Belle Adams' Butler

Chapter 200 - Snowflakes- Part 5

Chapter 200 - Snowflakes- Part 5

Belle had a coat and muffler around her neck, the little girl looking nothing less to a cute duck that was running out in the open space of the mansion where the snow was still soft around them. Just having Lucas and Belle would be lonely therefore Lucas had requested the staff to join in the snowman making if they were interested.

With six other servants who were working on their snowman so that Belle would find the place to be lively, just like her cousins were having fun.

"Come on, roll it over," Lucas guided her who was currently struggling to push the ball of snow.

"But it is so heavy, Lucas," said Belle, huffing and puffing as she used both of her small hands to roll the ball of snow Lucas had made.

"I said you should go with a small one but you wanted a big one. Roll it!" he said to have the girl trying to roll again. The other servants couldn\'t help but pity the girl while some smiled at the sight of her trying to make the snowman.

After helping Belle with her snowman, Lucas picked her up so that she could push the carrot into the snowman\'s face. Lucas was the one who had brought bare stems to make the figure have hands. Belle looked at the snowman with happiness bouncing in her eyes. This time her snowman had come out well and it had eyes and arms. A nose on the face.

"We made a snowman!" Belle shouted, that made everyone turn and look at her. She, who was looking at the snow figure, turned to look up at Lucas, "Thank you," she thanked him.

"Don\'t mention it."

At the same time, the rare firefly\'s from the forest started to pass by the mansion and the nearby village that often appeared to travel at this time of the year.

The little vampiress heart felt full and in her eyes, everything looked magical. There was snow, there was the snowman and Lucas with others, she was here with the fireflies that flew up in the sky and some around them. Her red eyes followed one of the fireflies that flew right in front of her face and she followed it.

When she blinked her eyes, the firefly was gone. And she looked left and right to catch sight of it.

Then a hand appeared, "Look closely this time, Miss Belle. Because it needs to be with its family," said Lucas before opening up his palm and then she saw a single firefly that was buzzing in and out with light.

"C-can I hold it?" she asked.

"Sure," answered Lucas to carefully place it in her small hands.

When the firefly sat on her palm, with the light coming and going from it Belle brought it close so that she could take a closer look. The firefly sat there for four seconds before flying away.

"I guess its time to get back in now, Miss Belle," said Lucas as their time here was up and Mr. and Mrs. Adams would be expecting her and the others back in the mansion.

"Will they come back tomorrow again?" she asked him, as they made their way towards the main door.

"Maybe. Some stay back and some leave," he answered before locking the main door of the mansion.

Belle who was looking outside the window at the snowflakes fall from the sky, turned her face to look at Lucas,

"Do you remember the time when we built a snowman for the first time when I was small?" asked Belle to see him smile at the memory.

"The fireflies," he said remembering the day.

"Cousin Ann said their snowmen were often destroyed because of the wind from the forest which is why they stopped coming to the mansion here for Christmas. Did you have something to do with it?" she asked him.

"I might have blown some wind over," and Belle smiled hearing this.

"Thank you," she turned to her side and moved closer and at the same time, Lucas put his arm around her waist to gently pull her close to him, "Will you stay here with me? Now?" she asked him.

"Okay," he answered, "I will be here as long as you want," and he kissed her forehead. That night, for the very first time, Lucas didn\'t leave Belle after she was fast asleep and instead he continued to lay beside her until the sun had risen up again in the sky.

When the morning arrived, the news of more death appeared regarding the villagers as well as the councilman who was found dead in the building. Lucas, continued to read the newsletter until he was interrupted by Barron.

"What is written in there?" asked Barron.

"People dying."

"People always die. Tell me something new," commented Barron who tried to get on the table to reach an apple that was placed but his hands were short to reach it from the chair he stood on.

"The body that was left out in the forest, was pulled back to place it in the council instead of hiding it. Someone changed the location of death," stated Lucas folding the paper that was in his hands, "We will be going out today."

"Finally!" exclaimed Barron, "I have been utterly sick of this place, babysitting maids, house, and now reapers. Too tired."

"I meant Belle and I. You need to stay here with Greed and Baltimore," Barron\'s ears that had stood straight, fell back down.

"Come on, don\'t do this to me! I am Barron the Fourth Grim. But now you have turned me to Barron the baby sitter!" said Barron who had stopped struggling to get the apple from the table before letting it go.

"You are doing a tremendous job here. It would be hard to replace you," said Lucas before getting up from the chair to say, "How about this, you babysit this one time and I will take you out the next time?"

Barron gave a hard glare before saying, "This is going to be the last time!"


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