Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 539 - Exchanging The Beast Lord Storm Sparrow

Chapter 539 Exchanging the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow 

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

"You can leave the job of looking for the Information Dealer to me, Guild Leader Leo," Elvis stood up from his chair and bowed his head. 

"Okay, I entrust the job to you," Leo nodded his head with a smile on his face. He then quickly changed the topic, "Anyways, have you eaten your dinner yet?"

"I was before you called me..." Elvis scratched his head.

"Then, let\'s go!" Leo stood up from his chair and left the room along with Elvis. 

On the way to the canteen, Leo and Elvis continued talking. The topic of their discussion was information about some noteworthy forces outside of the Emerald Tree Kingdom. 

Even while eating in the canteen, they still continued talking about such a topic so that Leo could learn more and not remain oblivious about the potential trouble that they might be encountering. 

The discussion only ended when Leo started feeling a bit tired. He bid farewell to Elvis who was going to guard the cages dangling below the Flyingboats tonight along with the others. 

As Leo arrived inside his room, he immediately went to his bed and quickly go to sleep, leaving Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, and Ash frowning a few meters away from him.

He completely ignored Cassandra and the others who were looking at him just now with gazes full of expectations about doing something perverted the moment he entered. To be more precise, those were gazes full of lust.

Honestly, he was already very used to this, because every night he entered in is room, which is the biggest room of all in this Emerald Elven Flyingboat and was also shared with all of his women, they would immediately seduce him, even to the point that they have already taken out their respective jars full of condoms and put it beside his bedside cabinet in order to tempt him.

However, even after all of their seductions and methods of temptation, he still didn\'t cave in and do it with them. 

This is just how serious he is about not wanting to deal with the never-ending trouble that will come after granting them their desire. And besides, he is not a fool to really believe that Cassandra and the others would be easily persuaded to just do it sometimes. He could already expect that what they would do instead is that they would agree on having a schedule again on who\'s going to do it with him on this day, the next day, the day after that, and so on and so forth, just like the previous situations. 

Although that sounded really great and fun, which certainly would to almost every man, including him as well, but that would also affect his plan of cultivating before going to sleep.

His schedule is almost so fully packed with only the time being free in the evening. And yet he would actually choose to have sex rather than cultivate to become much stronger? Only near-sighted or lustful people would choose to do something like that, which he\'s certainly not included. 

Of course, one day he would definitely do it with them. After all, he\'s a man, and also Cassandra and the others are really so tempting to eat. In fact, deep inside of him, he had long been desiring of eating all of them. 

But just like what he had said before, he would only choose to do that when he has the time to deal with the trouble that will come after doing it... or maybe when he could finally talk some sense to Cassandra and the others.

This is really so troublesome...

Two days later, they finally returned back to the Emerald Tree Kingdom, shocking everyone once again with the news of the Mischievous Lion Guild capturing another Galaxy-level Magical Beast. 

It wasn\'t only the Galaxy-level Magical Beast that they have captured that surprised everyone, it was also because they could finally confirm the news that the Elves Secret organization had indeed chosen to sponsor someone in the Emerald Event for the very first time. 

"Guild Leader Loki," Commander Vargas greeted with a smile. 

"Commander Vargas, I\'m here again to trade another Galaxy-level Magical Beast to the Evergreen royal family," Leo motioned his hand for Charlotte and the others to bring forth the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow.


Charlotte and the others soon brought the caged Beast Lord Storm Sparrow in front of Leo and Commander Vargas. 

"I see that you have surprisingly caught a Beast Lord Storm Sparrow, one of the strongest and hardest Galaxy-level Magical Beast to catch," Commander Vargas said while observing the caged Beast Lord Storm Sparrow before shaking his head in disappointment. If only this Beast Lord Storm Sparrow wasn\'t seriously injured, then there would have been a chance that the Evergreen royal family would choose to tame it. Really unfortunate...

"I would like to exchange this Beast Lord Storm Sparrow for a business relationship with the Evergreen royal family, five more Emerald Elven Flyingboats, and a qualification to participate in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition," Leo didn\'t waste any time as he immediately lay down the price of the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow that they have captured.

Commander Vargas raised one of his brows in curiosity before saying, "I can understand that you want to exchange this Beast Lord Storm Sparrow for a business relationship with the Evergreen royal family and five more Emerald Elven Flyingboats, but why do you also want to exchange it for a qualification to participate in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition?"

"Your Mischievous Lion Guild is still in the third place. Although it only has a few hundreds of thousands of points difference with the one in the fourth place now compared to a few days ago and has a very high chance of dropping down to the fourth place if you don\'t increase the points of the Mischievous Lion Guild, but even if they can indeed replace you, it would still not mean that you will not be able to qualify in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition,"

"So, I\'m really curious to know the reason why?" Commander Vargas really can\'t help wanting to know the answer to his question.

Leo simply smiled and said, "You will find out in a few days,"

Obviously, there\'s a reason for him to exchange the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow for qualification to participate in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition. He\'s not just blindly exchanging for anything. 

"Okay," Commander Vargas nodded his head in understanding as he chooses to be patient and wait for the time that Guild Leader Loki gives him the answer to his question. He continued, "Anyways, since that\'s what you want, then I agree!"

Leo and Commander Vargas shook each other\'s hand to mark the conclusion of their deal. 

The Mischievous Lion Guild would receive a contract to have a business relationship with the Evergreen royal family, five Emerald Elven Flyingboats, and the qualification to participate in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition in the next day, while the Evergreen royal family will receive the seriously injured Beast Lord Storm Sparrow today.

After that, Leo immediately informed Elvis to start looking for an Information Dealers that has information about a Galaxy-level Magical Beast located nearby the Emerald Tree Kingdom. He also reminded him to not forget to give the report about Captain Timon to Madam Flores.

Lastly, he informed Edward and Sele to start looking for people that wanted to exchange using Magical resources and other necessary items that could help the Mischievous Lion Guild for points in the Emerald Event.

This was the exact reason why he had decided to choose one of the three exchanges of the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow to be a qualification to participate in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition because it\'s now time to make use of the points they have earned to grow the Mischievous Lion Guild even more powerful. 

From the very beginning, they really didn\'t care about placing in the top 100 in the Emerald Event as long as they could qualify to participate in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition. In fact, the only reason why he chooses to exchange the points now is because he had already made use of all the benefits they could get from the popularity and fame that they have gained from placing in the third place of the Emerald Event to benefit the Mischievous Lion Guild. So, there\'s really no use of placing in the third-place anymore now. 

Meanwhile, Captain Iles, Vice-Captain Reyl, Vice-Captain Sito, Captain Timon, and Vice-Captain Uriah bid farewell to him as they still need to report to the Elves Secret organization everything that had happened in the operation 

While Elvis, Edward, and Sele were doing those important matters, Leo spent his entire day on a date with Elizabeth in the Emerald City. 

Since he already had a date with Cassandra the last time, hence it was Elizabeth\'s schedule to go out and have fun with him now. And besides, this is also an opportunity to remove one of the favors he owned Cassandra and the others, thus making him closer to removing this troublesome thing from his fully-packed schedule.

What Leo and Elizabeth had done in their date was almost another repetition of how Leo had spent his date with Cassandra. Visiting different places in the Emerald City, go shopping, and eat delicious foods. 

They returned back to the Smiling Lion Village before the night falls. 

Coincidentally, Elvis had also already found an Information Dealer who has Information about a Galaxy-level Magical Beast located nearby the Emerald Tree Kingdom, so he went straight to find Elvis.

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