Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 428 428: Tests II

Chapter 428 428: Tests II


Cole grunted in discomfort as he felt thousands upon thousands of tiny hair like roots stab into his body. He felt them wiggle in through his pores, and the moment they were in, [Demonic Constitution] was already at alert, a thousand and one ferocious demonic soldiers ready to rain havoc and destruction on anything there perceive as a threat.

"If you let your [Demonic Constitution] see the root probes as a threat then I would not be able to run my tests. Even with how ridiculously pliable and resilient the root probes are, they have up till date not been able to defeat the [Demonic Constitution] skill of a Raen.

It\'s a skill with a mind of it\'s own, your body\'s own natural defense that\'s smart! Artificial intelligence smart if not more. And they evolve with each battle and each injury, to become more resilient, literally building up defenses against whatever threat that comes into your body or cuts through your body. I\'ve seen many healing skills, especially self healing skills, but never have I seen one that doesn\'t just grow stronger but evolves, to ensure you don\'t ever get damage by whatever damages you the first time.

And expose the skill to that threat long enough, it will finally build up an immunity. So you have to tell it to stand down, while I carry out the scans, I\'m not comfortable with leaving the probes for too long in your body, it would make it much harder next time, if you body decides it wants to get a little bit more resilient to the root probes material. "

Cole narrowed his eyes, and pressure seemed to fall over the lab. "You are probing me? " Peronico blinked once, then twice, then turned to look at others for help only to see Tehilla trying hard not to fall over in laughter.

"Come of it Cole, you will give the poor gnome a heart attack. And probe jokes don\'t just suit the image you\'re going for." Tehilla said to him as she walked over looking up the smiling Cole.

"Well it was just asking for it, besides when you think about. Technically Peronico is an alien… so. Aliens and probes….. that\'s a nasty business, reminds me of the fucking Nijat! Ugh!" Cole shook in seeming disgust as Tehilla rolled her eyes. Badass leader of a growing demonic civilization and soon to be father, Cole was some times just a baby.

"Carry on Peronico, your boss is just messing with you." Tehilla said to the gnome as Cole gave him a nod ton reassure him.

"Alright, the probes have gotten through, I\'ll begin the spell sequence for the scans, give me five minutes." Cole watched as the mage began to chant, symbols flying out of his lips as he spoke. From just a few, it went up to a dozen, then two dozen, then soon enough there were hundreds of glowing symbols in the air.

Then the flow of the chant changed, taking up a more melodic undertone as the symbols flew ahead, all of them falling onto the roots. There seemed to be a surge of energy, but it was not wild or unruly, in fact it felt more like softly flowing stream. Cole couldn\'t see it, but the roots rippled as the symbols rearranged themselves into 10 massive spell circles superimposed over each other.

Peronico crossed his legs and floated in the air while some sort of hexagonal cube was held afloat in his palms. The cube rotated constantly sometimes faster, other times extremely slowly. But as it spun different sides of it\'s form glowed, releasing light that would be in return reflected by Peronico\'s golden yellow glowing eyes.

Cole on the other did not feel that much different. He was a lot more sensitive to energy than any other Raen, but ultimately he was able to keep his body calm as Peronico ran his scans. It was another ten minutes before Peronico started speaking, he chuckled then cleared his throat.

"Well I would have to run another test once you have crossed the level 100 mark, because from what I can see your body is right now in a state of flux or transition. Turning and transforming from one thing to the other. I am getting some readings but without the necessary stability of your biology, there are some things that are unclear.

But this was not all a waste of time, there are other readings that line up with what I\'ve already found out. For one the Raen body, is not like the human body. While organs are there to work, there are cells, veins, blood, enzymes etc. The Raen body 8sna singular organism, everything is bound tightly and communicating with each other at ten times the speed of thought.

Very efficient in protecting and improving itself, Lord Cole. Like I\'ve told everyone who has been tested, a Raen will keep on getting stronger even if all they do is sleep. They would gain stats from their body stimulating and pushing itself to grow stronger. And to do that it needs energy, which explains why a Raen\'s capacity for energy is higher than an 26th earth human sub-races.

Also soul, body and spirit are one or rather are becoming one, it has the added effect of making you extremely resilient to magic and energy and becoming extremely tough. But it also means every injury would be ten times as painful, any curse ten times as worse, because you would be feeling it not just in your body, but your spirit and your soul. You would be extremely hard to kill, almost impossible to. But any thing that can break through your guard would hurt you ten times as much."

That sounded ominous to Cole, for one he did not think he was invisible. He was not even at the peak of the earth confluence not to mention having the strength of facing of the heaven\'s confluence individuals. In a fight against them all that he would aim or hope for would be survival, because as long as he survives, his body will learn and adapt, and he would come back stronger.

"Your body is heavily saturated with energy, heck if you feed someone anything from your body, hell even your shit, the odds that they would gain level percentage from it is about 87%. But that\'s if they don\'t die from Chaos poisoning first. I don\'t know how, but your entire constitution is entwined with Chaos or rather I\'d say...you are generating it.

The energy is raw I can\'t even tell it apart from your cells if I don\'t use trans-corporeal Sub-Dimension magical, spectrum orthospectos. But it is there, you are like a Chaos man or something…..I believe once the stat of transition that your body is in slows down, control over the chaos would be set. This phenomenon however is different in every Raen, for example Delarosa energy signature was a death energy with a hint of toxicity. Each Raen is the same and unique at the same time, it\'s as if your skills and your being are one and the same.

Normally skills are supposed to be knowledge of how to utilize and shape the energy you have at your disposal. But for you Raens, they\'re like characteristics of your own being. Much like how am eye can see or a tongue can taste. Your skills become organs or are akin to organs, and they shape and change the Raen\'s body. Gods above and below, you people are monsters!"

"I\'m taking that as a compliment." Farida said as she turned her to the side to look at her fingers.

"There\'s your ability to smell emotions, for some Raens they can see it, others can hear it, and other taste and some feel. An entire race of empaths, my studies show that the ability itself will undergo further evolution, soon enough emotional interaction will come, and soon after control, and soon after creation, and through it all, the Raen biology gives me a distinct feeling….. at some point you people will be able to weaponize it….. or should I say we all.

But you Lord Cole, what you and perhaps even your descendants can do. No other Raen will be able to, the Night Bloodline is exquisite. Other results are further obscured, but one final thing I noticed is that there\'s a tether... a string of energy connecting you to every Raen and every Raen to each other through you.

The Raens….. have the qualities of some sort of hive mind race, but given that you all are still fundamentally….. Vampiric Elf Human Demons….. the VEHD. Has a nice ring to it, a hive mind would be the least of what I believe the Raens will be capable of in the future.

Imagine an army that fights the same, thinks the same, hears everything and see everything at the same time. Synchronicity and Unity unlike anything that has ever been seen or has ever existed. And this is just scratching the surface, My Lord Cole, to have seen such specimen of perfection has been the greatest honor of my life. I promise to do my best to ensure that Raenman reach the full limits of the potential…..if it even has a limit."

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