Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Chapter 62-64

Of course, Aisha was supporting Sylphy, and last night she didn’t come to my room.

......I understand, but...... but it’s still awkward somehow.

Aisha’s looked extremely normal, and nothing has changed.

That’s why, I think I am the only one with this feeling of awkwardness.

By the way, speaking of Sylphy...... how do I say it, it is extremely easy to understand that she has been embarrassed all this time.

Whenever Aisha asked what happened, she bashfully looked downward.

......Honestly, I never expected such a Sylphy.

Either way, I don’t think it’ll be good if this continues.

This is the part where I, the man, must get my act together!

I can’t just say things like awkward!

We will be living together from now on, so I’ll have to act natural about this.


Holding out my bowl to Aisha, I had her serve more meat soup.

I then heartily eat up.

As expected of 【Cooking Lv6】! No matter how much I eat, I won’t get tired of it, and are rapidly entering my stomach.

Looking at me, Sylphy also seem to be gradually recovering her usual look and requested Aisha for seconds.

It might have looked a little forced, but this should be okay, right?

......Well, whatever.

Let’s eat one more helping.


A week passed in a blink of an eye.

Mayor-san came to our house, and Craftsman came for a preliminary inspection of the Clan House site.

Furthermore, the construction specialist from the capital also came.

Good gracious, time really flies.......

Then, the hecticness was furthered by Alchemist-san’s wife.

Despite my request for her to “Please don’t tell anyone!”, she unintentionally talked about it.

Although it didn’t cause any chaos, it had spread quite a lot.

The oji-sans and oba-sans in the shopping district who I am indebted to, congratulated me one by one and brought all kinds of stuff.

It’s because I am indebted to them that I know that they are genuine, and I am happy for that, but.......

......I was told off a lot by Sylphy.

Then...... I also told off the Alchemist-san’s wife a lot.

「Although I’m also at fault for not telling you not to speak, but I hoped you could think a little more...... Danna-sama」

I thought that I had to tell her because I am indebted to her, but I certainly was not prudent enough.

I must think a lot, lot deeper.

......I have reflected a lot, you know.

By the way, the Alchemist-san’s wife also seem to have been strongly chewed out by her husband.

Un, please reflect with all your heart.

As I was making such a face and looking at Madam-san who was getting scolded, Sylphy glared at me.

......Ah, me too, huh. I’m sorry.

Thus, probably because the matter about us getting scolded spread, the uproar has calmed down considerably.

......Just as I thought that.

An outrageous bomb was dropped in my home.

「We have heard that Your Highness Sylphid is here and have arrived. Will Your Highness be willing to meet us?」

Somebody seems to be visiting.

I heard a voice coming from outside.

「Yeーs, coming〜!」

I replied, and when I went towards the entrance, what entered my eyes was the figure of a imposing carriage.

The whole carriage was coated in pitch black, and the edges are ornamented with a golden colour, an extremely extravagant-looking carriage.

Aah, this...... is no doubt a noble’s carriage.

And the one who had been calling in the entranceway is an ojii-san magnificently dressed in a stylish butler uniform with a splendid moustache.

「Are you the owner of this house? We have arrived to visit Her Highness Sylphid......」

It seems that he has business with Sylphy.

Well, that’s understandable...... There’s no way a butler serving such a noble would come to visit me.

「......Yes, she’s in」

As I answered that, a man wearing elegant clothes with excessive extravagant ornaments on it came out from the carriage.

He seems to be older than Sylphy.

He’s probably a noble from this town, but...... I don’t know him at all.

I don’t have any interest, but I probably can’t say that anymore from now on, huh.......

I wonder if he’s here to greet Sylphy, knowing that she’s here from the talk spread by Alchemist-san’s Wife?

As I was thinking that while looking at that noble, the first thing that came out of his mouth was something unbelievable.

「Aah, what is the meaning of this!

For a noble and lovely person like Her Highness Sylphid to

stay in such a dirty little shack......!!


......What did he say...... This guy, what the hell did he just say?

Is he looking down on the house Otou-san and Okaa-san left behind!!!?

Just when I was about to object, I remembered that he is a noble.

That’s right, Sylphy told me before.

That I have to think more before I act.

It’s no use, if I were to complain about a noble...... I don’t know what will happne.

