Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 180 - Magic Integration

Chapter 180 Magic Integration

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

"Why did you take me here?" Leo suddenly asked. Even after observing the place, he still can\'t understand why Brad had guided him here. Was it only to show to him that they are all Mages, hence living in the Twilight Forest is safe and normal for them? Surely not, right?

Twilight Forest was considered as a Danger zone for a reason. And that exact reason is, the Twilight Forest is a habitat of some really powerful Magical Beast, even much higher than the Galaxy level. So, no matter how many 1 Star Mages and above a village have, they are still unsafe in such a place.

He had also looked at the Master who is currently teaching these Hybrids. He wasn\'t anything noteworthy, aside from the fact that he is a 9 Star Mage. But even with that cultivation, this village is still deemed unsafe.

Lastly, he had also noticed that these Hybrids were also capable of doing the Water Bomb, even use other Elements to create such kind of bomb. For example, a Wind Bomb, Earth Bomb, Nature Bomb, Light Bomb, and many more.

Even with that, though, it still doesn\'t explain the reason why exactly Brad took him to this training ground.

"What I did before was indeed considered as a Water Bomb, but at the same time it is also not a Water Bomb." Brad suddenly said.

"Huh?" Leo dubiously asked. It is a Water Bomb, yet at the same time, not a Water Bomb? Is Brad taking him for a fool or something?

"If I throw that Water Bomb, then it will naturally become a Water Bomb. But, if I just make it travel around my body, it means different." Brad explained.

"Oh..." Leo nodded his head. But he was still a bit confused.

"Haven\'t you noticed I didn\'t cast any chant in order to create the Water Bomb?" Brad suddenly asked.

"If my memory really serves me right, Brad indeed didn\'t chant or even at least mention the name of the Magic spell." Leo thought in his mind as he then only nodded to reply to Brad\'s question.

"What I did just a moment ago is called Magic Integration." Brad finally revealed what he meant.

However, this just made Leo become even more confused. Brad had said Magic Integration, but how exactly can this so-called Magic Integration help them keep safe in such a dangerous place. And what is this so-called Magic Integration, anyway?

"Magic Integration is just similar to Magic Manifestation. The only difference is, the latter shows the manifestation of the Mages Magic Power, while the former is the combination of the Magic Power and the Mages."

"By doing a Magic Integration, the Magic spell you have already deeply understood combined in itself inside your very own body, hence allowing you to control Magic spell-like how we control our hands. Like for example..." Brad suddenly summoned a Water Bomb without casting, "Create a Water Bomb spell without needing to cast any chants. Or much better..."

The Water Bomb began traveling around Brad\'s body, "Make the Water Bomb travel around my body just using my thoughts!"

Leo immediately felt interested in the so-called Magic Integration. He had heard back then in the Floating Mountain about the Magic Manifestation, specifically when Lu Ming and Commander Ava were fighting, so he was able to understand quickly what Brad really meant about. Simply put, Magic Manifestation and Magic Integration are just similar in the concept that they helped the Mages better use their Magic power and also improve their Magic power.

But still, it wasn\'t enough to explain completely why Brad had said that living in the Twilight Forest is normal for them.

"Oho... is this the young man from before?" A voice suddenly sounded, making Leo and Brad turned around.

"Chief!" Brad greeted as he bowed his head 90 degrees, "Yes, this is that young man. He has already woken up, and I decided to introduce to him our village."

"Oho... I just heard that you are currently teaching this young man about the meaning of Magic Integration. So, young man, how is it, did you understand anything?"

"So the Master teaching all of these Hybrids is actually their Chief of this village. I really thought that this person was their Instructor or the likes..." Leo thought.

The Village Chief was an adult around the age of 40. His looks are similar to an owl, but there are noticeable snake skins on his faces and a single horn on his forehead.

"I still don\'t understand it..." Leo scratched his head in confusion.


The Chief suddenly hit Brad\'s head with the stick he\'s currently holding as he said, "Oho... I see that you still don\'t understand the Magic Integration! Go and line up over there with everyone, and begin your practice. You\'ve already been practicing for a year and so, yet you still don\'t understand what I\'m teaching? Even dogs can understand it better than you do!"

