Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 201 - Fighting The Monster Lord Part 2

The battle intensified as Ryu, and his team continued their attacks. While the grotesque man looked very weak, he still had a boss\'s health bar that took up most of the top of their screen. Attack after attack, Ryu kept up his high-speed assault, making it impossible for the grotesque man to retaliate.

The battle raged on for a while when suddenly a voice could be heard from behind Ryu. "Darling~ let Margie get a hit in!" 

Ryu did not hesitate to stop his attack and back up. He had seen Margie\'s attacks before. He was not sure what secrets Margie had, but he knew one thing, Margie was powerful. And Margie did not disappoint. With Ryu\'s command to fall back, Margie charged in. "Suck this big boy!" 

Ryu did not know whether to laugh or cry at Margi\'s choice of words, but the power emitting from this large sword swung down and smashed into the grotesque man unimpeded.  It was like an instant death attack as the grotesque man did not even have a chance to say anything before turning into balls of light and dropping loot. Margie turned, looked at Ryu, and smiled while blowing Ryu a kiss.. " See Darling~ just leave it to Margie!" 

Ryu shook his head as he let out a laugh. "Then I shall do  that." 

[Special Harlin Heights Chain Quest: Trusting Him Completed]

[Experience earned: 1,204,038 ]

[Ryu Gained Followers: Anames, Arkin]

[Part 2: Form a pact between Demons and Humans.]

Ryu saw his new quest and sighed. He wondered if this part would even be easy. "Margie, distribute the drops between everyone. If any crafting recipes dropped, keep them and have someone make copies later to pass out to everyone."

"Will do, Darling~!"  Margie went and began collecting the loot. Ryu made his way out of the cave to see most of the girls were on their way to recovery. Chi and the rest really moved fast. 

Arkin was first to reach Ryu and immediately knelt down in front of her. "Master."

Ryu frowned and scratched his head: "Don\'t call me Master, just Ryu is fine. I need you to gather up the girls, we will be heading back to Harlin Heights. We will need to speak with the leader there and form a pact between your people and the humans there. I will also see if they can allocate some land to your people to begin their new lives." 

"Mas-Ryu, these girls can not live without being bound to someone..." Arkin was worried that her people would end up dying now that the monster lord was dead.

"I know... " Ryu scratched his head again and looked at the girls who were all looking back at him. "I will talk to the people of the town. There are a number of girls here. I just worry they will be discriminated against..." 

"Ryu, you can just take them in. We are a clan now, and we will also have a large number of businesses within the city under Serenity names. Why not take them on and give them jobs and places to live. That way, they can live normal lives." Chi spoke up. She had a soft spot for these girls.

"Well, I am fine with that, but we still need to make a pact between the other demons. There are those who do not need a Master, right Arkin?" Ryu asked.

"Yes, the ones who need a master are those who were taken in by the Monster lord. He used some kind of spell to bind our life force to him. This made it impossible for us to go against his word. If we were caught, we would instantly die. But the tribe that is not far from here is not bound by these conditions. Even Brolvan was not bound by it. He was just following the monster lord because he was stupid." Arkin explained.

"Alright, we will do it this way. All the girls here will be bound to me, but they will be able to live freely. I don\'t expect them to do anything for me." With this decision, Ryu took the girls who were abused by the monster lord under his care. They would follow him back to Serenity city and be given housing and jobs to allow them to live proper lives. 

Chi walked over and hugged Ryu with a smile on her face. She knew Ryu would think of a way to help these girls so that they would not become slaves again. However, she was still jealous with how these girls kept staring at Ryu with hearts in their eyes. But one glance from Chi, and they would quickly look away.

"Darling~ things are taken care of. There was some decent soul assimilation gear which I kept for those who reach that level. I will put it in our clan vault later at the Bank of Serenity." Margie was one of those people who always thought ahead, and one of the reasons why he did not give out this gear to others was because no one was at that stage just yet. 

"Alright, give extra raid points to everyone then based on the gear. This way, they can buy it when they are of the correct realm and stage at that time. Make sure to mark down all those who are here because they will get top priority. But it will be first come, first serve, so do not take too much time to raise in cultivation." Ryu wanted to be as fair as possible. If two people from the clan were to go in and try to get the same item, the one who was actually there for the kill would get first rights to it. But that is if it is there. Other clan members may out level those on the raid team, so they may get to it first.

"Alright, let\'s head back to Harlin Heights! We still have much to do and a raid to conquer!" Ryu was happy with how things were turning out at this time. But he knew that this side quest was easier than the actual raid itself. The hard part was still to come.

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