If it’s after I married Sylphy, it’ll be alright, but since I am still a commoner.......

......However, I feel very vexed.

To me, looking down on this house is the same as looking down on Otou-san and Okaa-san.

He naturally did not notice my vexation, no, even if he did realise, he will only consider as inferior.

This noble was determined to continue looking down on me and this house.

As I grasped my fists tightly and gnashed my teeth, Sylphy and Aisha came out wondering what was wrong.

Then, the noble proudly talked about it, and naturally Sylphy and Aisha heard about him insulting me and my house.

「......You’re speaking quite a lot about my partner and that house, aren’t you? Claude Roselia」

While Sylphy was stifling her anger, she called out to the noble...... rather, Claude.

He probably didn’t sense Sylphy’s anger, and greeted Sylphy in a calm manner.

「Ooh! Your Highness!!! It’s been a while.

Oh dear, you look as lovely as ever!! Even in such a dirty place, Your Highness’s beauty hasn’t been tarnished at all!

Furthermore, isn’t that the guild receptionist Aisha-dono over there!

To be able to see two peerless beauty together with these eyes, I, Claude, am extremely delighted」

......This bastard! He’s fucking looking down on the house again!

Are you stupid? You’re stupid, aren’t you!? Don’t you see that Sylphy’s angry?

Aisha also seems to be quite angry, and normally, you’ll notice it!

......It seems that the butler noticed the dangerous atmosphere.

This stupid noble doesn’t care about Sylphy and Aisha’s conditions at all.

『......Young master, young master, you can’t do that』

The butler tried to stop him in a panic, but he’s too late.

「......Did a noble like you come here to pick a fight with me?」

Sylphy finally snapped.

Looking at situation, the noble Claude finally understood the situation.

「N, Not at all! ......N, no...... Your Highness...... living in such a dirty place, pitying, no, um......」

「Oh, is that so, I understand. Why don’t I accept your challenge」

As expected, thinking that it would be bad if this continues, the butler forced his way through.

「Please forgive this rudeness, Claude-sama doesn’t bear any ill will, and was thinking for Your Highness Sylphid.

Please understand and forgive us」

Looking at the butler bowing deeply, Sylphy breathed out a sigh and folded her arms.

「......There’s no next time」

Sylphy squinted and glared at the butler and the noble Claude.

As he seemed to have somehow gotten forgiveness, he was noticeably relieved.

「......Putting aside you coming here to pick a fight with me, what the hell did you come here for?」

He probably recalled his business at last.

The noble Claude took out a letter-like thing from his breast pocket.

「I’ve heard that Your Highness will be marrying.

......I’ve heard that Your Highness’s partner will be a commoner, so the people who proposed to Your Highness up until now including me

cannot consent...... That’s why we have a proposal.

Before the marriage ceremony, we would like to play a game with Your Highness’s partner.

If he wins, we will be obedient and give our blessings for Your Highness’s marriage.

If he loses, we want this marriage to be called off.

His Majesty said that if Your Majesty agrees, His Majesty will approve」

While saying that, he handed over the letter he took out from his bosom.

「Why do I have to gate you bastards’ blessings? There’s no way I’ll accept.

That’s all, right? Get the hell out of my face immediately, just your face makes me feel unpleasant」

Rejected clearly by Sylphy, he made a vexed expression for a moment, before glaring at me.

「You will regret this, Your Highness!」

Leaving behind an undesirable line, the noble Claude who boarded his carriage returned.

「Sorry, Danna-sama...... This is all my fault」

「Uun, that’s not true. All of them are the ones at fault......」

I am curious about his final words, but for the time being, the troublesome matter has left.


Thank you for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

Also, thank you for waiting.

There will be feeling of adventure (though not an adventurer) little by little.

TL: Izzy

「Sorry, Danna-sama, Aisha...... it was my fault」

As we drank the tea, which Aisha roasted, in the living room and calming down, Sylphy apologised to us.

「I’ve said this before, but Sylphy’s not at wrong, you know?」

「That’s right, Hime-sama...... Sir Claude was the one at fault」

Aisha and I denied Sylphy’s words at almost the same time.

Of course, there’s no doubt he came for Sylphy.

However, him spitting out abusive language is a problem with his character, and isn’t Sylphy’s responsibility.

