Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1133 - Clarifying the Announcement

Chapter 1133: Clarifying the Announcement

July 2nd, Monday...

At around 8 AM, Pei Qian turned off his alarm and sat up in bed, ready to face the challenge of the new week.

Buying the house over the weekend could be considered as settling a load on his mind. As for renovations, he could take it slow.

After cleaning up the multitasking tasks in his brain, he could focus on the final assault before settlement.

Pei Qian brushed his teeth as he switched on his cell phone to check how the fake reviewers were doing.

It had to be said that Hu Xiao’s fake reviewers were quite efficient. There were discussions about VR glasses and games on Weibo, gaming forums, and many other media.

“I heard that Tengda’s new game is a VR game! It’s definitely an epoch-making game. Teacher Qiao had been trying out that game!”

“VR game? This type of game should be very immature, right?”

“It’s alright. Boss Pei is personally in charge. What’s there to worry about? Boss Pei can definitely make any game type!”

“The current VR is not very good, right? I’ve tried a few foreign VR glasses. The clarity is not very good. They look especially blurry.”

“I heard that Tengda has invested a lot in developing VR glasses this time. They should be able to crush the VR glasses in the market. It will definitely be a completely different experience!”

“Is that true? That’s too exciting! It’s such a huge matter, and yet no one knows about it? That doesn’t make sense, does it?”

“I feel that it’s getting more and more ridiculous. When did Tengda start working on the VR project? It’s impossible even if you think about it. Tengda Games is still working on the follow-up update of Mission and Choice. Eternal Reincarnation is still in debt. As for Shang Yang Games, they are still updating the Fitness Battle, including various new clothes, new characters, and new gameplay. Where would they have the time to create a ‘epochal VR masterpiece’?”

“Otto Technologies is also busy with the new cell phone and smart fitness drying rack. It’s impossible for it to take the time to make another VR glasses, right?”

“I think you’re going crazy wanting to play Tengda’s Games. You’ve even imagined VR games! I think you’re either sick or you’re taking the unreliable rumors seriously!”

“That’s right. Do you really think that Tengda’s new game will be played for you every month? Boss Pei is so busy. Even the female pig in the production team cannot produce so much!”

Pei Qian nodded in satisfaction when he saw these discussions.

Yes, it was basically as he had expected.

At the moment, there were two main voices on the internet. The first was that the fake reviewers were brainlessly boasting. They did not mention Slow Movement Studio at all. Instead, they replaced the main language with ‘Tengda’ and tried their best to brag about this new pair of glasses and the new game.

The second type of voice was some sporadic doubts. There were also various directions of doubts. The most convincing doubts were: Tengda’s two games development departments were currently busy with other things. They could not spare the time and manpower to develop such a large VR game.

In fact, some of these voices were correct, but some of them were not.

If he wanted to push public opinion to the side, he just had to emphasize content that would be helpful for his reverse publicity.

It was about time.

If he continued to boast like this, the popularity would not be able to stop. It would be disadvantageous for the future.

A few sparks had just been lit now that there was a little heat generated. There were also some doubts. It was best to drench it with cold water!

Pei Qian immediately logged onto Tengda’s official Weibo account and sent a screenshot of the clarification announcement that he had prepared beforehand.

Pei Qian had not spoken to Lin Wan’s Slow Movement Studio about the details of the publicity plan this time. However, he had already informed Lin Wan and the others not to overreact. These publicity plans had a special purpose.

Therefore, he was not afraid that Slow Movement Studio would undermine him after he posted this Weibo.

During the entire publicity plan cycle, Slow Movement Studio would silently bear all of this without saying a word.

After the notification was successfully released, Pei Qian opened the Weibo picture and read it again.

“Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd.”

“Clear announcement”

“Recently, there have been some false rumors online. In order to clarify the truth and to prevent players from having unrealistic expectations, the special announcement is as follows:”

“The online VR glasses project and game project do exist, but they are not works of any department of Tengda Corporation. The VR glasses project and game project are both developed by Slow Movement Studio.”

“Tengda Corporation and Slow Movement Studio only have a simple investment relationship in the organization structure. There is no clear subsidiary relationship.”

“Tengda’s new game project is still in the midst of being considered. It is expected to be officially developed next month. Please wait!”

Next was the signature, time, and company stamp.

The clarification announcement was written in a very formal tone. It also covered Tengda Corporation’s stamp and was released on the official account. The credibility was self-evident.

Pei Qian waited patiently for a while. Soon, many players’ comments appeared on Weibo.

“Fu*k, what does that mean?”

“Clearing ties?”

“To think that I was looking forward to this game and the VR glasses. I was fooled after all this time!”

“Why does everyone look so disappointed? Isn’t this confirming the existence of glasses and game projects?”

“So what if it’s confirmed? Look carefully, this is not Tengda’s development at all! What’s there to look forward to the products made by a small company that is not famous?”

“I felt that something was going to happen since it was so exaggerated online previously. A small company did not think about making a good product but wanted to buy fake reviewers to praise it... In my opinion, this product would definitely not do well!”

“Didn’t they say that Tengda is in an investment relationship with it?”

“Don’t tell me you don’t know that Tengda is investing in everyone? Dream Realization Ventures is not rejecting anyone. They have invested in many companies. This cannot prove whether this company is reliable or not.”

“I think Tengda’s attitude is very clear. Obviously, it doesn’t want this small company to ride on its popularity. That’s why it released this statement. What’s more, taste this phrase carefully. ‘In order to not let gamers have unrealistic expectations’ means that this company’s products are not as impressive as they are described online. Don’t be deceived!”

“At the same time, it also means that what this company does has nothing to do with Tengda. Tengda just invested casually into this company.”

“What’s more, the announcement also said that Tengda indeed has a new project, but it will only start developing next month. In other words, it has confirmed that this VR game has nothing to do with Tengda.”

“Why did Teacher Qiao say that he was trying Tengda Games?”

“He must have been fooled by Slow Movement Studio, right? They told Teacher Qiao that this was a game that Tengda had invested in, and Teacher Qiao foolishly believed them.”

“Indeed, the game that Tengda invested in is completely different from the game that Tengda developed!”

Pei Qian could not help but smile as he read the netizens’ discussions.

Hear, hear!

It was immediate!

Once this clarification announcement was released, it immediately cut off all ties between Tengda Corporation and Slow Movement Studio. What’s more, it caused the publicity effect of hiring fake reviewers to awkwardly praise the company to backfire.

Of course, the reason why it was so obvious was because there were fake reviewers.

It was just that they had hired high-end fake reviewers who did not leave any traces.

Through this simple version of ‘raising one’s desires first’, players had already established the image of Slow Movement Studio in their hearts: loving marketing, wanting to ride on Tengda’s popularity, Tengda had cut ties with it.

The first step was a huge success.

He had to strike while the iron was hot.

Pei Qian immediately sent a message to Meng Chang. “How’s your preparation going?”

Soon, Meng Chang replied. “Everything will go according to plan. We’ll post it on Weibo tomorrow and the day after!”


July 3rd, Tuesday...

Meng Chang was busy at the filming location of the promotional video.

“Very good, that felt right, but I have to be more inexplicable. Yes, put on a few more meaningless poses.”

“What role? Think about it yourself. How would I know? You’re an actor. You should have more imagination.”

“Yes, yes, this is good, one more.”

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