Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 600 - Rescuing Elvis Part 1

Chapter 600 Rescuing Elvis part 1

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce


Before Ethan and the others could react, the surrounding circular area of the fireplace was tunneled in by the five Earth Elementals of Leo, which soon revealed the tunnel leading towards the base of the Naughty Elves organization.

"What are you all waiting for, let\'s quickly break in and bust Elvis out of this place!" Leo said before quickly entering the tunnel. 

Ethan and the others looked at each other, and in the next second, all of them swiftly followed after Leo. None of them wanted to be left behind and pick up the scraps left by the others during the fight.

The tunnel from the entrance wasn\'t really big, at most enough to fit a single adult person. But as they continue moving forward, the tunnel slowly expanded in size, until eventually, it became tens of meters wide. 

It was also at this moment that they finally encountered the first wave of members of the Naughty Elves organization, specifically a total of ten people.

"Who are you?! Stop if you don\'t want to mess with the Naughty Elves organization!" One of the members of the Naughty Elves organization threatened.

"It seems like we have come in the right place," Leo said to the others, completely ignoring that member of the Naughty Elves organization as if he was merely thin air.

"The person with the lowest kill count will have to handle all the work in the office for a month straight!" Ethan suddenly proposed, completely catching everyone off-guard, including those ten members of the Naughty Elves organization. He didn\'t bother waiting for everyone to agree as he quickly launches forward to begin killing their enemies in front.

However, before Ethan could even get closer to the members of the Naughty Elves organization, the five Earth Elementals of Leo swiftly began shooting earth spikes. 

Even without Leo\'s order, the five Earth Elementals have their own consciousness and are completely able to determined enemies and foes. 

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh! 

One by one, the members of the Naughty Elves organization began dropping to the ground with a lifeless body. And soon, all of them dropped down to the ground, dead. 

"You..." Ethan turned to look at Leo, a bit shocked at the scene that just happened seemingly in an instant.

"Ten kills for me, while zero kills for all of you!" Leo said with a mischievous smile on his face. He then quickly turned serious and jumped to the back of one of his Earth Elementals and ordered them, "Full speed ahead!"

As soon as they heard Leo\'s order, the five Earth Elementals didn\'t hesitate to charge forward once again. 

With such an opportunity to not work in the office for a month, he of course wouldn\'t waste it!

From Leo\'s actions alone, it could easily be guessed already that he had accepted Ethan\'s proposition of whoever has the lowest kill count will have to handle all the work in the office for a month straight. And it also seems like that it wasn\'t only him that had accepted Ethan\'s proposition as well.

Seeing Leo quickly leaving and getting farther and farther away in every passing second, Ethan didn\'t waste any more time as he wanted to overtake Leo in charging ahead, which will allow him to kill their enemies in front before anyone else does. However, before he could even lift off his feet and begin flying, Elaine and the others behind him were one step ahead of him. They all pushed him to the side in order to delay him before flying forward. Iasiah even casted a thick Ice Wall spell in order to block Ethan\'s path forward and delay him.

Honestly, they weren\'t really planning on doing that to Ethan, because it would be much more safer if all of them were fighting together against the Naughty Elves organization, especially in this new and unfamiliar environment. But because he dared to play unfairly just now, then delaying him is their little payback to him.

Fortunately, with the current cultivation level of Ethan, the thick ice wall that Iasiah had casted didn\'t really delay him for that long. 


"You guys are really going to pay for this!" Ethan exclaimed loudly as he flew really fast. It didn\'t take him that long to overtake Elaine and the others, and soon he eventually caught after Leo. But before he passed by Leo, he turned to look at him and ask, "Can I?"

Looking at Ethan by his side, Leo smiled and replied, "Just go ahead,"

"Okay!" Ethan said excitedly. He didn\'t hesitate anymore as he swiftly charges at the very front. 

Ethan\'s figure eventually disappeared from Leo\'s sight. But instead of feeling bad about it, a mischievous smile instead slowly formed on his lips.

Unbeknownst to Ethan, Leo was actually just using him to handle the possible dangers in front of them.

Until now, none of them know clearly well the exact strength and numbers of the enemies that they will be fighting against in this place. After all, they didn\'t have any prior information before arriving here. The only reason why they were confident to attack this place was because of their over-all strength that hardly anyone in the Emerald Tree Kingdom could compare with. Still, they didn\'t become overconfident just because of that.

