What The Luck!?

Chapter 399 - 399. Improved!

"So explain to me again why you have a room specifically for testing that you have not shown me and you never use? You literally test things right on the work floor and just let whatever happen. What if something goes wrong?" Asher had found out about the testing room which had cameras and glass so that the students could safely test things. Yet, He had been asked to test multiple inventions on the floor with everyone around watching. This had been the norm even before he had joined the class. 

"Eh, it\'s just better that way. But if this kid is going to throw literal lightning around then we use this room. I\'m not letting anyone fry my video game save files." For some reason. Asher was not surprised by this response at all. The video game save files were gold to a person. Wanting to risk that with technology frying lightning was a risky situation. Hours and hours of saved games could be lost along with memories. 

"Oh yeah, not your school files. Or your resumes for summer jobs. Noooo, it\'s the video games." Jane had a disapproving look but she knew all too well that if she lost her progress in the fighting game they had won she would be furious. 

"Guys, Louis is going to test out the gear they mad. Shhhhh!" Laura was way more excited than Louis had looked. She had seemed fairly calm up to this point but now she was showing her true colors. Everyone had felt a little off after she had made them race. She had been fairly quiet the rest of the night at dinner and she even insisted on going home alone before everyone ton the morning. It had been very awkward. But now, she was right back to the hyper and even a little happier Laura they knew and loved. 

"Let\'s go Louis! Bring the light show!" There was a thumbs up in response to Art as Louis showed the attached gloves that had been added to the jumpsuit. It was a nice silver and blue theme along with visible wiring on the top which they had been told going throughout the entire suit. 

At first, there were only a few small sparks. But as they watched things got more and more aggressive. Louis was letting more of the lightning in his body out only to find that it was not arcing out from him as usual. Normally he would not be able to control the lightning and he would have some trouble keeping it from hitting the surrounding area. This was not the case. 

The wiring that was sewn in to the rubber based fabric was better than they had expected. Even the other students were shouting and taking notes on the performance. Apparently, there were a few people that had read a certain book about bringing the dead back to life and it had inspired them to try to harness lightning. This was a simple test to see if it would be possible for them to use as a graduation thesis and college entry thesis. 

"I think this can easily handle half of the lighting in my body. I don\'t want to risk using too much because I can feel the gear getting too hot!." Louis shouted up while everyone was mesmerised by the coiling lightning around his body. It looked like it was more than just some mindless lightning. If they had to say, they would tell others that it was somehow alive. With every breath Louis took the lightning would react as well. It was a wonder that he had not been privy to this reaction as of yet.

Normally Louis would have to suppress his lightning at all times for safety. Hence the rubber based suit and rubber bandages he had in standby. Now he was seeing most of his lightning released and his body relaxed. The tension that was always in his back and shoulders faded for a few moments while he took it all in. It had been some time since he had relaxed his body in this way. The tense muscles he always had from suppressing lighting were screaming at him to properly stretch. So, that was what he started to do. 

"The heating problem can be fixed. We can add some cooling functions or even add some liquid nitrogen to use when he activates his full force lightning." 

"Why would we do that? Do you want to freeze him like a popsicle when he runs out of lightning? We could kill him!" 

"If you two fight over this again I will speed write a code that sends your chat logs to both your mother\'s. Now, we have that fabric from last year\'s game of lava. They didn\'t make it tough enough to swim in lava but we can use it for this. I bet it can take five or six lightning strikes." 

The conversation between the other students was wondrous since it was a perspective not many people would see from the designers of gear. "My turn!" Sammy yelled in to the intercom by the door and Louis reigned in his lighting yet again. He wanted to keep practicing with the new gear but knew that it needed to be tweaked a little. He was sure to meet with the three that were designing it for an in depth explanation of how it felt. 

"Perfect. I want to see how this does. I helped make the fabric pattern for this. Instead of using a box stitch or anything like that we used a stitch from like ten years ago that is supposed to make air flow better in fabric. Add that principal here and we have an entire set of gear that helps channel the wind around someone." The two students that were standing with their faces near the glass full of energy explaining this were the two that had seen Sammy\'s trick in the Riktor tournament. They now had the inspiration to make things for heroes that could fly. 

"Wow, this feels super light. If I didn\'t know it was on I would swear it was actually pulling me in the air already." The feeling that Sammy had was as if she was being lifted up. It was the extreme difference between the gear and her normal clothing which was not sewn specially and made with the super lightweight but tough materials. 

She wasted no time in making the air fall in to a slight frenzy. She wanted to feel what it would be like for her if the wind was erratic which it would be if she were to try and get higher in to the air. "It pushes me side to side a bit since I am not that heavy. It\'s good for speed but bad for hitting hard." 

"I wish she had one of those gravity bracelets. You know the ones that the guy that can make mini planets creates. He might only be limited to marble like planets and stuff but he figured out gravity with some weird electro science thing. I don\'t know how it works but she would be the one that could use it." Art had seen the video online and knew of the gravity bracelet. But the price was more than he and his entire family put together could afford. 

For certain reasons the super power the man that designed it had was useless and a lot less dangerous than it sounded. But his genius inventions were on a whole different level. But maybe that would come another day. 

"I\'m going to try and float a little." The wind started to curve around the room just like a very large tornado. Sammy had wanted to learn this tactic to be able to fly using it but it had been harder than she imagined. The wind put a very heavy strain on her mind when she tried to bring the circling currents tighter and cause her to fly. Therefore, Sammy had only succeeded in making herself float slighting while moving the air in a very large circle. 

"Ha! I can float much easier!" Sammy felt that she was able to exert less energy to make the wind lift her now than before. She also felt that she would be able to better focus on learning to better manipulate the wind. 

"Exactly as we planned. All we needed was an old failed experiment and some new knowledge." 

"Agreed. We should be able to use this after we add a little more to it. I\'m thinking a green and white theme." Asher watched the two students walk away with their hands already scribbling notes on small pads of paper they had in their pockets. 

"Is it just me or do you guys feel left out?" Cara was feeling that she needed to upgrade her own gear even though it was brand new still. For some reason, she felt that the students here would be able to pull more amazing things from out of nowhere.. They seemed to be able to play with a  problem and solve it in unique ways better than professionals. 

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