What The Luck!?

Chapter 365 - 365.The Truth

Part of Asher felt that he was a fool. Not only was he hiding this from his best friend, but he was currently standing in front of the hospital door to his best friend\'s older brother\'s room. The person that had caused the most recent pain to his best friend. There were plenty of instincts screaming that he turn around and forget this entire thing. If he did nothing would change and the group would just keep improving. 

However, If he did not and there was something major that Asher could learn, they might be in danger without any preparation. Art had already exposed his own super power to the world. It was a small example but proof nonetheless. If something did happen and Asher had done absolutely nothing to find out more information and prepare, who would he be? He would be the worst friend ever. 

There was also the turmoil that had already been earring at Asher and the rest of the group. What would happen if Art\'s brother turned out to be mixed up in some villain activity? There would be a massive upset within hero corp research division. They would need to change all of their systems and painstakingly check through all of their files for any other potential villain connections. Calling it a mess would be beside the point. 

The loss of faith in a hero corp super heroes would also take the front page of every news outlet in the world. It may not be the first time that a villain group had snuck around and gotten information. But it would be the first time that a hero had been the one acting with the villains. There would be an uproar and a demand for changes. This would in turn cause the villains and crime to spike. 

Another possibility was the fact that Art\'s brother was trying to protect Art. That the theory that they had thought of about the metal manipulation super powers being able to help create the new double dose evo shots that had already been proven to work in multiple cases. If his brother had been protecting him then they had all been wrong at the start and the cold demeanor that Art\'s brother had was a facade. 

Either way, this meeting was going to give Asher some insight son who Art\'s brother was and what he was really like. On top of all of this, there would also be the potential to know more about what was happening in the world they lived in now. The attacks that had just happened couldn\'t be a coincidence. And the fact that the mansion had been attacked in the same place that Art\'s Brothers\' bedroom was couldn\'t be an accident. 

Asher had been standing there for too long. Any moment he could be caught and told to move on or leave by a nurse or passing doctor. If security showed up them it would be even worse. Asher could be banned from the hospital forever or even escorted away by the police for lying here. That could shut down his entire future as a hero or anything even remotely close to it. 

In a sudden burst of courage, Asher grabbed the door handle and opened the door revealing what seemed to be the average hospital room. The walls were white and had a strip of floral pattern wall paper to change the contrast. There were machines monitoring the space and everything in it to before a better medical diagnosis. The bed was large and Arts\' brother was laying in it with some stitches around his arm just staring at Asher. 

"You are that one from the Riktor tournament. Did he send you as a messenger now that I am here and he gained access to the family accounts again?" With his eyes narrowed, Art\'s brother gave Asher the darkest glare he had ever felt. 

"No. I cam for personal reasons. I came for the answers that we need." The surprise Asher felt hearing his own tone was strong. However, his face did not shown it at all. He was a rock braving the winds. There was no way he would be scared away now. 

"He doesn\'t know you are here? Now that is something I did not expect. Tell me, how is that younger brother of mine doing?" If the tone of voice hadn\'t dripped with poison, Asher would have thought it was genuinely caring. Yet, there seemed to be an overly serious act here.  Asher, it appeared the actions and words were too serious. Forced. 

"You really care for him. I thought you were faking and might be mixed up with villains. Your actions would definitely point to that conclusion. But I was wrong. That means the other theory is right then." Part of Asher wished to be wrong and that Art\'s brother was just a villain that had done cruel things to his own family. It would be easier to understand. Since the together theory was correct, then that meant there was a more complicated event happening in the city. 

"Thought of all that by yourself? Did you? What gave away my grand plan? The fact that I sent hi away? Or the fact that I was attacked after announcements of the new successful researches? Or did you somehow hack in to the hero corp mainframe and pull my files?" All of this was going to get more complicated and Asher was preparing himself for it. "And My name is Edwin. I might not have a simple name like Art does, but I am the first born so you know how that goes." Asher was a little lost but he rolled with it. 

"The group had these theories for a while. But I am the only one that came here for your answers. I happen to be lucky so they just walked me through here without any issue." Asher shrugged his shoulders. Now that he had an answer to a degree he didn\'t need to ask any more. 

"I think you came here because you care about my brother and you are the only one ake to sneak away here without him noticing. You also are the only one with a super power other than that fast girl that could catch me. If I remember right, you are a lucky kid. That means you have the chance to sneak around without much stopping you." Asher wasn\'t sure how he felt being the one on display. But there was nothing he could do. In this moment he was at Edwins\' mercy.

"I am sure that you know why I did what I did? Father thought that it was fair and the best way. Mother thought I was cruel and tried to change my mind. The succession is honest. It is a tradition passed down for generations. It brings focus to the family and keeps us from fighting over who gets what as we age. 

"Art needed to leave home to become stronger and build his own connections. If he did not then he would just be some want to be hero likes many others. Now he had a group. One that improved his grades and actually got him in to the hero course in school. It seemed that even without us or all the money he is becoming stronger. Since he had found you as a friend. I just wish you were better at hiding this super power." Asher knew it. This was all to hide Art\'s super power. 

"So now that it is out, what security do we need to worry about. Will people come for Art? I need to know if I should be hiding or not." Asher had grown deadly serious. There was no way he would allow his own family in danger as well that the group he now felt was family from their constant hard work and drive to become stronger. He just wan\'

T that kind of person. 

"He nurses will be in any moment. Just look in to the villain group tyrant. That will give you answers. Now get out of my room. I have things to handle before I get examined again." Edwin shook his head and made a get away motion toward Asher as he backed out of the room. 

This was not as much information as Asher had hoped for. But it was progress. He would be able to do research and he knew for sure that Edwin had not gone after Art but instead sent him away from safety. It was not the best way to do it but it was the way that Edwin had decided to use and they all had to live with it at the end of the day. 

What was really strange was the fact that Edwin seemed to have a very negative outward reaction and personality. Asher had the feeling that living on edge lately had forced him in to this mentality and that it would only lighten up when the group after him was caught.. That being said, it was time to follow the signs toward the exit and jog home. 

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