Belle Adams' Butler

Chapter 288 - Twig Ring- Part 2

Chapter 288 - Twig Ring- Part 2

"But they need the bodies to return, don\'t they?" asked Belle, a small frown appearing on her face.

"They do," Lucas agreed to her.

"And Vivian\'s body is corrupted. Should we possibly take it to someone to fix them up?" asked Belle because she knew how important it was to have a vessel for a soul. A vessel was an empty shell that would in time not corrupt, but it would decay. And if she were not wrong, their bodies would be buried or were buried now.

"We don\'t do anything," he shook his head, "Edith said not to involve ourselves any more than what we have done already because it would cause too much imbalance. The ghoul will fix them."

Belle didn\'t know how the ghoul would fix the bodies when it didn\'t speak the language of what people talked here, and no one could understand it apart from her and possibly Lord Nicholas who the ghouls belonged to.

"Do you think it can do it?" Belle had her doubts.

???It will have to do. The ghoul must love the girl enough to come to you to ask for your help so it should be able to bring the bodies in working condition," answered Lucas. Belle frankly wasn\'t sure how that was going to work and how long it would be before the ghoul worked something out. For now, she would have to believe Edith\'s words as she knew what was best. She was after all the oracle teller.

Belle and Lucas continued to stay in bed. The room was quiet and comfortable. It felt like this was a good break to have, away from home and alone with each other. She didn\'t know what the future held, but for now, she would enjoy her time with Lucas until the time would allow her. With one work done, Belle felt she had achieved the first step of being part of the alignment of stars.

"Where do we go from here?" asked Belle.

"I was thinking about us staying here for a few more days. I thought you would want to go and find out what happened to George."

That was there, thought Belle to herself. His death had come to her as a shock which she had never imagined. To believe that one of her friends was no more was something that turned her glum, and she took a deep breath before releasing it.

"I guess working in the council is not a good idea," she muttered under her breath.

"You can always enter the council if you want to work there, but you need to remember that there are people who would want things to go in their way and when it doesn\'t, you turn out to be an unnecessary piece in the board game," Lucas reminded her, "But if you decide to join, I will be there with you and make sure nothing ever bad befalls on you," he promised her.

Belle moved closer to him, inch by inch before raising her head to peck his lips and smile, "Let\'s work outside the council than inside it."

"Anything you wish for, Miss Adams," he answered her.

She wasn\'t even sure if she wanted to be part of the council after being thrown into the land of the dead, "Do you think we can take off days and do nothing?"

"What do you have on your mind?" he asked her.

"I was thinking. Maybe, we should go out and spend time together. Like go out shop, eat…" she trailed slightly blushing after telling what she had on her mind.

Lucas pulled up her hand to his lips and kissed them, "Sure. Let me know once you are ready and we\'ll go out," and this had Belle smile wide at him.

As decided during the time of noon, Belle and Lucas headed out of the inn and into the market and town. They were walking down the streets while Belle held on to Lucas\' arm. She didn\'t know if it was the change of the land or the people they were surrounded that made it easier for Belle to open her heart even more than she had before.

Bonelake was a place where there were people who knew her and her family, and though she didn\'t mind walking like this in front of them, men and women gossiped. Here no one knew them. In Valeria, Belle was just a vampiress, and Lucas looked like a human because of his black eyes.

There was a fair that was opened in this time of Winter, which they went to attend.

"Do you remember us going to the fair in Bonelake?" asked Belle, looking at the crowd of people who were walking past them and some who moved faster to pass them.

"Your parents weren\'t fond of sending you to the fairs," Lucas remembered the time how little Belle would beg and annoy her parents. But it didn\'t work and she was asked to stay inside the house rather than mingle with the people who were of lower status than them.

"I don\'t even know what was the point of all of it when we were only vampires. Not like we were pureblooded vampires," Belle said, her eyes looking at the jars of candies that were placed in one of the stores.

Her mother always wanted to stay up with the par of the other pureblooded vampiress and the vampire family, hoping to reach their status, but Belle was happier the way things were. She had seen some of the girls and met them enough to know she didn\'t want to be part of their circle—girls like Hana, Muriel, Grace.

"Did you know Grace has been defanged?" asked Belle snapping her head to look at Lucas.

"Yes, I overheard Damien speak to you about it," Lucas answered with a nod and Belle wondered when that happened as at that time it looked like Lucas was busy humouring the others at the table. She then remembered how Lucas knew how to multitask, "It is a pity."


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