

"Ice, will you hand your body, heart, and soul to me!? I will help you get rid of that rat over there!"

Ice was still in quite the mess as she didn\'t know what to think anymore, she felt sorry for Eric, but there was nothing she could do.

Hearing those words from him she was even more confused, but she felt that she at least owed him that…

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