What The Luck!?

Chapter 41 - 41. Static

After grabbing their waiver forms and placing them in their bags Sammy ran up to them. "I bet you guys chose camp jewel too right?" She was bouncing with excitement. "I have never gone to camp but I chose this one I can practice in nature more. I was told that this is the only camp taking place in the woods and since I need open spaces to try things out it was the obvious choice." She stood tall showing off her well planned out decision.

"Wait so you mean we might get to be the first ones to see you use your powers to fly?" Art was happier about this than anyone. The realization that he might be able to talk Sammy into getting them to fly too was not just a pipe dream.

"Well I don\'t know if I can figure it out in a week but i will try my best." Sammy was a little shy hearing this but knew that she would one day be able to do many things, flying was just a small step in the ability she had.

"I wonder who else will go too?" Asher looked around the room at the many students he had yet to talk to and wondered if they would be joining him in the competition for training.

"I saw Louis take one of the camp jewel forms so let\'s go ask him." The three looked at Sammy confused by this. They hadn\'t met Louis yet and were lost to who it was.

Sammy went to the back of the classroom and stood next to the boy that always seemed wrapped up in bandages and wearing a hoodie. "Louis you took the camp jewel form right? You are going to come with us and train to the world\'s end!?" Sammy was getting more and more fired up.

"Sammy you now you shouldn\'t stand so close to me. It\'s dangerous." He spoke slowly and carefully while not moving an inch.

"Well hey man, we are going too so you should plan to sit next to us on the bus. When we get there we are going to compete to see who can make the biggest improvement." Art was the first to extend his hand in greeting.

"I can\'t shake hands unless you want to get fried to a crisp. It\'s better if you all stay away. My body might zap you all." Now they were all getting curious and confused. The only one that wasn\'t was Sammy.

"You\'re so bad at explaining Louis" She gave him a disapproving look before turning to the others. "This is Louis Wren. he got his shot the same day as us and has been wrapped up tight like this since. He got a little bit of a dangerous super power so he\'s pretty afraid to touch anyone. Pretty much he is a walking lightning bolt now. If he isn\'t wrapped up with these rubber bandages he will zap you good." Sammy giggled a little at this completely disregarding the danger.

"That sounds a little...dangerous." Art was taking a step back with a little fear showing on his face.

"Oh it\'s not that bad. If he is feeling extra zappy I just jump in the air and don\'t touch anything." Sammy gave a little hop and floated for an instant without touching anything around her.

Louis let out a large sigh. "You know that only works with you since you can make the air hold you up for a split second. If anyone else touches me they will feel like they are touching a wall socket or even worse struck by lightning. It is the worst power ever." Louis was obviously brought to the class due to his chances of causing other people or electrical items damage.

While they were standing there everyone\'s hair started to stand on end slightly. "You will want to back up, I am about to have an extra jolt..." Louis seemed to shrink away from everyone not wanting to be near anyone at all.

Jane, Art, and even Sammy jumped back with full force putting a large distance away from him. Asher was not as quick however. He was standing there barely starting to take a step when Louis let out a short gasp. The air crackled around him and everyone could see small bits of blue electricity escaping from around the bandages.

Asher winced as he felt the shock come for him, but when he thought he was going to be fried he felt nothing. "Ummm what happened?"

Louis had stood up in shock, the build up of electricity had suddenly faded as if directed away from him somewhere else. Asher opened his eyes and looked about wondering if the blue electricity he had seen was just a bluff. The smell of melting plastic and metal was the true identifier that something had happened.

"Ahh Louis you melted the wire to the classroom projector!" Sammy was looking up at the once low hand projector cord. The electricity had jumped to the closest thing and traveled through it. The intense energy had melted the plastic casing and even the copper wiring in it.

"Whoooo, that was close. I thought you were going to be electrocuted. That one felt big. It\'s like all my energy builds up at once and just bursts out. I have no idea why. If I can go train in the woods I can get rid of these bandages and really try to learn to control it. Oh the doctor called my super power blue lightning body." The cool name instantly attracted Art\'s attention.

"Dude, you can make the best hero names when you learn to control your power." He was already writing names in his head for Louis.

"Not so sure I will be a hero but I am debating working with power generation facilities since they will deal with a lot of dangerous electricity. I would fit in really well." He seemed happy to hear that his power was seen as cool instead of an accident waiting to happen.

"True if you go there and can control electricity you will be the best at electrical safety at any facility." Jane saw the benefit immediately. There were so many injuries that could be avoided by having someone with proper control over one of the most dangerous elements in the world.

"Well since you seem discharged for now." Asher held out his hand. "Nice to meet you Louis, I am glad you are not the quiet brooding type and instead just keeping us all safe. You should come sit with us at lunch from now on." His genuine smile made Louis rush his step forward and grasp his hand. He had not touched anyone since he had gained his powers.

"I will be taking you up on that offer." Even though he was covered in rubber bandages the smile was still plain to see on his face.

"So that\'s half our class alone going to camp jewel. How crazy is that?" Art had realized that with Stanley they had officially befriended half the class and found they were sticking together when it came to camps.

"I am pretty sure the boy who sits in front of me is too, I think his name is Stanly." Louis pondered this before looking to his left. "And I know for sure that Erin is as well. She is the one who handed me the form when I walked up. I can\'t remember what power she has though. But if she ever needs my help I will give her anything she needs."

The last comment put everyone on guard, he couldn\'t really tell them about her but since she handed him one form he is already so dedicated. "Umm a little weird but I guess everyone can be a fan of whoever they want." Jane tried to brush it off but the others still felt a little weirded out.

Trying to push on to another topic they chatted about the rumors they had heard about the camps and what they would do. "You know Asher\'s sister called it camp cruel. Not sure how I feel about that but no pain no gain." Art remembered the dinner clearly but he didn\'t know why that was the name made for it.

"I have heard that it is the hardest camp but I figured that was because it was mostly for those aimed at law enforcement. It\'s no walk in the park learning all the laws and the training that goes in to it." Sammy seemed that she was not deterred by this and actually expected it. "I have already studied what training is needed for those who go in to the air to police the skies, it is a lot of training in lung capacity alone."

"So it isn\'t intentionally cruel just that it is tough to learn so people act like it is cruel." Asher summed everything up thinking that everyone that had been was just exaggerating. With this their conversation mostly came to an end, the bell soon ringing for them to move on to lunch.

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