The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 155: Zhou Yi And the Bullet Screen [2]

Chapter 155: Zhou Yi And the Bullet Screen [2]

Translator: StormFrost


Zhou Yi didn\'t expect that he would actually become Chen Liguo\'s father in the next world.

The son, Lu Jiasu, the father, Lu Zhiyang. When Zhou Yi learned of his identity his first reaction was actually despair.

"I\'m actually Guoguo\'s father." Zhou Yi sighed. "Ai."

"The affairs of the world are constantly changing." 1012 followed Zhou Yi in sighing.

However, since the father-son relationship was set in stone Zhou Yi could only try to accept it. Zhou Yi knew that Chen Liguo was an orphan, so he wanted to try and let Chen Liguo feel the taste of a father\'s love in this world.

Zhou Yi had nothing he could say to Chen Liguo, so he simply gave Chen Liguo\'s entire room a SpongeBob-like makeover.

Yellow window, yellow lamp, yellow wallpaper. Chen Liguo who slept on the bed had a face full of contentment.

Zhou Yi walked over and kissed Chen Liguo\'s forehead.

During Chen Liguo\'s endless growth cycle Zhou Yi really treated Chen Liguo as a son to love dearly. Although he had never been a father before he did everything a father should do. He took him to the amusement park and bought him all kinds of toys.

The pure and clean father-son relationship ended when he found out that Chen Liguo wasn\'t his biological child.

Zhou Yi: "There is no bullet screen above my head, but a green prairie. Why didn\'t you give me spoilers earlier?"

1012 said, "I didn\'t know either ah."

The pitiful Lu Zhiyang was cuckolded by Lu Jiasu\'s irresponsible mother. Lu Jiasu wasn\'t his biological son at all.

1012 said, "Alright, Chen Liguo isn\'t your son anymore. Will you be wild with joy or continue to be without any interest?"

Zhou Yi: "……" Did this system of his have a problem somewhere?

Without the impediment of blood ties Zhou Yi could indeed be close to Chen Liguo but he didn\'t dare directly make a move on Chen Liguo and gave him a buffer period.

The pitiful Chen Liguo who was coldly cast aside held his SpongeBob and asked \'Daddy, do you not love me anymore?\' with tears in his eyes.

Zhou Yi thought in his heart, \'Son, Dad will always love you.\' But he still had a frosty expression on his face as he watched Chen Liguo leave with disappointment.

Zhou Yi felt that he was really being a little too harsh when doing this but Lu Zhiyang\'s character was just like this. He could not be gentle with someone who was not his own child--Unless they had the identity of a lover.

Chen Liguo slowly grew up, from a child, to a teenager, to a young man.

In any case, the one matter that Zhou Yi could be certain of in the end was: When he ate Chen Liguo into his stomach Chen Liguo was already of age in this world.

Zhou Yi: "……"

After the event, Chen Liguo who gained a sex life contentedly slept in. However, Zhou Yi went into the hallway and smoked a cigarette.

Zhou Yi: "Feels as though I\'ve been prostituted out."

1012: "….."

Zhou Yi: "And this feeling, feels like deja vu……"

1012 listened and said nothing.

It had to be said that the two of them were very happy in this world. At least, until Chen Liguo died.

Zhou Yi really wanted to swear at that time. Chen Liguo, this little bastard, didn\'t forget to do it with him before dying. When he finally died in his arms it had virtually turned into Zhou Yi\'s psychological shadow.

Zhou Yi removed the blindfold from his eyes then instantly went soft.

Zhou Yi: "Chen Liguo, I really damned want to fuck you to death."

Everything before 1012\'s eyes were just mosaics, so he didn\'t know what had happened until Zhou Yi dressed himself and Chen Liguo and then called the doctor.

The doctor was not the King of Hell and it was naturally impossible for the dead to come back to life. And so Chen Liguo died like that.

