Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming

Chapter 358: Welcoming Party at Columbia

"Who are you? I know all the talented students at our college..."

"Oh, no! I forgot about the female monster. People say she is Superwoman. She can finish a whole blueprint in two weeks! Sewers included! Everything drawn by hand!"

"Her name is... Cong..."

"Cong Nianwei." Cong Nianwei pointed to her own face with a cold grin. Rongzhi was stupefied. "It’s me. The ugly woman..."

Cong Nianwei never bore grudges. She always took revenge right away.

Rongzhi let Qin Guan go instantly, as if his hands had been burned. Then he rubbed his sweaty palms against his pants.

"My idol... Could you please lend me Professor Fred’s design of the TYU mansion? I just want to have a look. One look!"

The situation had taken a sudden turn. "You know him?" Qin Guan whispered to Cong Nianwei.

"Yes, he’s a silly design addict. He’s a kind boy though..."

Aesthetic appreciation seems to be a common disease among designers. Maybe she just loves me for my looks.

Qin Guan caressed his face happily. I’m still a hero.

This was the first time John got to know his Chinese friends well. After some explanations, they soon became friends.

The girls went into the bathroom to put on their dresses, while the boys had to put on their suits amid that dusty heap.

"John, do you have a spare shirt? I’d like to attend the party tonight..." Rongzhi asked, staring at Qin Guan like he was appreciating an oil painting.

"No problem. Look in the closet. There’s a dozen of new shirts." John wanted to help the boy, who usually did not attend social events.

Unlike strict business parties, the outfits for the college ball were pretty casual. Instead of wearing a traditional bow tie, Qin Guan chose a blue tie and a silver tie clip, which were perfect for lively young people.

Then he knocked on the door of the bathroom. "Are you ready? I can’t wait to see your lovely face, darling..."

John made a face at his flattering words, but Rongzhi looked infatuated.

The door opened, and Cong Nianwei stepped out leisurely. She was wearing a royal blue dress, and her long hair was pinned high on her head with a matching silver hairpin.

Qin Guan extended his arm, and she locked her fair, soft hand through his.

"Shall we go?"

"Yes, let’s go!"

Students in formal attire headed to the auditorium from all directions. The hall was lit up by crystal chandeliers, making it look like it was still daytime. The mirror-like floor looked smooth and spotless.

The party was for the freshmen, who were the guests of honor that night. One by one, the distinguished guests entered the hall. John introduced them to his friends like a busy tycoon.

"The short Asian with the glasses is the vice chairman of the Chinese Business Strategy Alliance."

"The kind old man with the silver hair is the executive director of the National City Bank of New York."

"Wow! The Morgan Stanley family! The brown-haired guy over there is the head of the Wall Street Investment Bank."

Both the speaker and the listeners looked keen during the introductions.

Suddenly, there was a roar of cars outside. The motorcade sounded extraordinary.

Those black sheep had refitted the best luxury cars! The crowd was shocked by the ostentation and extravagance. There were Mercedeses, Bentleys, Rolls-Royces... Qin Guan was itchy to touch them.

Maybe I could buy a Volkswagen. It’s economical and practical... Suddenly, he was struck by lightning.

Wearing proper suits with shining gem buttons, three Chinese young men walked over from the parking lot. They were Lan Jin, Guan Jian and He Ming... It was like a scene from a TV drama.

Cong Nianwei, who also looked as if she had been hit by lightning, exchanged a look with Qin Guan. The two of them said in one voice, "There are colleges here from all over New York..."

They were right. The party was open, so students from other New York colleges had also been invited. NYU was the top university, so its students had naturally received an invitation. How had Lan Jin, a student of a community college, gotten an invitation though?

When the boys reached the entrance, they took off their white gloves in a showy manner. Lan Jin spotted Qin Guan right away.

Asian faces were rare in the hall. Besides, Qin Guan was always like a shining object in a crowd.

"Qin Guan! I’m here!"

Long time, no see. Lan Jin had changed the color of his hair from red to yellow, but he was still the same lively boy.

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