Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 78 - First Dungeon: Silver Springs Part 2

"Ryu, I am not sure we are ready for a dungeon. I mean, look at our gear. It\'s not what you can call the best." WhiteLotus frowned. It was not that she did not want to go. It was just that they did not have money to upgrade their gear to something that might be able to survive in a dungeon.

"Not an issue." Ryu opened trade with WhiteLotus and put one hundred gold in the window. "Use this and upgrade your gear." 

WhiteLotus\'s eyes opened wide, and after a few seconds, she quickly accepted it, knelt down, and hugged Ryu\'s thigh. "What! What are you doing!?" Chi yelled out and grabbed WhiteLotus, trying to pull her off.

"I am hugging my golden thigh! Leave me alone!" WhiteLotus yelled.

"What golden thigh!? Ryu belongs to me!" Chi yelled. Ryu stood there helplessly. He really did not know what to make of this situation. 

WhiteLotus finally let go of Ryu and stood up, straightened out her clothes, and acted as if nothing was wrong. "Ahem… Then we girls will go and upgrade our armor and weapons."

"Alright, meet us outside the town in thirty minutes then." Ryu wanted to hurry up and check out this dungeon. He was actually excited to see what a dungeon was like. With how life like the game of Soul Fusion Online was, he hoped the dungeons would not disappoint his expectations. 

  "Alright, we will be fast." WhiteLotus took the two girls who were standing there in a daze by the hand and hurried out of the private room. 

Ryu watched as WhiteLotus ran away as if he was going to take the money back and let out a laugh. "That girl is like a firecracker sometimes."

"Ryu!" Chi huffed as she stared at Ryu with puffed out cheeks and her arms crossed across her chest.

"Let\'s go wait outside." Ryu reached out with both hands and poked the puffy cheeks making Chi expel the air in them before he began pinching them. Chi angrily slapped his hands away but still smiled and clung to his arms after. 

The two chatted happily as they walked out of the inn and towards the main gate. But before they got very far, a group of people, one of which was very familiar, stood in their way.

"Heh, Look who it is!" BurningToast said mockingly.

"Oh! If it isn\'t FrostedToast…? MangledToast...? MicroToast...? SmallPenis...? What was your name again?" Ryu asked while tilting his head to the side as if he was thinking real hard about what the person in front of him name was.

"I\'m BurningToast!" BurningToast yelled out. He had been wanting a second chance to fight this bastard in front of him ever since he lost last time. He didn\'t even get to fight before he was slammed to the ground. He felt that if he could just get a single attack in, he could easily win!

"Ahh, ToastedWaffle, strange name. What can I do for you, MicroPenis?" Ryu gave a sly smile as he looked at BurningToast, whose face was growing redder by the minute. Chi had already buried her face into Ryu\'s chest, laughing. Her whole body was shaking. She knew Ryu could have a bad mouth, but this was just too funny. 

"You! Do you dare duel me again!?" BurningToast couldn\'t take it anymore. He had to beat this bastard once and for all.

"Sure, sure, but let\'s not do it here. Let\'s go outside the village. I don\'t like causing a ruckus." Ryu\'s eyes flashed with a scheming intent. 

BurningToast thought nothing of it and quickly agreed: "Sure, let\'s go!" 

"BurningToast, I don\'t think we should..." One of the people with him spoke up. He had a feeling this was not going to be good.

"Shut up! Let\'s go!" BurningToast pushed the young man aside and stomped towards the village exit. 

"Ryu, you\'re not going to do what I think you\'re going to do, right?" Chi asked.

"Mmm… They suddenly came to me to start trouble, so I will teach them what happens when they start trouble with me. I mean, if they are all stupid enough to gather outside the village, why not use this chance to get some free items?" Ryu shrugged and pulled Chi along with him as he followed behind BurningToast\'s group.

Minutes later, Ryu and Chi were standing outside the village with BurningToast and the people for his Golden Sword guild, which was ten people in total. Both groups were standing a few meters away from each other. "Alright, let\'s do this!" 

BurningToast was the first to speak up. As he stepped forward, his sword was already drawn. "Mmm, let\'s do this so..." Ryu smiled as he activated his [Cultivation Suppression] passive as he took a step forward. All you could hear was a clunking sound as all ten of BurningToast\'s guild members smashed into the ground.

BurningToast looked up at Ryu, fires of hate burning in his eyes. Ryu only chuckled as he squatted down in front of BurningToast. "Are you an idiot? Did you not learn your lesson the last time when we dueled? Now you come looking for trouble again, and on top of that, you were actually foolish enough to listen to me and leave the protection of the village? Let\'s hope you will learn after this that you will never be my match." 

Ryu equipped his sword and then stabbed down, stabbing BurningToast in the head. One attack was all that was needed to make BurningToasts health drop to 0. A splash of blood sprayed out onto Ryu, causing him to frown."Does it need to be this real?"

"Ryu! I\'m done over here!" Chi said happily as she ran over with ten bags in her hand. She had some blood on her clothes as well.

"Let\'s see what they have then… Hmmm? Did I just sell these, and they have two of them!?" Ryu\'s eyes opened wide when he saw what was in BurningToast\'s bag. Then a slight grin formed on his face. "Seems I can just sell it again." What Ryu pulled from BurningToast\'s bag were 2 Heavenly Cleansing Potions. "I am sure he will be very mad to know that I looted these but awe well. This is what this game is about. Plus, they originally belonged to me anyway."

Ryu stood up and looked at Chi, "Chi, just put the items in your inventory. We can sort them later. I have a feeling he will come back with a vengeance."

"Okay!" Chi quickly stored the items and tossed the bags back on the ground.

Minutes later, Ryu was proven right as BurningToast came running back out of the village with his sword drawn with his guild members. "Damn you! You bastard!"

"Oh! MoldyBread!" 

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