「......However, if I wasn’t here, nothing like this would have happened」

It seems to be weighing in her mind.

「In that case, will Sylphy stop our marriage for that idiot (Claude)?」 (TLN: Kanji idiot, ruby Claude)

「There’s no way I’ll do that!」

「......If so, don’t worry about it」

The conversation had been flowing, and my one sentence stopped Sylphy’s words.

The situation developed as I thought, I think...... she will agree, even if reluctantly.

Even so, she pondered for a while, but she returned to the usual Sylphy little by little.

「......However, I don’t understand」

「Hm? About what?」

「About why did Chichiue listened to such a person.

Our marriage has already been decided, there’s no way Chichiue would overrule it with a game or something」

Aah, I see.

......That’s true.

I lost my cool with him insulting my house so I didn’t think of that at all.

I am already included as the royal family’s relative, and the influential nobles should have been notified of the marriage.

This time’s case seems like it was based on rumours, but in the first place, they should have known about it beforehand.

......Perhaps, there’s a catch to it?

As we were sorting out the situation from Sylphy’s words, although it was in the evening, somebody came to visit at such an odd time.

Don’t tell me it’s that stupid noble (Claude)?

As I was trying to stand up, Aisha said “Let me,” and headed towards the entranceway.

A while later, Aisha led someone in.

「Hm? Somehow this feels like deja vu......」

Aisha’s expression was stiff, it feels like I’ve seen it somewhere before.

......Don’t tell me, it’s Alto-san?

In the moment I thought that, Sylphy raised her voice.

「......Lewis!? Why are you here!?」

Eh? Who is he??


「Nice to meet you, I am Lewis Augusta, Sylphid-nee-san’s younger brother.

Please take care of me from now on, Brother-in-law-san」 (TLN: Oh the hell is back)

The one who greeted me in a playful way is this kingdom’s Second Prince.

His Highness Lewis Augusta.

Aah, why are royalty coming to my house so thoughtlessly.......

Of course, I know that it’s because of my marriage with Sylphy.

See, I know, don’t I?

Usually, you will never meet royalty even once in your whole life, you know?

No, it’s just that the probability of not meeting them is higher.

Even Alto-san from before, I’m getting dizzy from this.

On top of that, he’s calling me Brother-in-law-san...... No, it’s not that he’s wrong, but.......

「By the way, Nee-san, has Claude Roselia-dono came to visit?」

His Highness greeted me and hurriedly addressed his sister.

「......Aah, he came to pick a fight earlier so I sent him away」

「Uwaa, I was too late, huh......, Did that idiot not say anything?」

「......He said some considerably unpleasant thing, like retracting the marriage if they win in a game.

Furthermore, he said that Chichiue has approved of it, what’s the meaning of that? Lewis」

「Haa...... as I expected. Just as that idiot said.

First things first, let me explain the number one misunderstanding, Chichiue did not approve of such a thing.

He only had a little intention and said 『Well, let me think about it』.

They twisted it and told Nee-san that, huh」

Aah, just as Sylphy said.

It seems that...... King-sama has some kind of aim, huh.

After that, His Highness explained to us in detail about the current circumstances.

There seems to be eight people who are opposed to our wedding and planned a game along with the idiot noble (Claude).

They are not only from Lucas, but also sons of nobles from the royal capital and the neighbourhood towns.

These eight sons.

Actually, their reputation is extremely bad.

They are full of pride about being nobles, and force unreasonable demands in the town and fill their own pockets by taking advantage of their status.

However, if that’s all there is, it wouldn’t be that unusual, but just the other day, a slave dealer complained to Ou-sama.

That Claude’s party had 「smuggled young dragons」.

Originally, slave dealers deal with monsters, and not only humans and demi-humans.

It seems that they have those for appreciation, battle and other various uses.

There is a law which have been established that forbids such slave dealers from dealing with some races and monsters.

Included within the prohibition is the dragon race.

Why can’t they deal with dragons?

Dragons are an extremely intelligent species.

They are an ancient species, can even understand human language, and it is even possible to communicate with them.

Naturally, with such a large body, humans cannot treat dragons as slaves.

......That is why they deal with dragon who are still young.

Yes, they deal with young dragons.......

Young dragons, that is, dragon’s children.

Since children naturally have parents, how would their parents react if their children are gone?