The doctor who treated Chen Liguo since young looked down on Lu Zhiyang after seeing the wounds on Chen Liguo\'s body. That expression obviously said: You pervert, you actually treat your son like this, not even letting him off after he died and inflicting injuries all over their body.

Zhou Yi: "……" Even with a mouth he really wouldn\'t be able to explain this.

Finally, Zhou Yi angrily had people investigate it which led to a whole series of matters.

Chen Liguo died for the daughter of fate.

Zhou Yi was not surprised with this outcome at all. He was just a little angry. He asked, "Is it that I don\'t understand Chen Liguo that well?"

1012 asked, "What\'cha mean?"

Zhou Yi said, "Him doing this, can it be to take revenge on me?"

1012 said nothing. In fact he really wanted to say, \'Aren\'t you thinking too much? Your loved one probably just wanted to do it with you before dying…..\'

Zhou Yi still had to show a sad look when holding Chen Liguo\'s funeral. Fortunately, his acting had reached a new standard and no matter who looked they would think that he was very sad.

Zhou Yi touched Chen Liguo\'s tombstone and secretly swore to himself saying that in the next world he must fuck Chen Liguo until even his mother wouldn\'t recognize him anymore. However, he forgot that once he left this world he\'d lose his memories about it.

This was the punishment of the first world, he would always only remember the first world.

Zhou Yi seldomly appeared before others afterwards. The only person in his life was Chen Liguo, so if Chen Liguo was gone then there was no need for him to exist anymore.

Fortunately, this world\'s Zhou Yi did not have a long life and in the second year following Chen Liguo\'s death he passed away in a car accident.

This accident really was an accident. Zhou Yi hadn\'t even reacted yet when he felt the world before him turn dark as he returned to the special space where the system was located.

1012 remarked in astonishment, "You died just like that?"

Zhou Yi said, "…… It seems so."

1012 said "Alright alright, won\'t blame you for an accident, onto the next world."

Zhou Yi had been Chen Liguo\'s father once and just as he wondered what trick the next world could have the system gave him a surprise.

Zhou Yi became Chen Liguo\'s son in the apocalyptic world.

Zhou Yi: "Why is this world so complex? I just want to maintain a simple physical relationship with him ah."

1012: "….."

Chen Liguo could taste the fun of being a father in this world.

Zhou Yi, this son, was much more competent then Chen Liguo. In just about a year he grew into an adult, saving a lot of food.

Chen Liguo was a silly dad in this world. So long as Zhou Yi sold meng he would not know anything. After Zhou Yi found out that his ability was to devour other people\'s abilities Zhou Yi knew that he must be the protagonist.

Vines, ice and fire, whatever one could think of. When dragging Chen Liguo off into the woods with the vines Zhou Yi was still a little hesitant. He was afraid of scaring Chen Liguo.

It turned out that he was really overthinking things.

Because as soon as the vines pulled off Chen Liguo\'s waistband a row of \'Yixixixixi\' appeared above Chen Liguo\'s head.

Zhou Yi instantly withered.

So in the end, he did not enter Chen Liguo and instead helped him rub a round with the vines.

Zhou Yi: "Feels as though I\'ve been prostituted out."

1012 said nothing. He already had a premonition that this phase would become Zhou Yi\'s exclusive line.

Although Chen Liguo was rather willing his body had to be dishonest. His acting skills had already reached the acme of perfection and his role in this world was very realistic.

Zhou Yi had to thank the bullet screen again this time for if it weren\'t there he probably wouldn\'t have made a move on Chen Liguo.

"No, no." Chen Liguo\'s eyes were full of tears as he continuously pleaded, his expression ever so horrified. His voice trembled. "Xixi, I am your father."

Zhou Yi thought, \'It\'s useless even if you\'re my father.\' Then completely ate Chen Liguo clean without any hesitation.

Because there were abilities in this world Zhou Yi and Chen Liguo played in a lot of different ways.

Chen Liguo\'s entire expression was an exhilarated \'Who am I, where am I, I feel so good ahhh, don\'t stop\' expression.