That\'s why he decided to send Ethan, a Galaxy-level Mage, in front to check and confirm the situation of the Naughty Elves organization first. Anyways, no one should be able to easily defeat him here with how powerful he is. But if ever there is actually one, then they have Elaine, Edward, and Chief Lago, who are not that far away from Ethan, that can assist him in the fight. 

Although, it seems like they aren\'t also really planning to rush ahead before checking and confirming the situation in front first as well. Obviously, they are more than aware of the fact that it would be very stupid for them to do the same action as Ethan. And besides, as long as they aren\'t the person with the lowest kill count, they wouldn\'t have to suffer the consequences.

As for why exactly is Ethan so rush right now? It should be because; out of everyone present here, he\'s the only one who extremely hates staying in the office after nearly spending almost half of this month\'s time doing nothing else aside from working in the office. 

After a few minutes, dozens of explosions began sounding ahead of Leo and the others. Multiple shouts of command could also be heard from many different directions. 

"The area in front should be much more spacious than this, so don\'t hesitate to spread out the moment you arrive there," Leo said to everyone behind him.

"Affirmative," Elaine and the others nodded their heads in unison.

Soon, everyone finally arrived at the main area of the base of the Naughty Elves organization. 

A base with hundreds of meters of wide space soon appeared in front of everyone\'s sight. 

There were many infrastructures found inside the base, such as dozens of metal bridges that are connecting one place to another, tens of rooms leading towards some still unknown places, some water tanks with orange-colored liquid inside and are connected together through steel pipes, and some other things that Leo and the others can\'t recognize, not because they don\'t know what it was, but rather because Ethan had already destroyed them beyond recognition. 

And speaking about the devil...

Right at the very center, Ethan\'s figure could be seen flying near the ceiling of the base while launching one Magic spell after another towards the area where a lot of members of the Naughty Elves organization were gathered together and attacking him. He could also be seen dodging from time to time as well so that he will not get hit by any of the attacks launched towards his direction. 

Noticing that Leo and the others had finally arrived, Ethan exclaimed loudly, "A little help here!"

"Nah, you alone should be enough to handle all of them," Leo jokingly replied. He then tapped the shoulder of the Earth Elemental he\'s riding on as he ordered, "Begin your massacre!"

After saying that, Leo then quickly leaped back and landed on a metal bridge nearby. 

In the next second, the five Earth Elementals began jumping from one metal bridge to another as if they were monkeys... No, actually, they could somewhat be considered as one, since they are currently in their Bedrock Kong form, thus their actions were somewhat to be expected already. While moving, they were also shooting earth spikes towards all the members of the Naughty Elves organization that they can find, causing tens of them to drop dead down to the ground in every passing minute.

Consequently, Leo began summoning more Earth Elementals. Some of them he ordered to attack, while the others stayed by his side to defend and protect him, and at the same time occasionally launching attacks from time to time. He also summoned a few Wind Elementals to sneaked pass everyone and look for where the Naughty Elves organization had imprisoned Elvis. 

Of course, Elaine and the others wouldn\'t just let Leo and Ethan simply have everything for themselves. They swiftly separated from each other and began taking care of the members of the Naughty Elves organization in their respective locations. 

With the speed of the Wind Elementals and their unique capability of almost being unhindered while moving, and on top of that, they were also following the green-colored String of Fate of Elvis to easily lead them towards his location, it didn\'t take them that long to find where he was being imprisoned. None of the guards around the cell of Elvis was able to notice their arrival, including Elvis as well.

"Found you," Leo can\'t help but smile after he has finally found Elvis. He then quickly ordered the Earth Elementals around him to stay close. 

While taking advantage of the mess caused by Ethan and the others, Leo slowly made his way towards the room where the Wind Elementals had found Elvis. 

There weren\'t really that many people guarding the location of the prison cell of Elvis. Maybe because they have all assumed that no one will be able to find this location considering how extremely hidden it was, which honestly speaking, was actually true. In fact, without the cheat-like unique capability of Leo, then there\'s no doubt that it would be extremely difficult for him to find the location of Elvis. 

He might not even be able to guess that such an ordinary wooden hut back on the surface would actually have a secret tunnel hidden using a Concealment Magic Array underneath leading straight towards what should only be one of the hidden bases of the Naughty Elves organization in the entire Emerald Tree Kingdom.

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