FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 113 - Broken Family.

Chapter 113 - Broken Family.

The negotiations went smoothly. After talking in that friendly atmosphere and shaking hands, we left the terrace lit by the night moon. It was a really lovely night.

Also perfect for my wallet, which was previously as thin as a dried anchovy.


This ringing of coins would never bother me. In addition, the mood was even better because this was honestly earned money.

”Sir Hero! Sir Hero! Where did you get so much money? Lanuvel thinks this is all too suspicious.”

”Ha! I honestly earned this money.”

”Why did the prince of the elf kingdom give you money?”

”Lanuvel, are you pretending not to know anything on purpose?”

”Lanuvel pretended to know, and it turned out to be true!”

There was nothing to hide; therefore, smiling at her like an honest Hero, I answered.

“I just told Prince Nasus that the evil elves were captured and held at the black market auction. And in gratitude, he gave me a lot of money. Lanuvel, do you still have any complaints against me?”

”Yes! I think it’s dangerous to tell Prince Nasus about the whereabouts of Princess Sylvia, who also has the right to take the throne!”

”The older brother just wants to find his beloved younger sister. And if something happens to Princess Sylvia, will you take responsibility?”

”If Sir Hero takes responsibility…ouch?!”

”Shut up.”

I hit Lanuvel’s forehead, saying that she shouldn’t poke her nose into other people’s business. It may be difficult for savages from the fantasy world to understand, but it is indecent to meddle in the affairs of someone else’s family. The King of the Elves is sad that his beloved daughter has gone missing. I told her older brother, who can be called her guardian, where I last saw Princess Sylvia. On this, the duty of the just Hero was fulfilled.

Thief E intervened in our conversation.

“I’m not interested in what Prince Nasus will do to Sylvia, but his gaze directed at me was rather lustful. He became interested in my body, in which pureblood flows. Although because the Hero-Savage guessed to present me as a slave, he seems to have given up…”

”Hah! Wow, you’re delusional.”

I chuckled. Who needs you without those fake breasts?

”No! It’s true! I saw it with my own eyes! That prince looked me from head to toe…”

”Okay, okay. Your distant relative has a crush on you, well, now shut up. You’re starting to annoy me.”

I don’t care if he’s interested in her. Prince Nasus could sense the power of my skills as spirits tightly adhere to my body. My Spirit skill is currently MAX. Although my level is now lower than that of the king of the elves, my skill rank is higher. As far as I remembered, Prince Nasus wasn’t stupid enough to try to take possession of another strong man’s property.

While he was in the Dumpling Kingdom, his delegation took Archer E for questioning. They seemed to have many questions for the one who was unable to protect the Princess of Elfheim. But I knew about Prince Nasus’s plans. They simply removed Archer E, who was incredibly loyal to Princess Sylvia, beforehand.

â?º Rapture: Cadet Kang Han Soo. You got the money for the adventure so quickly. Just unbelievable.

Miss Trainee. Isn’t that the basics?

â?º Despondency: Cadet Sieg was always poor. One day, he starved all his companions by giving away his hard-earned money to some beggar. And also, he became the surety of the imperial princess, whom he met for the first time, and took over all her debts. And…

Enough! Miss Trainee, I’ll listen when we drink together!

I couldn’t listen to this sober.

”Thief E.”


”Thief E, don’t make me call you twice. I can carve this name between your 4th and 5th vertebra.”

”Speak, Hero-savage.”

“Is the Chaos Artifact still at the warehouse?”

”Yes. But it’s unsure when it will be put up for sale. There is a possibility that it was moved or the sale was canceled.”

Thief E answered negatively, sticking out her lips.

”How problematic.”

”What is exactly? What advice can I give?”

“I won’t sell you because of your ability to sense the Chaos Artifact, but if it’s gone, you’re no use at all.”

”Are you going to sell me?!”

“Prince Nasus offered a good price for you.”

Hearing the price, I, frankly, was surprised. After revealing that her breasts weren’t real, nothing remarkable remained in her except that royal blood flowing in her. But the price for it somehow only rose. Each time I refused, Prince Nasus raised the amount.

With the huge amount of money he offered, I could buy a small town, and he also offered the Elemental Sword of Endymion as collateral. It was clear how much he wanted to get Thief E.

”I will do whatever you order me! You can even call me that strange name! Don’t sell me! I don’t want that filthy offspring to touch me!”

”It depends on how you behave.”


”Did you say something?”


Biting her plump red lips, thief E pulled at the ties of her red dress with trembling hands. The dress fell to the ground without any obstruction.

”What are you doing?”

”Do you want me to say it?! Are you trying to put me to shame? ”

Thief E was as red as a tomato. It’s not that I asked because I didn’t know why.

”Enough of jokes, get out. This S-rank Hero doesn’t go to bed with anyone.”

”Ah…I’m sorry. I misunderstood…”

”Besides, I already have a more attractive lady for the night.”