Even humans who haven’t become adults know the answer to that.

Naturally, the answer is “they will come back to get them”.

Nobody knows how the idiot noble (Claude) got their hands on a young dragon.

However, there’s no way the parent dragon will stay silent forever.

There’s no doubt that it’s searching for its kid, even as we speak.

......This is very important.

I don’t know where they hid the young dragon in, but the adult dragon will attack that town.

If that happens...... that town will be destroyed.

The uproar isn’t at the level of an Orc King.

「......Is that story true?」

Sylphy frowned and asked His Highness Lewis.

That’s understandable, after all, it’s not a easily believable story.

「......As of now, I can only say “probably”.

It’s a secret information from a trustworthy slave dealer, so it is most probably true.

However, it still cannot be proved.

Since nobody knows whether it’s true or not, the influential nobles in each town cannot use their power.

If it turns out to be false, it won’t end with Chichiue apologising.

That’s why we are now desperately collecting proof」

......Isn’t this a really bad situation?

Huh? What does this have to do with Ou-sama’s remark like approving of the game?

「Umm〜, how is this matter connected to the game??」

As if understanding my intention, His Highness Lewis started his explanation.

The suspects of this uproar on the dragon is exactly the same as those who raised an objection against our wedding and proposed the game.

The game’s details were checked, a lot of evidence was collected, and they’ve ascertained that it was full of unfairness.

They appealed to the King, raised an objection to the marriage the King has already decided, and will commit injustice with the game which will be held.

If this comes to light, there’s no doubt they will be restricted.

Whatever the reason is, it will be possible to make them confess about the dragon if they are restricted.

King-sama thought about that, approved without giving his promise.

It seems that they originally wanted to tell us about this before those guys tell us about the game, but for some reason they acted faster, and it was too late.

......The reason they acted faster.......

I know what it is.

Isn’t it all my fault?

Since the “rumour” spread, Sylphy’s whereabouts was exposed.

Aaaaah, in the end, I’m the number one idiot, aren’t I ーー!!

I am reflecting about it a lot, no, I really am.......

「......I see, so that means Chichiue wants us to accept this game, huh.

Good grief, what does he take our marriage as」

Sylphy made a huge complaint.

Well, this can’t be helped, right?

There might be other ways do this, but it’s certainly a chance to advance the talks smoothly.

「However, I have a question.

No matter how stupid they are, there’s no way they didn’t think of the possibility that an adult dragon will come to get it back, right?」

「......We don’t know whether it’s true or not, since it’s something we heard from a slave dealer」

There’s still more to go. Good grief.

......It seems that they have decided to sell it off to a neighbouring country.

There’s the rumour about the Country of Demons attacking, and an enslaved dragon would be increase our war potential.......

Also, if it is sold, the adult dragon will not come to this country.

Such a cowardly thing they thought of.

I will absolutely not forgive them.

「I see, they’re more of a low-life than I imagined...... Something like this done by our country’s influential nobles...... pathetic」

「Well, that’s the story, Aneue.

I’m sorry but won’t you accept the proposal?

Of course, there’s no way your marriage will be cancelled if you were to lose.

......But then, there’s no way Brother-in-law-san would lose to them」

「......Danna-sama, sorry, but that’s how it is. Will you accept it?」

Sylphy asked me apologetically.

Of course, I’ve already decided on the answer.

「Un, Of course!」

......I’ll get rid of my resentment of him making fun of my house while I’m at it.

Eh? I shouldn’t?


Thank you for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

*Syosetu Stuff*

※Thank you for all the names for Myne-kun’s house name. It’ll be announced in a few days!

*Syosetu stuff*

TL: Izzy

「And, what should we do for the game those guys mentioned?」

As I said that, Sylphy picked up the letter she received from the idiot noble from the trash can.

「......Fumu, let’s just check the contents for now.

In any case, it’s worthless」

「......No, the contents are unexpectedly decent」

His Highness Lewis, who already heard about the summary in the capital, answered.

Oh, those rude fellows who don’t even have manners, actually thought up a game that even a royalty says it’s decent, huh.......

I’m a little excited about it.

Sylphy and Aisha also had expressions of surprise when they heard His Highness Lewis’ words.

While smiling wryly at our looks, His Highness Lewis continued speaking.

