Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 401 401: Welcome To Te Boreas I

Chapter 401 401: Welcome To Te Boreas I

The wind welcomed Cole with a sound of singing and sheep grazing. He had shown up right back where he had first logged? into the sixth floor. There was a massive oak tree on a lush hill overlooking the city in the distance. Cole was sure it would make for an amazing painting or picture, but he was not in that much of a mood to enjoy the ambience in the air.

He checked himself, noticing his gun and anything technological had been disabled. Even his armor which was leather had been removed, the advancements in technology and skills too much for the stage. Some things can translate over, taking a shape that would be most fitting for them on this floor, but at the same time it was only with a few rare things.

He noticed a young boy sitting by6 the roots of the tree, he had been responsible for the singing. There was a certain sense of familiarity from the boy, as Cole looked at him . the boy patted the root besides him and Beckoned Cole to come seat while hen pulled out a pipe and started smoking…..mind you this boy looked no older than ten or eleven at most. It was a…..weird sight.

"I am sorry about your loss, familial bonds are what is most important. I remember a time when I used to have some of those laying around.? But n ow there\'s just me, good old innkeeper." Cole smiled, getting all of the confirmation he needed about who he was looking at

"Hello Bob, and thank you."

"Yeah, your family is massively fucked up, the only family I can say have this much drama as the Norse of Asgard and the Greeks of Olympus. Bloody bastards are political about everything. Yours deserves a spot up there, wallowing in the hall of fame of shit families. But in the end you cant pick your family. You can just chose to do better."

"Never the less Bob, I believe I\'m supposed to be the one coming to you for help or information, what are you doing here?" Cole asked as he shifted his gaze across the expansive and wild plains in front of him. The city in the distance and even more so the shimmering sea to its east.

"I don\'t know how, but you have become a major player in a game of cosmic proportions. Of course not that this is the first time, for all previous 25 incursions of the system there has always been someone who would rise up out of the masses to be the face of the universe. These 25 individuals make up the founding members and board of Sierra Corp….individuals who chose to live their lives by racing ahead of the system to seed universes with the Titan Rising game to prepare them for the incursion.

Either way these group of people paid me to find and deliver a message. Through means of divination we have come to realize that, the system will experience a massive change and you will be right in the middle of it. So whatever it might be Cole, do be careful, if Sierra corp has their eyes on you then you can be very well damn sure that there are other parties with eyes on you and not all of them are so polite."

Cole shrugged in response. "Doesn\'t matter,whatever needs to happen will happen, but I will not be laying down. So let them come. Now is there anything you can tell me about this city in front of me? Or better yet the world as a whole?" Bob chuckled as he looked to the side, rubbing the tip of bis fingers to the side. Cole rolled his eyes, the bastard was a God yet he still extorted people for the sale of information.

Or perhaps it was not extortion, just a business transaction between two people. Never the less Cole paid, he was sure he was not the only one dealing with Bob, and since Bob always had knowledge and information about everything, Cole was sure he was not the only one who felt like he had a personal relationship with the cosmic entity.

"Hmmm let\'s see. Te Boreas is an amazing place, a city of all forms of art and romance and the capital of this planet. It is the seat of power of the adventurer\'s guild. A body of power that is overseen by 12 Guild Kings and 36 High Guild Lord. These are the ones with the major power and influences, each of them leading a major city of their own, below them are the Low Guild Masters, then the adventurers themselves.

Their government here is pretty straight forwards. The people come to them for help I\'m handling any and all task, heck even things as crazy as making a poor person wealthy. As long as it can be made into a request then you can be sure that the adventurer\'s guild would have someone ready to handle that for you.

The Guild rules, but Te Boreas still has a king and a royal family, and a Militia or rather an army strong enough to rival the forces of the adventurer guild even if the king the army answers to is also a standing member of the guild and one of it leaders. Never the less the political landscape is a bit shaky, the royal family is trying to wrest control and power back from the adventurer\'s guild, and the guild would do anything to keep that power in their hands.

Then there\'s the craftsman guild and the common people that I caught in between the power struggle. You are going to have to go into all that and make a life for yourself there whilst you look for the path to the seventh floor. As per usual I have an inn somewhere in there, you just have to find it. Our rate still remains the same, good luck Cole son of Night." and with that he was gone, along with all of the sheep that had been grazing near by. Cole sighed as he turned to the city, before that he needed to deal with all the notifications that were pending…..it was time to see if he has made it to either level 100 or the diamond rank.

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