The Demon's Soul

Chapter 6 Haunted house- Part 1

"I see," her mother nodded her head with a grim expression.

"I know you have something in your mind. You always do when you peek your head out of the door like that," Lilly smiled waiting for her mother to speak.

"My daughter knows me really well, doesn’t she," she sighed before speaking what she came here for, "Mel is holding an engagement in Spain so your dad and I would be traveling for a week. We don’t want you skipping school, therefore, you will have to stay here until you’re done with your exams," she looked at me waiting for my response.

"Oh yes. I don’t mind it. You don’t have to worry about me, mom," her parents rarely left her home alone. This was her golden chance, "Can I have a sleepover at Gwen’s house?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes, you can but I want your phone to be available all time, okay?"

"Yes, thanks mom," Lilly hugged her, "By the way how long have you known the king, mom?" she asked randomly.

"Since I have been born in the demon realm I guess. I mean personally, it would be maybe three hundred years? Yeah, three hundred years. Why do you ask?"

"Just like that," Lilly shrugged her shoulders, "It didn’t look like a king at all when I met him yesterday. He seems so carefree unlike any description of a king I’ve read in a book."

"That’s true but looks can be deceiving, Lilly. The demon society has always been different compared to the human ways of living. You remember his sons, don’t you?"

"I’ve met them?"

"Yes, honey you did, when you were nine I believe. It was at a tea party but the king had not come. The Royal family men are known for their blue eyes and the youngest son has the bluest eyes like crystals I have ever come across," she said recollecting her memory. Her mother then patted her head, "Come now, it’s time for dinner."


After dinner, Lilly sat on the couch watching the discovery channel where they were explaining the life habitat of sharks which she strangely found it to be interesting. She felt bad for the small fish that got engulfed by the shark. When she changed the channel, something not so innocent came up on the screen and unfortunately Rose just happened to be passing by the hall.

"Lilly! What are you watching?" she exclaimed shocked.

"I was just changing the channel," But Rose didn’t seem convinced with it.

"If you have to watch please watch it in your room. Your father might have a heart attack watching his little girl watch such things," she advised placing her hand on her hip, "I have heated the milk, you will find it on the island of the kitchen," she instructed.

"Okay, I’ll drink it later," Lilly did a shoo away motion with her hand playfully.

"And don’t even think of pouring it in the sink," Rose warned with narrowed eyes as she left the living room. That was only one time!

In school, Lilly had the worst concentration in class and her head was most of the times in clouds as teachers taught in the front of the class. Biting one end of her pencil and minding her own work, she was looking outside the window when her teacher called her name.

"Ms. Griffin. Can you tell us what’s the answer to question fourteen?" It seemed like her teacher had caught her spacing out in her class. Glancing down at her textbook, she got up whilst reading the question which was there.

"Diamminesilver?" Lilly answered unsurely.

"Right. A little more concentration wouldn’t hurt in bringing extra marks," she stated before going back to the class.

Sitting back in her seat, she felt herself smile. Both Gwen and she had solved half of the exercise after taking a pledge to turn into excellent students. Her parents were leaving for Spain in the evening and she couldn’t wait to spend all her time at Gwen’s house. Even though Lilly’s parents were fine with sleepovers at their house, a household of a demon wasn’t safe if one wanted to sneak out of the house. Deciding to visit Sam, they go to his house and ring the doorbell to be greeted by his mother.

"Hello Mrs. Brown," they greet Sam’s mother.

"Good evening, come in," the lady opened the door wide for them to get in.

"Is he awake?" Lilly inquired.

"Yes sweetie, go ahead," she answers with a smile before going back to the kitchen. When they went to his room, they found him texting someone until Gwen coughed making him hide the phone under the blanket immediately.

"Whom are you texting?" Gwen wiggled her brows.

"It’s you guys. I thought it was mom checking on me again if I am resting or not," Sam sighed pulling his phone out.

"Yes, that’s ’cause you’re supposed to be sleeping and taking rest," Gwen pointed out as a lazy grin made its way up his face.

"Looks like you’re doing fine," Lilly said, taking a seat on his computer chair, twirling left and right in it.

"More than better. Can’t wait to go back to practice. I am literally tired sitting on the bed all day." He did look fine, guess his mother made him sleep all day.

"That’s good," Gwen said before suddenly getting excited, clapping both her hands, "Oh! I forgot to tell you guys that the ice rink has finally opened behind the city club. We should definitely go for it after you guys finish with your matches," she gave a thumbs up.

"That must be nice," Lilly yawned uninterested. Unlike Gwen who was a pro in ice skating, Lilly had never stepped inside the rink.

"Don’t worry, Lilly. We’ll help you learn it in a jiffy," Sam encouraged a gentle smile on his lips.

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