Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 130 - Hallucinations

After walking for few more minutes and having beaten countless packs of creatures, they finally reached the dwelling where John resided when he was reigning that land.

"Here we are," John said, in a murmur. His gaze traveled toward his mansion that was almost unrecognizable. It had been fully destroyed and on the few remaining pieces of walls that surrounded the dwelling were written insults with blood.

John shook his head, "this is my reward for having kept peace for so long?" he pointed at the writings.

The sage took a long breath, facepalming his face in disappointment, "they don\'t know what they are doing and are too eccentric and power-driven to understand the consequences of their actions."

Maybe the sage was right, John thought to himself yet it wasn\'t a plausible reason to create so much destruction to a terra that just gave them life and tranquillity. The only creatures he had killed were the ones who dared to oppose his will and misbehave, besides that John had always been caring toward their needs.

"Let\'s get our father." John groaned when his eyes widened and flashed an intense red light gazing at his brother whose nodded.

Then he turned around to gaze at Roselyn and the sage, once they nodded he entered inside by climbing over the remains of his mansion.

A light came from inside, he kept walking climbing over the mass of shards, followed by his allies.

The more he walked and he reached the light\'s source he began to feel weaker and weaker. Voices echoed inside his mind and his view blurred while his head spun. Visions of his father\'s death drifted into his mind and harassed him so much that his head began to pulse and ache. He squeezed his eyes, but the visions became even clearer like if he was living that scene on repetition.

The same happened to the sage and John\'s brother, the sage shook his head vigorously trying to keep his wife\'s vision away from his head but the more he tried to oppose the more that vision clarified inside his mind. It looked so real… she was calling his name, stretching her hand for him to take and smiling at him so widely that for some instant he forgot he was hallucinating. He smiled at her, so happy to finally see her again.

He wanted to hug her to wrap his hands around her and finally melt in her embrace, after all those years he was finally seeing her.

Roselyn felt the usual dark cloud, this time it was reaching the sage, she widened her eyes when she pictured him dying trying to reach his wife. She couldn\'t let him die, she called him and tried to shook him but he was in the trace, empty gazing and smiling. His head moved from side to side harmoniously like if he was following a melody that someone sang for him.

"That is not real!" Roselyn screamed aloud in all her voice when she gazed around and saw John and his brother also hallucinating and shaking.

"Wake up!" She shook the sage\'s shoulders again. What was happening to them? And why was she immune from that attack?

The sage became paler and his lips became livid, a murmur escaped from his mouth, "we\'re finally together."

"No!" Roselyn screamed, her eyes filled with tears when she saw the black fog plunging into the sage\'s body. The man fell onto the ground, his eyes slowly closed but a smile on his face remained until he gave his last breath.

Who was so strong to do that? To kill someone just by making them vision something?

Roselyn swallowed down, she was alone. Her allies were all hallucinating and only God knew if they would ever fight back the vision and wake up from that lethal hallucination.

An intense light appeared in front of her and just when it faded Roselyn was able to flinch her head and looked at it.

"John!" She heard William\'s voice and ran toward him. His legs and his wrists were tied up with a rope.

"We will save you," Roselyn whispered to him, bent down to untie the rope that impeded him to move. The King once free stood up and gestured with his head toward a way out.

Roselyn nodded to him and took few steps in that direction until she suddenly stopped. It was too easy, and John was still behind. A good father would never leave his son alone and behind just to flee.

"What?" William asked frowned, puzzled by Roselyn\'s sudden stoppage.

"I am hallucinating too." She said, taking few steps backward.

"Roselyn!" William or better who looked like William raised his voice and called her pointing at the direction they were heading in.

"You are not him!" Roselyn screamed, staring at the person in front of her straight in his eyes.

"Don\'t be silly, we should go!" The man said widening his arms and laughing nervously.

But Roselyn shook her head and turned around to run back to John.

A strong grip tightened in her chest when he finally reached him, a strong light reappeared in front of her but this time it was reaching at her quickly. The more it reached her the more it spread and intensified.

The noise of someone clapping their hands woke Roselyn from her trance and a very familiar voice spoke.

"Wow, good job."

Roselyn\'s jaw dropped and her hands were trembling, was she hallucinating?

The person in front of her was the person she less thought to find there. How could it be?

She blinked her eyes few times, but the banshee in front of her didn\'t disappear.

"It can\'t be…" Roselyn said darting her eyes around to see the dead body of the sage on the ground and John still hallucinating.

She swallowed down and a tear fell down her face.

The banshee in front of her, the person who caused all the deaths and destruction was her sister.

Sharon reached Roselyn with a proud smile on her face and caressed her sister\'s cheek gently.. Roselyn was so shocked by that revelation that her skin became paler than usual and her mouth dried up.

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