「In a separated place about 50km north of the royal capital, is the “Divine Spirit Forest”, where some powered-up monsters are prowling about, right?

The gist of the game is to collect materials from that forest」

What His Highness Lewis then said is:

・Collect the chosen materials withini the time limit.

Each of the materials will be assigned points, and the winner will be decided by the total points collected.

・The points of the target materials will be discussed by the chivalric order.

・Points may be added or subtracted depending on the state after dismantling.

・The game will be held for two days.

・To prevent unfairness, a few knights will be deployed in the forest as surveillance.

・The participants can have substitutes.

That’s roughly the details.

Basically, the eight nobles who are opposed to our wedding will each choose their own adventurer substitutes, making a total of eight adventurers.

Nine people, including me (Along with the knights tasked with surveillance) will enter the forest, and each of the participants will harvest and compete for points within the time limit.

When we enter the forest, dedicated storage bags will be handed over to us by the knights. The materials will be put away in it, and will be retrieved after the end of the game.

By the way, that storage bag.

It seems to be the work of a famous alchemist, a precious item where the items put inside will “not experience the passage of time”.

......It’s the same as the one I made with 【Unique Magic・Space-time】.

I’m curious, how did that alchemist make it?

He can’t make it in the same way I did.......

......Well, let’s leave the storage bag aside.

The venue will be the “Divine Spirit Forest”.

I’ve heard that there has been a legend since ancient times, that a divine beast sleeps within the deepest parts of the forest, and it’s a place famous for the few powered-up monsters prowling about.

For example, goblins.

The individuals living in this forest are stronger than the normal high goblins from other places.

Rare monsters which are rarely seen appears here, and valuable materials can be harvested here, which makes it famous.

By the way, His Highness Lewis’ Clan, 「The Library of Alchemists」 want and gather a lot of the materials obtainable from this forest.

Once our Clan officially starts its activities, since our cooperation has been decided, we will frequent this forest from then on.

「......I see, the contents are certainly decent」

「But how do the stupid nobles plan on playing dirty?」

「......They’ve bribed the knights.

It came to light when the knights who have contacted them pretended that they have been bought out and reported to us」

It seems that this is their plan.

They will borrow the time-stop storage bag in advance from the bribed knights, infiltrate, and collect the materials in large quantity before the game.

And on the date of the game, they will fill the newly handed storage bags and hand them in as the results. A truly plain and simple plan.

If they were normal people, you wouldn’t think that they could bribe the knights.

However, the amount they presented for the bribe this time is unparalleled.

For argument’s sake, even if they are bribed, it wouldn’t be that difficult for the knights to do it, and there isn’t that much labour.

If we compare the benefits of the reward and the labour they requested, it certainly is an unprecedented condition.

There’s no way the stupid nobles would have thought that the knights they bribed might deceive them.

They seem to have planned to have their own way using their position as the succesor of an influential noble and the power of money.

However, the one who coaches the imperial knights is that Brother-in-law-san (Alto).

There’s no way the knights who received Brother-in-law-san (Alto) teachings would partake in such a bribery scheme. The plan was quickly exposed, and this is the result.

......How do I say this, they...... are really idiots.

In the first place, if Sylphy did not accept the game like what had happened, the plan would have fallen apart just like that.......

He’s definitely raging in his house right about now, isn’t he?

「There isn’t a problem to arrest Claude-dono at this point in time, but.......

Chichiue said to round up their accomplices who are not directly participating in this.

There’s also the possibility that each of their own house will be involved, so all eight members will be arrested」

In the case where not only the sons, the idiot nobles, but even their parents are involved in this matter, it would become something outrageous.

If they are unlucky, the family would probably disappear, huh.......

「I see, and will Danna-sama be the only one harvesting in the forest?」

「That’s right, Nee-san-tachi will be preparing for the wedding ceremony in the royal capital.

It’d be bad if this matter isn’t settled quickly, since there’s also the matter with the dragon.

That’s why the wedding ceremony’s schedule will be considerably accelerated.

After this, I will send out a knight I brought along to Claude-dono and tell him that the game will be carried out.

The game’s schedule and marriage ceremony’s schedule will then be officially decided, I guess?」

「However, even though Lewis will handle the game, you don’t have much persuasion power, do you?