Zhou Yi was helpless about Chen Liguo. He kissed Chen Liguo\'s lips and asked him if he liked it.

Chen Liguo naturally said, "I don\'t like it, please stop."

Then Zhou Yi mumbled, "You clearly like it."

By that time Chen Liguo could not hear what Zhou Yi was saying anymore. His soul had already flown away from his head to a distant starry sky, full of violent \'yellow\' things.

Zhou Yi saw his expression and could basically guess what he was thinking. His heart felt tangled. He wanted Chen Liguo to be happy but was also afraid of him forgetting him.

Zhou Yi asked, "Have there been hosts who\'ve forgotten their original world?"

1012 replied, "There are ah, a lot."

Zhou Yi: "……"

1012 said, "How great are these worlds, much more interesting than their original one."

Would you find your original world too dull after experiencing so many interesting things? After eating a big feast, would you dislike congee and consider small side dishes as too bland?

Zhou Yi was a little vexed and did Chen Liguo for another round.

The ultimate goal of this world\'s daughter of fate was to save the world.

In the last bit of time in this world Zhou Yi became a little delirious because of an unexpected accident. He couldn\'t even hear the system\'s voice.

When he regained a bit of consciousness he found that Chen Liguo\'s entire person was going to be played broken by him. Chen Liguo lying by the edge of the water sobbing and sniffling, his entire body covered with ambiguous marks

Zhou Yi\'s heart immediately softened. He walked over and hugged Chen Liguo, softly mumbling Daddy.

Chen Liguo cried tears of tears and finally knew that he didn\'t have to over indulge in debauchery and die. He wrapped his arms around Zhou Yi and emotionally said, "Son, although you are foolish, Daddy loves you."

Zhou Yi: "……"

Chen Liguo could always destroy the atmosphere so aptly.

Then later Chen Liguo abandoned his less than ten years old son and left the mortal world.

When Zhou Yi looked at Chen Liguo\'s body, his first thought was: Daddy, without you what is son supposed to do ah.

However, he soon realized that he was too deep in the act. It was actually really good without Chen Liguo--Because Chen Liguo\'s mission was completed and he was going to the next world.

After Chen Liguo\'s death Zhou Yi carried Chen Liguo\'s body and went to many places.

Chen Liguo\'s body was rather strange. There was no sign of decay at all. Zhou Yi asked the system what was going on, to which the system responded, "Because he is just a string of simulated data ah and is different from the real human beings in the world."

Zhou Yi asked, "So I\'m data too?"

1012 said, "No, to be more precise you are a virus."

Zhou Yi: "……"

Finally, Zhou Yi brought Chen Liguo back to the house where they lived in. It was already an overgrown and wild place. After Zhou Yi cleaned it up a bit he began his long wait.

When the final time came Zhou Yi took Chen Liguo\'s body and found a volcano, then with a life-ending jump, went in.

1012 commented that his way of death was very creative. Zhou Yi responded, "Who told me to be so bored?" He practically walked all over this world.

1012 said, "Alright, alright, onto the next world onto the next world."

According to normal circumstances, Zhou Yi should have retained no memories of the other worlds.

However, a BUG appeared in the system, so when Zhou Yi transmigrated into the mafia world and became Yi Huai, his memories of the previous worlds began to indistinctly emerge in his mind.

He did not show it too obviously.

Chen Liguo who indulged in the flesh and had no intention of falling in love did not notice Zhou Yi\'s hints at all.

In the world of the mafia Chen Liguo was a noble and cool big shot while Zhou Yi was the ambitious wolf cub successor.

It had to be said that although Zhou Yi had a great sense of accomplishment when he pushed Chen Liguo down, when they finished, he felt an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart.

Chen Liguo was sound asleep next to him but what Zhou Yi thought was, \'Really want to go back soon.\'

Because his memories of the previous worlds were beginning to re-emerge, Zhou Yi began to think of Chen Liguo\'s various ways of deaths.

