What The Luck!?

Chapter 308 - 308. Surprise Judge

The group met in front of the school much earlier than any of the other students. They wanted to make sure each of them was ready for their starts and have a few moments to wish each other luck. The odds of them facing each other were very high, especially since they knew they were miles ahead of everyone else. 

"Well look who\'s here already. Did you come to greet me?" Of all people to walk through the entrance to the school, the group was looking at Garnet. 

"Garnet? What brings you here?\' Jane was the first to ask curiously. She wasn\'t sure why Garnet would ever leave the camp since there had to be a lot going on due to other schools sending their own campers over at different times. 

"Well, since I have worked with the students at camp they extended a guest evaluator position for the tets. I am basically your judge. That means this one right here to beat that brat before me in a certain martial arts\' tournamnet, "Garnet clapped Art on the shoulder, "Should be very worried." The wicked smile made all of them shiver. 

"Well I ummm, he was a very tough opponent and I must have won with sheer luck. Gumb luck . Exactly that, you can ask Asher. He knows all about luck. You know, his super power and All." The quick thinking was Art\'s attempt to shake of Garbnet but when he looked back in her eyes he was surprised to see a different look. 

"You did pretty great. Without a super power you managed to push much further than anyone else. But when that..hmm what\'s his name? Powerless king? Whatever, when he comes back he will remember your moves. He is tricky." Garnet warned Art before looking at everyone else. 

"I\'m pretty sure you are not the kids that were at my camp a while ago. Are you sure you are all still in high school?" Garnet joked a little. Little did they know that she had watched every single match and was already labeling them as the best heroes in their generation and possibly the century. 

"Have you seen my brother? Onyx should be around here somewhere. He came earlier to explore the survival area. Apparently, there is a spot that replicates a landslide he wants to tets out. Since he is another guest judge elsewhere he is allowed." Garnet rolled her eyes since she thought it was stupid that he had rushed there so fast without her. 

Jackson and Asher grew slightly on edge hearing that Onyx was around. They were both afraid they would somehow hurt another tree he had cared for and end up on the bad side of Onyx even more. "Ehm, no. None of us have seen him." Jackson threw on his best smile to greet Garbet. 

"Pretty sure you grew another inch. Sure you won\'t come and train under me to be a martial arts master? I can make it worth your while." Garnet rubbed her fingers as if there was money between them making Jackson quickly but politely decline. 

"I have other commitments. Please still look after me in the future." He didn\'t want Garnet to feel like he was completely tossing the possibility aside. He was actually considering applying to work at the camp in the summer for a part time job. It would be the best place to get better at survival and also teach others what he knew. 

"Well, before I go to meet the principal. Remember to use your brains if you have them. I\'m sure your teachers already said it, but it is good to be reminded." Garnet headed in to the school with a backward wave. 

"Wow, they even brought Garnet to evaluate the tournament this year. They never bring in outside evaluators to judge and give us scores." Louis was pretty impressed.

"I think that might be because of us. I\'m reading the statement the principal posted online, \'\'\' due to the extreme progress our students have been having, we have invited multiple experienced judges to grade the tournaments this year. Look forward to strong explanations and evaluations from experts in our parental broadcast of this years tests"" looks like he planned all this out pretty well.\' Sammy closed her phone and pouted slightly knowing that a perfect grade would be much harder now. 

"It doesn\'t matter who judges. All of us are going to do well. Although, you all have to deal with each other." Cara snickers a little knowing that they were all stuck competing for the best possible ranking. 

"At least we know that the grade we get won\'t be based on the place we finish. I have been worried they might fail us if we lose." Asher had the small nightmare the previous night that they would get first but end up being failed for a wrong move.

"True, even if we lose the first round because of a bad super power match up we might still get a perfect hundred points," Jane reassured Asher and herself that they will do well no matter what. 

"I think we all know what we will do and how we can show off our unique ability to use our super powers. Just remember, if you guys come against me, admit defeat." Art started the trash talking and in a second everyone was trash talking each other in some way or another. Not a single person was actually listening to the others. 

After this loud bot of yelling and joking they finally split up and headed to prepare themselves. The next time they would meet would be the large gym where their tournament was taking place. 

The science and engineering tournament was already underway and claimed a major portion of the academic buildings. The athletic tournaments were being prepared and every single field was in use for the day. There were many chairs and bleachers set up for parents who would come and watch. This was nearly another field day for the students but instead, there were college and university scouts. 

Somehow Jane and Asher ended up alone together wandering the halls watching as some of the engineering and science focused students prepared their demonstrations and experiments. 

"So, do you think you will stand a chance against me when we meet at the last match of the tournament?\' Jane was just trying to tease Asher a little but his reaction was a little more than she expected. 

"If you want I can let you win. Our grade won\'t be affected if we forfeit for a good reason." Asher was thinking about this a little since he didn\'t want to push Jane to shift multiple times in a day. He was too worried she would overdo it. 

"I\'m not so weak that you would have to give up." Jane huffed and turned away from him. 

"Oh trust me. I know you aren\'t weak. You forget you have hit me before." He laughed a little, making her relax more. 

"You should face me full on. That\'s one reason I respect you." She nearly whispered the end but Asher managed to hear the entire thing. 

"Then we will test each other to the best of our abilities. But please promise me you won\'t shift more than twice today." Asher held out a hand to pinky promise with Jane. She paused and thought for a moment before accepting that it was her friend expressing worry. She wouldn\'t throw his worry away. 

"I promise. I don\'t think I can even shift a third time at all to be honest." Jane also knew that she had some serious limits when it came to shifting and was not willing to push herself too far as to hurt herself. 

"Good." Asher nodded accepting the promise but still didn\'t release Jane\'s finger. The two wandered the hall with the pinky fingers locked tight not saying a word until they got to the locker rooms. "I\'ll see you in a little while. Don\'t go too easy." Asher smirked and headed in to the male side. 

Jane shouted back, "Don\'t go thinking you can win!" She left to the female locker rooms.

"Was that Jane I heard yelling at you from outside?" Art was at a locker changing in to his gear and had been waiting for Asher to get there. "I figured you two would be late since you two are all dross and lovey dovey." Art was given a solid tackle from Asger after he said this prompting the two to start rough housing before they were even getting in to the matches. 

"You guys know that we can get in trouble for this right?" Louis was shaking his head while watching the scene go down. 

"I think they don\'t care...But it\'s their failed grade." Jackson  just kept changing without looking at the two.m 

The loud speaker chimed in interrupting all the students, "The tournament for those who wish to pursue law enforcement and hero work in their career options is beginning in ten minutes. Every student will need to be in the large gym and in line to register. The doors will be locked afterwards.." Asher and Art rushed back to changing.

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