Don’t misunderstand! I didn’t insist on this. However, the king of the Dumpling Kingdom wanted to somehow serve me, so he sent me a beautiful maid. I have 25 years of experience; I could easily give up the uncouth beauties of the fantasy world. But if I refused such a friendly gesture, the king of the Dumpling Kingdom would become even more worried, and the rumor would spread among the maids that I’m a eunuch.

Therefore, it would be fair…

”Hero-savage! Heaven will punish you for this! ”

Thief E shouted with tears in her eyes, having received a blow to her pride.

“Lanuvel doesn’t know if you did the right thing with Illina or not.”

“Lanuvel, nobody asked you at all.”


”Who’s Illina?”

A whining voice rang out next to me,” It’s me! Remember it! Savage Hero!” but I ignored it. I entrusted the preparations for the journey to Lanuvel and the Porter. As planned, it was necessary to go to the village where the Greatest Creature lived. I was going to listen to Master Mollan’s teachings again.

Ten years of experience and twenty-five years of experience. I would learn something new from his teachings.

”It’s not fair! All the time, you do Lanuvel work, and you have fun by yourself!”

”I’m going to work too.”


”A very dangerous place.”


Accompanied only by Thief E, I went to the forest again. The location of the black market auction was constantly changing, but it would be impossible to move all the structures and goods in just a few days. This required huge costs.

”As expected…”

Many elves gathered in the forest, a fully armed squad of elves in iron armor that didn’t suit them at all. Their average level exceeded 350, and they also had incredible skills. At the center of this group was Prince Nasus. All the elves gathered here in the future will make up the coup d’état in the kingdom of elves.

These are Prince Nasus’s loyal servants. They would keep secret everything that happened here. Hiding in the bushes, I waited for their further actions.

”Hero-savage. What are they doing here? ”whispered Thief E, wearing a combat uniform.

She was cheating again. Under her clothes was the same “protection that looks like a bra” that I saw before. Feeling my sad look, the flushed Thief E began to make excuses.

”This is a combat uniform, inherited by the women of our family. It is made of great metal that can change properties depending on the wishes of the owner. Mom said that if you meet your true love, then this metal turns into real breasts…”

”Incredible metal?”

”Romantinium. This is a rare metal collected all over the fantasy world by our ancestors, obsessed with big breasts. It is not as strong as steel, but it is said that it cannot be cut even with the Holy Sword.”


”Just don’t test it on me.”

While we were talking, Prince Nasus, using the spirits of the earth, began to dig a hole to infiltrate the auction. Looking at his assembled comrades, Prince Nasus held a grave look.

”We are going to rescue our fellow tribesmen. But if they are taken hostage, feel free to leave them and not take revenge. Sylvia is no exception. I hope that there will not be those who, for the sake of saving their fellow tribesmen, will themselves become a slave. Let’s go!”

The elves went down to the dungeon. Seeing this, I also decided to move.

”Hey, damn spirits. Stop sticking to me, go to work.”

Thief E grumbled in reply.

”Hero-savage. The spirits aren’t our slaves. If you consider them friends, then ask them politely. Neglected spirits may one day turn against you.”

”Who said we’re friends?


”Thief E. Look carefully. This is a lesson from an S-rank Hero. So! Spirits who want to receive orders from me, get together!”


The dense forest trembled. The spirits immediately began to gather as if it was a competition. And then…

Rubbing, rubbing.

They began to smile and sexually harass me, covering me from head to toe. There was no place where they wouldn’t touch me. And even that place was no exception!

”How, how so… ”

Thief E muttered, not believing her eyes.

”Because I am a Hero.”

I omitted the rest of the details.


It is convenient when there are many employees. They were digging a tunnel at a speed that even a modern excavator couldn’t handle. Looking at the dark tunnel, I turned to Thief E and asked:

”Can you feel it?”

The Hero, who must prevent the world’s destruction, had no free time to protect an unnecessary woman. I brought Thief E with me to find the Chaos Artifact.

”Yes. It’s right down below, ” Thief E replied, looking into the darkness with worry.

I heard subtle screams and noise coming from below. I can’t feel the energy like Thief E, but I understood that a fierce battle was already underway between the humans and elves below. Under the previous circumstances, Sylvia would have made a fuss while Thief E stole the Chaos Artifact and escaped.

But in the confusing 9th playthrough, Sylvia’s role was taken over by her older brother.

”By the way, Thief E…”

Going down into the tunnel, I turned to the elf.

”Say it.”

”Why do you need this Artifact? Just for a collection? Or do you know how to extract power from it?”

Thief E replied with a serious tone.

”I will save an ancestor locked in another dimension.”


”If you think this is a stupid dream, you can laugh. But I have to go through the dimensions and save the ancestor…Hik?! That’s close! Your face is too close! What if you touch my lips…”

”Hey, explain in more detail.”

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