What killed by a gunshot ah, what dying while holding jade rods ah, what being done to death ah…… The more he remembered the more his head hurt. He couldn\'t even sleep well.

It had to be said that the mafia world was Zhou Yi\'s lowest time and this world just had to be very long.

Zhou Yi lived on as he felt distress towards Chen Liguo. He thought that if he didn\'t come and transmigrate alongside Chen Liguo, just how painful would it be.

At least now he could accompany Chen Liguo through reincarnation after reincarnation.

This world\'s Chen Liguo passed away very peacefully.

One day Zhou Yi came back home and saw Chen Liguo sitting on the chair, already departed.

Zhou Yi walked over, hugged him, and secretly said in his heart, \'Be good, you go first, I will come right away.\'

Zhou Yi did not wait. After he handled the proper arrangements he had people bury Chen Liguo\'s ashes together with his.

No one should have known about this matter but the daughter of fate roughly guessed it and then confirmed her own guess.

\'Together when alive and even when dead don\'t think about separating them.\' That was how Zhou Yi thought.

Another few worlds followed.

Zhou Yi\'s mood went from calm to anxious, then finally calm again. There was one thing he clearly thought through. No matter what Chen Liguo chose, he would not blame him.

In the final world Zhou Yi could not become himself. He became a spectator, a passer-by.

Zhou Yi vaguely guessed what was about to occur.

Zhou Yi: "I\'m afraid that he\'ll stay."

1012 comforted Zhou Yi, telling him to not feel bad, things would turn for the better.

Zhou Yi said, "No matter what he chooses, I don\'t blame him."

In fact, the system did not stipulate that Zhou Yi could not interfere with Chen Liguo but he himself chose to let go.

Chen Liguo looked too happy in the final world. So happy that Zhou Yi felt that it would be unforgivable for him to do anything to him.

They had gone through too many worlds and their originally clear memory of their own world also gradually became obscure.

However, Zhou Yi knew that he would always remember Chen Liguo\'s face, remember his smile.

"I wasn\'t familiar with him in high school." Zhou Yi said. "We didn\'t even speak more than a few words to each other. I didn\'t even know that he was secretly in love with me."

1012 listened quietly.

Zhou Yi said, "So many worlds are just like constant reincarnations." Fortunately, this cycle of reincarnation had an end, one that was nearing.

However, would Chen Liguo really like this end? Was he really willing to give this all up?

His loved ones loved him in this world. Childhood sweethearts, young and innocent, so admirable it made people jealous.

Zhou Yi had never seen so many smiles on Chen Liguo\'s face before. A life full of misery had left a profound mark on Chen Liguo. He could not believe in love, let alone believe that someone could love him.

This was probably the reason he and Zhou Yi had missed each other.

But this world\'s Chen Liguo was very confident.

After going through so many worlds he had probably tasted many things that he had never tasted before and felt many feelings he had once longed for.

While transmigrating, Chen Liguo changed.

Changing in the same way was Zhou Yi.

The old Zhou Yi was restrained like a mild jade. He was afraid of scaring Chen Liguo, so he wanted to make him gradually acknowledge his feelings with his actions.

But facts have shown that some people are susceptible to hard tactics, not soft ones.

If Zhou Yi had directly confessed to Chen Liguo at the beginning then they would not have missed each other.

Zhou Yi always thought, if Chen Liguo chooses to go back then the first thing he must do was to fuck Chen Liguo.

Zhou Yi\'s system 1012 was also sullen like Zhou Yi. His goal was to make Zhou Yi and Chen Liguo successfully fall in love and get together but he didn\'t expect it to end like this.

1012 said, "Say, how is their rate of remaining so high? The Perfect Destiny project group is too insidious."

Zhou Yi asked, "A lot of people stay?"

1012 thought about it and said, "A lot."

There was indeed many. When the illusory becomes reality, who wouldn\'t choose a more happy world?

There was love, family, everything you would have ever wanted.

