Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 460 460: Te Boreas: The Wolf War IV

Chapter 460 460: Te Boreas: The Wolf War IV

After the rather impressive breaking into of the city, their rather pathetic attempt at trying to coral him into a corner so that they could at least save some merits for themselves in this war. Everything was a political game even in the military as everyone is trying to get to the next spot up the ladder, and there always was a spot, even above the king that sits above everyone else.

"You should pay attention General, I wouldn\'t want this plan to go wrong. Apart from the obvious fact that you would die should you fuck it up, you still have to worry about disappointing me, and believe me, I don\'t think that\'s something you would want to be doing.

Soron hiccupped then quickly got himself under control. This was the kind of person Cole was, the rest of them were playing at being dangerous bad men. But him, he was the real deal, every threat spoken he means it, and he oozed charisma and commanded attention with every word he spoke.

Soron wondered if Cole did it on purpose of if this was truly the manifestation of his true self. There was poise in the way he moved, smoothly and swiftly, laid back but on edge to take heads off in a second. He was like a snake, in the end all the he could say about Cole was that the man reeked of death and danger, very much like his title says he is.

"The Lord Of Chaos."

"Did you say something general Soron?" the general shook his head like a rattle, a bead of sweat sliding down his back as he returned his attention back to their strategic meeting.

Cole had a spy network within the city, how he had come to do so baffled the generals but this network of his was able to give him the movements and plans of the enemy in real time. How that was possible without advanced technology from off world shocked him, but still getting to the palace was easier said than done.

Every major route to the palace had been cut off with a sizable amount of Animechs and artillery weapons. By now news of how a 100 of Cole\'s advanced mobility Animechs, an A.M.A as some of the denizens have taken to calling the monsters this man has created.

Either way news of the 1000 Animech strong gate force being decimated by only a 100 Animechs made from eggs that were according to rumors defective. Those giant mechanical wolves outside did not look like defects to general Soron.

They had to engaged the enemies in set places and I\'m set terrains and at set times. It would not be easy to go straight to the palace so some of the army would engage the enemy forces with superior numbers and draw reserves from other spots, weakening them enough for then [Company Of The Wolf] to either move past them, or remove them completely to gain a district for the Te Borean militia.

It was an elaborate and rather delicate plan, they would be hitting the guilds from sixteen different fronts with each of the sixteen having a varying number of the 100 wolves spread to cause as much chaos within enemy ranks as possible.

The sixteen locations were chosen at random, and the progression 0f the army and the wolves were haphazard. This was to keep the enemies guessing and unable to rally to combine forces or offer assistance.

But that was the end game, they still had to figure out a way to blind the enemies.. to ensure that they were not receiving information about their movements,. So that they would not come up with a strategy to stop them.

"There\'s no way we would be able to. Move that much of our forces undetected. Even if we leave the artillery and the Animechs behind for absolute mobility, we would not be able to do so completely undetected." Soron could not help but ask, he might have made it seem as if he was a complete fool before, so this was a chance to change the perception of him that was already going around.

"You don\'t need to worry about that, I\'ll teleport you all to your required locations. There\'s enough shadows in the city, it\'s a fair distance but it would barely cause a dip in my energy pool"

Soron swallowed whatever else he had to say in shock. This guy was just too much, he was talking about teleportation, with shadows! And he would be moving thousands of soldiers at the same time or at least in regular intervals.

From then one there wasn\'t to be said, as they all began to try and make the preparations. Soron had a pit at the bottom of his stomach, his awe and shock of the individual they Call Cole Night aside, this was his home. His wife and his children and his grandchildren were all in this city and they were all targets.

This was the one chance they all had to put and end to the guilds for good, and he worried they might fail, and if they failed, there was no scenario that could be worse than that. Either way they would make their move once night fell, the city was lit enough that they could fight, but even if it wasn\'t , an attack at night within the city is something they would not expect.

After all Soron had to admit that they had not been able to make a move for fear of collateral damage for both infrastructure and the people living in the city, and the districts around the palace except for a few were heavily populated which would mean causalities.

Many of the people in the outlying districts had also been moved deeper into the city, with the most of them being in the districts around the palace, this was a means for the guilds to have a few bodies between them, and even if they might seem nonchalant. All this would mean nothing if they attack and their people get caught in the cross fire.

Soron shook his head, working as quickly as he possibly could to get his people ready. But before they could march to where Cole would send them to their required locations, he had to say something to his people. By this point Soron was already well known for being an orator and that he had a tradition for always speaking to his men before any fight. He cleared his throat, he could hear the other generals whispering to themselves as they made fun of him, Cole\'s gaze were on him and that made him a lot more self conscious than he wanted.

"You all know me, I\'d say we shouldn\'t let the end of everything as we know it stop us from upholding tradition, and yes! That means I\'m up here with my big mouth to talk to you again." His troops laughed, as he lightened the tone, drawing even more attention to himself.

"When the guilds first came here, it was at a time when Te Boreas was weak, they offered us a chance at survival and our king took it. But they had their own way of doing things, they say they came to help but all they have done is exploit and grown fat from the suffering of the very people they say they want to help protect.

They took a good thing that we would have been eternally thankful for, and twisted it into the horror that our reality has become today. And now we say no more, but how dare we?

Their thoughts? How dare we small minded fools that they have been taking advantage of for the better part of 500 fuckin years! Decide that we want to live for ourselves. That we don\'t want to die by the hundreds every time they have issues with one another! That I don\'t have to be on the battlefield defending an important outpost of the kingdom from adventurers! With my own son! My flesh and blood placed right on the front lines for me to see….. to see and slaughter."

The silence was heavy and electricity seemed to dance in the air. They knew his story, they knew what the General has faced at the hands of the guild.

"So you all believe me when I say that this fight…. It\'s very fucking personal! And I can\'t promise you that you all if anyone of you would make it back from this. On that battlefield I\'m not your general, for today I believe that honor falls to our ally.

But on this blessed day! My boys and my girls I will take to the battlefield with you. Because we are not fighting for the king or the bloody kingdom anymore, we\'re fighting for ourselves. For our future! For justice! For safety! There would be no pretty words, we are here because we want to fuck them up for how much they have fucked us up!

They say this is a rebellion…..they were wrong! This is a mother fuckin reckoning! And the bill comes DUE!"

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