Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 350 - Leo’s Sealed Memories Part 5

Chapter 350 Leo\'s sealed memories part 5

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Standing up from the bed, Leo shook his head to forget about those thoughts as he then tried pushing the door of the small underground room upward again, hoping that he can finally push it and leave this annoyingly tiny space.

"My older brother is really such a scam..." Leo said in irritation. His older brother Reinhart has said that it was impossible to be trapped inside the small underground room, but how does he explain his current predicament right now? He might be able to open the door, but with his still small body and weak strength, it is next to impossible for him to leave.

"Just where exactly did my so-great older brother go, and why is he still not here right now?!" Leo exclaimed in his mind. He estimates that more than half a day has already passed, so if his older brother Reinhart was really out hunting, then he should have long returned already, considering that he has left his cute, handsome, and charming little brother back at the small hut.


A thunderstorm suddenly sounded really loud outside, and what followed after was the ongoing rain turning heavy.


"Oh, no..." Leo frown as he soon after noticed the water from the rain outside flowing inside the small underground room. If this goes on, then this place would soon after be flooded, and he will certainly end up drowning inside since he was practically trapped.

Quickly, Leo looked around the room and began looking for a way to cover up the hole. A minute and a half later, he finally thought of a plan as he quickly went towards the chest and open it, grabbed the leather bag, and then began cutting it using the dagger amongst the piles of weapons. After cutting, he then tried stuffing it inside the small holes of the door.

Unfortunately, though, it wasn\'t still possible since the small pieces of leather would only be pushed out by the gushing water.

"This..." Leo can no longer remain calm as he started panicking about what he should do. It was impossible for him to stop the water from flowing inside. He also can\'t dig a way out since this small underground room was basically made out of a hardened rock. Using the few weapons inside the chest to hit the walls to try to create a hole might be able to indeed create a hole, but still impossible for him to dig a way out of this place. In fact, the weapon would certainly break first.

Minutes passes and the water inside the small underground room was starting to rise to the level of his knees. Despite this place being cold right now due to the moist of the rain, his head was still sweating out of nervousness, panic, and worried about himself. If he wasn\'t only trying his very best to remain calm till now, then he would have long started shouting for help outside already, just like what normal kids at his age would definitely do once they were on his feet right now.

Seemingly like he can no longer handle the stress his currently feeling right now, he finally started pushing the door upward with all the strength he can muster up while at the same time he was banging the metal door from time to time with the dagger in his hand. He didn\'t dare shout as he was still afraid of attracting dangerous and powerful Magical Beast. At least, it was fine attracting ordinary Magical Beast, since he could still try to put up a fight even if it cost him his death, unlike the powerful and dangerous 1 Star Magical Beast which he can only choose to wait for his death once he got found out.


In the middle of the rain, a small figure of a little girl was walking around seemingly looking for something, or perhaps someone. Above her head was an umbrella used to shield her from the heavy rain, and a few dozens of men assigned to protect her were closely following behind.

"Young Lady Elizabeth, who are we looking for exactly inside the Twilight forest?" Vismot can\'t help asking while holding the umbrella. He wasn\'t worried about any danger around this part of the Nine River Forest at all, since as long as it isn\'t in the 5 Star level and above he could easily take Young Lady Elizabeth and run away, rather he was simply curious why they were here right now. They have already been walking around inside this place for many hours now, and still, Young Lady Elizabeth didn\'t find what she was looking for. But, if he knew what it was, then he might just be able to look for it himself to finish everything here as quick as possible. One of the reasons is because of the heavy rain, while the main reason was because he is afraid of the overprotective Patriarch Vincent Snow.

With how familiar Vismot was already with Patriarch Vincent Snow, if ever his daughter Young Lady Elizabeth catches a fever due to the rain, or even just has a mere runny nose, then he would definitely be receiving a heavy punishment. In fact, he was already imagining whether he would be sent out into a dangerous mission or bring a few powerful and dangerous Magical Beast, alive only.

"I\'m looking for my fiancé... I mean that irritating boy yesterday! He didn\'t return last night, so his father is already starting to worry. They have already started searching, but they still weren\'t able to find him. His older brother is also missing, but they should be together right now." Elizabeth replied while puffing up her cheeks. That guy was supposedly his future husband, yet he\'s already running away from home, so once they officially get married, would he also be doing the same?

Suddenly, two scouts were running towards them.

"Young Lady Elizabeth, we have found a destroyed small hut a bit far away in our front. We also heard some faint noises over there, but since we weren\'t sure of what it was, we quickly went to report it to you first." Two scouts who were assigned to scout ahead quickly reported.

Elizabeth\'s face immediately became serious after hearing the report. She then waved her hand and said, "Quickly take me there!"



The scouts nodded their heads before quickly leading the way in front.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the location of the destroyed small hut.

The small hut was destroyed beyond repair, no walls remained standing, and even its roof made out of a combination of twigs, roots, and leaves was destroyed into pieces. The furniture inside was also the same, as only a few signs of it remained.






The sound of banging was getting fainter and fainter.

"Quickly, check where that banging sound came from!" Elizabeth immediately ordered her men.

The moment the dozens or so of people, including the two scouts, heard Young Lady Elizabeth\'s order, they immediately began moving.

It was easy to determine where the sound came from, so everyone quickly carried out the pieces of wood and destroyed parts away in order to reveal who was making those banging sounds.

Soon, they finally found a metal door disguised as a wooden floor. Fortunately, this metal door could be opened outside, so without wasting any more time, they quickly began opening the door.


"What did you find?" Elizabeth quickly asked the moment she saw them opening a metal door. Though even without needing anyone\'s answer, she soon finally saw with her own eyes the person she has long been looking for all this time. Without bothering about the rain, she quickly runs towards him.

The moment Elizabeth arrived beside Leo, she quickly looked at the place where they picked him out from as she then quickly understood what had happened. Leo was trapped inside and drowned.

"He\'s still alive!" One of the scouts reported after feeling that Leo\'s pulse was still beating. Without any hesitation, he quickly starting pumping Leo\'s chest. After doing that for 1 minute straight, he then right after moved his mouth to give Leo\'s mouth some air, however before he could do that Young Lady Elizabeth was much faster than him as her mouth was already planted on Leo\'s and begin giving him some air.

"Young Lady Elizabeth?!" Vismot and everyone was immediately struck dumbfounded as they watched how Young Lady Elizabeth kissed a boy. No, it wasn\'t really something that can be called a kiss, since what she\'s doing was giving the boy some air to save his life, but their lips still touched nonetheless.

The same thought immediately surfaced in everyone\'s minds, "We are all definitely dead after this!"

Looking at the scout who has stopped pumping Leo\'s chest, Elizabeth immediately exclaimed in anger, "What are you doing?! Continue pumping my fiancé\'s chest, we need to save him!"

"Ah!" The scout immediately understood why Young Lady Elizabeth did such a \'life-threatening\' action just now. This young boy was actually Leo, her fiancé! Half a second later, he snapped out of his thoughts and quickly continued pumping Leo\'s chest again while Elizabeth was doing a mouth-to-mouth recitation to give him air.

"Young Lady Elizabeth, cover his nose while you\'re giving him some air!" The scout said as he noticed Elizabeth\'s mistake.

"Okay!" Elizabeth nodded in understanding as she then covered Leo\'s nose first before giving his mouth some air.

After a few minutes, Leo\'s eyes finally opened wide as he then right after starting coughing out some water.

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