If I were the one to say it, it might be different」

「If Nee-san-tachi wins, it might be good to get them to consent to disinherit.

Since they’ve paid quite the price, I think they’ll gladly accept such a condition.

There’s also the fact that they are probably confident that they’ll definitely win through backhanded means, after all」

However, if they save up and store the ones they harvested beforehand, I’ll lose even if I do my best on the day, won’t I?

When I enquired about that, it seems that they will pass them a storage bag where time still works and pretend that it’s one that doesn’t.

If they put it in a storage bag with time flow, then naturally, the materials will deteriorate, so it would be easy to verify.

After that, the details were knocked together, and His Highness Lewis returned to the royal capital.

......He seems to be really busy.

We’ll also have a lot to do from now on, don’t we?


「Dammit, dammit, dammitーーーーーー!」

Where do I vent this boiling anger of mine!!

How much do they think I’ve spent on making the arrangements!

The effort I put in preparing surfaced in my mind.

The First Princess, Sylphid Augusta.

If I can get her to be my wife, our Roselia family will be secure.

On top of that, she possess such beauty.

You could say that she is suited to be my wife.

It’ll be relatively easier to set up a marriage proposal with the royal family as long as one has good Skills.

Not to brag, but I think my 【Two-handed spear・Extreme】 is pretty strong.

Despite that, the royal family refused my proposal.

......Everyone else also had their proposals turned down.

However, there’s no way she’ll never marry.

In that case, I’ll give in a little.

Just as I thought that, the royal family dropped a bombshell: Sylphid’s wedding has been decided.

On top of that, it seems that her partner is a commoner.

It’ll be bad at this rate.

I’ll have to somehow prepare a plan, and get the wedding cancelled.

Thinking that, I worked out a plan.

I kept in touch with my noble comrades who also were turned down by Sylphid, and got the preliminary arrangements ready.

I thought up a game with “Falconry”, an interest of nobles, as a base, and applied for it in a meeting with the King, and explained the outline of the game.

「Fumu, overturning a wedding the royal family has approved...... Claude Roselia-dono, is that what you’re saying?」

「That is not my intention, it’s just that I am apprehensive about commoner blood entering the royal family’s」

「Oh? I was originally a commoner, though?」

「Isn’t Faren-sama the King now?

No matter the origins, right now, the royal family’s blood is Faren-sama’s.

In the first place, the act of comparing Faren-sama to a no-name commoner is a mistake in itself」

「Fumu, well, alright. I understand your point.

If Sylphy accepts your suggestion...... I’ll think about it.

I don’t think that’ll happen though, so you better give up」

Tch, I didn’t get his promise, huh. Whatever.

Since he said he’ll consider it, it won’t be an exaggeration even if I say that he gave his approval.

I’ll have to do something to ensure my win in this game.

I called out to an acquaintance from the first knight unit, and requested for cooperation.

What? Although he’s a knight, he’s on a tight budget? There’s no problem if I just dangle some money in front of him.

He also took care of me quite well until now, after all.

Now then, let’s make the necessary arrangements and get Sylphid as my wife by hook or by crook.

......Arrangements complete!!

However, there’s no meaning to it if Sylphid doesn’t participate in the crucial game!!!!

What should I do?

What in the world should I do to get them into the game?

While I was holding in my rage, I desperately spun my thoughts round and round.

「Young master, His Highness Lewis’ messenger came to visit, how should I handle this?」

What? Did he say His Highness Lewis? What does he want.

「Understood, let him in」

As I made my way to the visitor room, a knight, probably His Highness Lewis’ imperial guard, was waiting.

「I heard that you are here with a message from His Highness Lewis?」

「Yes, I was tasked with handing this directly to Claude-dono」

As he said that, he took out a letter from his bust and handed it over to me.

He then left at a quick place after saying 「I have handed it over」.

......He’s restless.

I opened the wax seal on the letter I was handed, and read the contents as I drank the tea the old servant brought over.


Written on the letter is that Sylphid has accepted to participate in the game.

......However, there’s a condition that we’ll be disinherited if we lose, huh.......

Well, my preparations are flawless, there’s absolutely no way I will lose.

With this, the wedding will start afresh.

It seems that Lady Luck is finally smiling on me.


Thank you for always reading.

Please take care of me from now on as well.

*Syosetu stuff*

TL: Izzy

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