I have Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat but I Can not Seem to Get out of Being Jobless

Chapter 385

Translator: Tseirp

We returned to My World .

I had already informed My World that the Mallegory frenzy curse incident has been resolved so we were having a celebration party today .

The city hall staff were still so busy that they couldn’t go home and the peddlers still could not leave the town so I felt that it was a little too early to celebrate but I didn’t want to turn down the suggestion from the Dark Elves .

While preparation was being done, I decided to drop by the church .

Since I had to report the situation to Flute .

Flute was cleaning the interior of the church alone .

“Hn? Please wait . I’ll be done with the cleaning soon . ”

Flute noticed me before returning to her task of wiping the chairs with a dry cloth .

“Ah … okay . Can I help? It will be done in an instant if I use magic . ”

“This is my job so it is all right . I gain experience points as Atonement-seeker by doing so as well . ”

I stood somewhere to not obstruct her and waited for her to finish cleaning .

After waiting for five minutes, Flute invited me to sit on the church long bench and served me a cup of green tea . It was a little tepid but the tea has seeped well .

“So, what business do you have with me?”

“There has been progress regarding the devil race captured by the church . ”

I said and told Flute the information I heard from Suzuki .

“All of the devil race escaped underground? Ichinojo’s friend led them?”

“They are more of acquaintances rather than friends but this might have happened because I instigated Centaur . Sorry . ”

I said and lowered my head .

“Why are you apologizing? I should be thanking you . ”

“But now the devil race will be treated as fugitives?”

“The secret passages below the Cathedral are remnants of the Demon Lord Castle era . It connects to various places . They won’t be captured once they escape there . All that’s left is to hide and find a place outside the influence of the church . Moreover, we devil race are adept in living while hidden . ”

Contrary to my expectations, Flute seemed grateful to Jofre and the others . Was that okay?

“But won’t they have criminal jobs if they escaped from prison?”

“The devil race were imprisoned unjustly purely because of our race so Metias-sama will definitely protect us . ”


Why did Metias-sama name appear here?

I wondered and asked but Flute assumed that I didn’t know about Metias-sama and started explaining .

“She is the Goddess of Fate, an unknown seventh goddess . We devil race worship Methias-sama . Because of that, the church has had their eyes on us since a long time ago and we couldn’t live a proper life before we pledged to the Demon Lord . Many families lived as nomads and others as travelers since there was a risk of getting discovered after entering a town . ”

“Why is it forbidden to worship Metias-sama? I heard from Goddess Tet-sama that she was a splendid goddess . ”

“You know about Metias-sama? Furthermore, you claim that you met Goddess Tet before … haa, but you can create this abnormal space so perhaps you aren’t lying . ”

“Yeah, it’s not a lie . Libra-sama, Torerul-sama, and Minerva-sama have directly visited this place before as well . ”

“A place where Goddesses drop by . That’s a surreal topic . ”

Flute smiled, showing her sharp upper canines .

“Regarding why the church doesn’t recognize Metias-sama as a Goddess – according to one theory, there was a revelation to the church from the other Goddesses but I don’t know the specifics . ”

A revelation from the other Goddesses?

That was a little different from what Tet-sama said .

“By the way, it seems that your Atonement-Seeker level has gone up, have you been doing anything special?”

“Ah, for Atonement-Seekers, apart from defeating monsters, the other way to accumulate experience points is to do a decent job and be thanked by people . I am still working hard now . ”

Just as Flute said that the door of the church opened and several Dark-Elves came in .

They were overjoyed when they found me .

“Ichinojo-sama, we will be practicing singing now . ”

“Please stay and listen if you want to . ”

“Flute-san plays the organ and we have all been practicing . ”

The church had an organ installed as well . It was not something Miri brought along with her but entirely self-made by Pionia and she even did the tuning .

She had finished her task of building a ship so lately she turned to this as a continuation of the ship-building as she found it rewarding .

She was truly a versatile Homunculus .

Flute sat down in front of the organ and the Dark-Elves lined up in a row .

Flute played a long note and all the Dark-Elves started ‘Ah~’ to match the pitch .

Then, the performance began .

The lyrics involved thanking the sun, water, and earth . It seemed like a hymn from the Dark-Elves to the Golden Tree .

After five minutes of singing, all of them lowered their heads and the song ended .

I clapped to complement their performance .

“That was beautiful singing . ”

““Thank you very much, Ichinojo-sama . ””

They thanked me and seemed happy to be praised .

I complimented Flute who was sitting in front of the organ as well .

“Flute’s performance was great too . ”

“Thank you . I played it many times in the past at church . ”

I see, so that was her job here .

In a world where there is little entertainment, music was a good stress reliever .

The other entertainment source was the portable DVD player but it was being occupied by the Cyborg somewhere .

“Next will be Sheena No . 3’s turn desu . Please look forward to an opening medley from Nyaa Piece desu . ”

That Cyborg Sheena No . 3 suddenly appeared and requested for the song from Flute .

“Ah, all right . ”

Sheena No . 3 sang enthusiastically along with Flute’s piano performance .

It seemed that without me knowing, the church singing had become an established entertainment in My World .

I found it strange that the church became somewhat like a karaoke box but it was fine since everyone was enjoying themselves .

“Ichinojo-sama . I have entered the 16 Elite Archers of the Dark-Elves . ”

One of the Dark-Elves, Rururina, said to me .

“16 Elite Archers?”

“The Dark-Elf archery training is divided into three categories: power training, accuracy training, and obstacle training . ”

“Power training measures the strength of an arrow, accuracy training involves hitting a stationary target from a distance and obstacle training involves shooting under special circumstances such as while moving or shooting from blind spots and the top 16 will be ranked . ”

“Rururina was the top 16th person in the training yesterday . ”

The other Dark-Elves quickly explained when I asked .

“Ehehe, but I have focused on practicing accuracy so I still have a long way to go for power . At the moment, I can pierce the center of the brow of a goblin 300 meters away . ”

“That’s amazing – by the way, I’m guessing first place is …”

“Yes, Rarael-sama . ”

As expected .

Well, she was the chieftain and I had seen and was amazed by her bow technique .

“The power of Rarael-sama’s arrow is capable of crushing rocks, she can pierce a prey a kilometer away, and even kill enemies in a single shot from her blind spot . ”

A single shot from her blind spot?

When I was told, I suddenly thought of something .

“For that obstacle training, if a person can tie a string on the arrow and strike an enemy not only from a blind spot but a location where arrows can’t possibly hit – what position would they have?”

“Does such a person exist?”

“If they can do it, they will definitely be in first rank . ”

“Not only first rank, but they will also be passed down among Dark-Elves in the hall of fame . ”

I see, first place and even in the hall of fames .

Join up with us soon, Malina .

You will become a hero once you reach here .

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