The Chief then turned to look at Leo as he said, "Sorry about my stupid student. He is actually good, though he is just low in using his brain. By the way, is it okay for you to tell me what happened to you to arrive on the shore of our village?"

"The ship I was boarding going to Silver Kingdom unexpectedly crossed the Shark Cemetery, causing us to be attacked by dozens of Magical Beast Sharks and eventually leading to the destruction of our ship. Fortunately, I have a Defensive Magical Artifact with me. It really helped me escape alive." Leo replied as he took out the necklace, which only has a dimmed remaining light.

"Oho... That\'s indeed really unfortunate." The Chief sympathizes.

Leo could only lie to the Chief since he still doesn\'t know whether this village was really safe for him or not. If he reveals any important information, and then it turns out that this village actually has some relations to the Black organization, obviously he would definitely die, since the destruction that had happened in the Floating Mountain should have already reached the mainland of Silver Kingdom by now, which also means that the Black organization had already received the grave news of their President dying. Until he deemed this village safe, he will forever remain very cautious.

"Back to the topic of Magic Integration... Are you interested in learning it?" The Chief asked, "Base on your age and cultivation, you\'re just in the right age of learning Magic Integration."

"If you don\'t mind, then I\'m willing to learn this so-called Magic Integration!" Leo agreed without any hesitation.

Brad had said that it was because of the Magic Integration that their village is safe, so he naturally wants to learn such a thing that could guarantee the safety of a village in a Danger zone. Imagine this, if Magic Integration can guarantee the safety of a village worth of people, then not to mention a single person alone, right?

The Chief nodded his head delightfully as he began teaching, "Oho... Magic Integration is simply the combination of the Magic spell you have already learned and you. In layman\'s term, you are connecting a new part in your body."

"This new part is the Magic spell you\'ve already learned. What I really mean is what you have deeply learned, since only the Magic spells that you have thoroughly learned can be successfully combined in your body. Let\'s put it this way," The Chief suddenly showed his hand in front of Leo, "You see this hand? Although this hand is a part of my body, I can actually only say it\'s part of my body when I know how to control it like this..." He then began moving his hand randomly, "No matter how complicated the action is, we can understand and execute it easily because we understand the hand thoroughly."

"It\'s the same as the Magic spells. Once we deeply understand a Magic spell, we can use it similar to our hands." The Chief said as he suddenly created a Thunderbolt spell in his hand without chanting or even calling the Magic spell name like Brad, "What\'s even better, we can control the Magic spell to not affect us or any other people around us except for a specific target we have chosen."

"Like for example,"



The Thunderbolt was thrown and exploded right beside Brad, yet it didn\'t affect anyone aside from Brad.

"What was that for, Master!" Brad painfully exclaimed.

Leo was finally able to understand a bit about the Magic Integration.

Magic Integration is somehow similar as to how he used weapons. Like for example, for him, any daggers or knives can easily become something similar to a part of his body. No, it is still independent of his body, but it feels like it is part of him every time he uses them as his weapons.

He didn\'t expect that Magic spells could actually also be used that way. The only difference is he needed to understand the Magic spell thoroughly, rather than becoming extremely familiar with it just like in the case of weapons. Though, that is indeed reasonable since Mana and Magic rely more on the consciousness of a person.

"What certain Magic spell have you already deeply understood?" The Chief suddenly asked.

Hearing the Chief\'s words, Leo suddenly felt awkward. He actually only knows Support Magic spells.

"Does any Magic spell counts?"

"Yes!" The Chief nodded, "As long as it\'s a Magic spell, we can integrate it into our body and hence becoming a part of us."

"Even Support Magic spells?" Leo curiously asked.

"Even Support Magic spells. But I highly recommend that we integrate an Assault Magic spell since such kind of Magic spell is much more helpful compared to the Support Magic spells." The Chief suggested.

"Actually..." Leo scratched his head as he doesn\'t know whether he should tell the Chief or not. But ultimately, he decided to just reveal it. If he wants to learn Magic Integration, then he needs to tell the Chief his capability as a Mage. Anyways, any kind of Magic spell is considered okay.

"I actually only know a few Support Magic spells.... I still haven\'t tried training some Assault Magic spells since I have only become a Mage for less than a month."

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