The more he thought about it the less confident Zhou Yi became. He even felt like he could see the final result.

Birthday, earthquake, university, travelling.

There was no one named Lin Zhaorong in the trajectory of Chen Liguo\'s love. The Zhou Yi he loved always accompanied him.

Time passed by little by little and the moment to choose finally arrived.

Zhou Yi went to find Chen Liguo. He really wanted to kiss him, to hold him, to tell him the truth. But faced with Chen Liguo\'s happy appearance, he couldn\'t say these words.

So he could only say, "Happy birthday." Chen Liguo\'s expression showed his confusion, he couldn\'t understand why this man called Lin Zhaorong was so obsessed with him.

Lin Zhaorong rested his forehead on Chen Liguo\'s and saw how his beloved child\'s eyes were filled with stars.

Zhou Yi said, "Chen Liguo, I really miss you."

Chen Liguo couldn\'t understand.

Zhou Yi felt that he was going to lose his beloved child. He could see the bubbles of happiness above his head. He was really happy wasn\'t he. So many people came to celebrate his birthday. Zhou Yi thought about how he used to think that Chen Liguo didn\'t like boisterous events, so he usually celebrated Chen Liguo\'s birthday with just the two of them. Thinking back on it now, he didn\'t understand Chen Liguo at all.

"Are you happy?" He asked Chen Liguo such.

Chen Liguo nodded.

The answer was as Zhou Yi had expected, no surprise at all.

Then Zhou Yi let Chen Liguo go back. He stood in the washroom alone. After smoking through his cigarette he tossed it in the trash.

Zhou Yi said, "If he chooses to stay here, then what happens to the him in the original world?"

1012 said, "Time will not go back."

Time not going back was tantamount to Chen Liguo dying in that car accident.

Zhou Yi felt as though his heart was being hollowed out by something. He asked, "Will he stay?"

Zhou Yi had already asked this question a lot of times. At first 1012 thought that he was asking him but later he realized that Zhou Yi was asking himself.

He listed the reasons why Chen Liguo might stay and why he wouldn\'t on paper.

He found that there was a long list on the stay side but only one item on the leave side: The original world\'s Zhou Yi was there.

Zhou Yi left the washroom and randomly found a seat and began to wait.

Time felt exceptionally long and he even began to fear the darkness suddenly coming upon him.

Like a patient waiting for a death notice, Zhou Yi lost all hope.

Then darkness fell and the lights returned again. Zhou Yi saw Chen Liguo standing next to him--The car accident did not happen, time actually turned back.

His Chen Liguo chose to come back.

Zhou Yi could not control himself anymore. He embraced Chen Liguo, wishing to merge him into his body.

Confusion was plastered onto Chen Liguo\'s face. He was completely ignorant as to why Zhou Yi would react like this after his return.

But Zhou Yi did not want to explain. He fiercely declared, "Chen Liguo, I really want to fuck you to death."

Then he lowered his head and fiercely kissed Chen Liguo\'s lips.

Chen Liguo did not struggle. Although he did not understand what was going on, Zhou Yi kissing him was still something he was happy about.

After the kiss, Zhou Yi took Chen Liguo home and unrelentingly ate him into his belly.

Chen Liguo was done into tears by him. Zhou Yi did not stop. He almost lost him, almost lost his Silly Guo.

His Silly Guo never let him down. Even at the end of the tale, he chose his beloved Zhou Yi.

After many trials and tribulations, reincarnating in destiny, Chen Liguo\'s heart never changed just like how Zhou Yi always accompanied him by his side.

Almost finished. I still owe everyone a 2W collection of big meat. Wait for me to make it up after I come back from National Day. Today is my forever 18th birthday ? Just in time for the ending of the entire novel. It feels like there isn\'t much left to write. Feels like the first world is too gentle and it doesn\'t seem like there\'s much meaning to write it Yixixixixi. Let\'s meet again in the next novel everyone la. You can go to my special column and collect my new pit 《Fight for Peace and Love》.

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