A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 259

At sudden, Yu Ao Tian grabbed her wrist.

Without waiting her to gain herself, his domineering lips are pressing down hers.

“Uh!!” did he regret? Did he change his mind? Yao Yao feared and glared with her big eyes, pushing his chest with her small hand, using all her strength, while her little head is restless keep on moving.

Yu Ao Tian can feel she is so restless, frowned, his big hand is hold on her head, his tongue is domineering pry her teeth, sucking, intertwined with her little tongue, enjoying the scent of her.

“Uh… Uh…” she is breathing unsteady and turned to grasp her breath, this kiss is coming to sudden, too fierce, and she doesn’t prepare for it.

Also does not know after sometime, the atmosphere in bedroom turned to be burning hot, Yu Ao Tian unwillingly to leave her lips.


When she free, she doesn’t stop taking deep breaths: “Yu, Yu Ao Tian, didn’t you say, I… I had free as your lover, hadn’t I? Why are you?”

“That’s right! You are not my lover anymore, but it doesn’t mean… These three years you can leave from my side! Little Thing, don’t think to escape from me, or else I will make your life living death!!”

For once again fate is shackles her, firmly tied on her, it feels as if it comes from the hell, a command of reaper echoing in her ears.

Within these three years don’t think to escape…

Or else I will make your life living death….

Weird! So weird! Before he ever told this too, but that time her heart felt such feared and irritated. And then this moment, she does not have any particular of those feeling, moreover her heart is strangely skip beat.

Wondering if she have been accustomed got abused, could it means she has turned to be masochist?

No, it isn’t…

She is blinking her big eyes, staring at Yu Ao Tian’s eyes, finally she realized the reason why she didn’t feel fear or irritating when heard those words.

The reason, although when Yu Ao Tian said these words with cold and commanding speaking tone, but in his eyes there were contained indistinct surging of sadness gleam.

Yes, he will never let go this Little Thing, he won’t…

If she unwilling to be his lover, then he can change their relationship, but no matter what the reason he won’t ever let her escape from him, at least for now on he won’t let her to leave him!

Perhaps, the reason because of the mystery of her scar hasn’t revealed; perhaps he still had others reason. The real reason, perhaps Yu Ao Tian himself also does not know the reason too!

“So now what kind of relationship we have?” Yao Yao looked at him with complicated expression, her face is obviously showed helpless, if not lover relationship, there is no reason for both of them kissing, but at same time he also does not want to let her go, doesn’t this also mean she still his lover?

“Up to you.” Yu Ao Tian gives her faint smile, stretching out his hand and then gently pinching her nose tip: “Whatever you like just do as you please, anyway for this time you are the only woman who beside me.”

What he means, Whatever you like just do as you please? Why Yu Ao Tian always speak such ambiguous? “Well, if you have new woman, can our relationship be terminated right the way?”

This time, she used ‘I’, and not ‘you’, remembered in the past when she asked this questioned to Yu Ao Tian, more or less the meaning, ‘If you have another woman, can you dump me?’ and now she has changed it into ‘our relationship can be terminated right the way.’

“Of course, now you are not my lover anymore, if I have other woman, whatsoever, you are free to make your decision.”


Strange… What kind of strange relationship.

But, it also comfortable, because suddenly she can feel she and Yu Ao Tian is standing equally, she isn’t that lowly anymore. Hahahahahaha.

Yao Yao lowers her head, a smiles curved in her mouth.

Part 2 (Two)

Hold On, This is weird Feeling

Seeing her sweet smiles, helplessly Yu Ao Tian shaking his head, he really does not know whether this Little Thing has understood or not about their current relationship, but no matter what, seeing her smiles, he feels as if it contagious, he also feels kind of strange happiness.

Perhaps, that contract lover agreement not only bounding Yao Yao but as well as Yu Ao Tian!

His domineering lips for once again pressed on her lips, and then this time his kiss is so gentle, there is not as rough as before, there is also no forcing.

But Yao Yao hasn’t prepared herself, her small head is slowly moving backward, until there is no way to draw back, there is no way to back.


Gradually, Yao Yao is breathing unsteady, the body is also produce an inexplicable sense of heat, now she really hopes to finish this kiss hurry, because she feels strange! It’s weird!

“Uh!” restless she open wide her eyes, she clearly can feel that there are restless hands that keep moving in her back inch by inch, stroking her back.

The next thing, she can feel her bra loosens up, that man hands are rubbing her sensitive part in front of her chest, that covered the sensitive towering.

“Uh, uh, no, don’t…” she is used all her strength to end the kissing, she can’t stop to think how to make that man’s hand to retreat.

“Don’t? But here… It has been hard, hasn’t it?” Yu Ao Tian is smiling alike sinister, his fingertip dexterous fiddled with that red pearl (areola = nipple)

“Ah stopped it…” Yao Yao is humphed frustration, her eyes are avoiding Yu Ao Tian’s eyes, embarrassed lowering her head: “Don’t be like this. Don’t touch that!” she is begging.

But what is heard by Yu Ao Tian,it sound as if a sexy voice: “You damn Little Thing, you almost ‘burned’ me!” after said, he lays down Yao Yao on the bed, bossy he lifting her clothes.

“Don’t!!” restless and feeling shy she covered her spring (refer to vagina), but her slender hands are firmly pressed to her head only by his one hand.

She looks as if a sheep that prepared to slaughter, oppress and exploit, let people to watch. While her body in Yu Ao Tian’s eyes are as if mouthwatering cuisine.

He lowers his head, he sucks that spring.

‘hm, ng..’ (moan voice)

An inexplicable electric streak her, Yao Yao is biting her lips hard, but her lips are letting out moans sound.

“Bao Bei, it really nice voice. Keep on continuing I still want to listen it!”

Don’t, she won’t. Although, their relationship have changed, but this kind of muddle (blur) relationship, doing this kind of thing compare to before this is more weird, what does this call as?

“Bao Bei, now in your head must think of me, not other things!” Yu Ao Tian lifted his head, looked into her eyes, unhappily frowned: “I want to punish you because not focus!” after said, He lowered his head again, his teeth gently bite.

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