My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 68: The Werewolf Family

Chapter 68: The Werewolf Family


The day went on as usual after Frank and Erika\'s interactions, classes finished at around five pm, a bit earlier than usual, and Frank and Matsuo quickly went together towards the Monk Clan, although Erika tailed them a bit, she ultimately let them go… at that point, Matsuo\'s patience was already reaching its limits. Harumi in the other case went on her separate way as well and made sure to not come across the playful werewolf girl.

Erika took a train towards the center of the city, where her father and most of her close relatives lived.

Reaching a place near Akihabara, she walked around the streets, reaching a large and towering building whose entrance was being guarded by two burly men.

"Yo, how\'s dad?" she asked the men.

"A-Ah! Erika-sama!"

"Erika-sama… H-He\'s fine, Beowulf-sama is fine…"

The burly and intimidating men suddenly became incredibly nervous in front of the young and frail-looking girl.

"Is that so? How about my siblings?" asked Erika.

"Ah, Natasha-sama had recently brought a few playthings…"

"And Erterios-sama went to pack hunt near the mountains, he said that he wouldn\'t come back in a few days…"

"I see, I see, alright, see ya~," said Erika, entering the building as the burly men sighed in relief… Erika\'s gaze was releasing a strong bloodthirst that these guards, who were normal humans, could barely resist.

Such guards were part of the Werewolves district within the Akihabara, although they were simply newbie lackeys who were hoping to one day become werewolves within the family.

Like Vampires, Werewolves did not simply stand inside of their nests doing absolutely nothing other than hunting humans, they mixed into society and worked within the Underworld and the real world, the thin layer that connected both was where they made their home.

Beowulf, the Leader of the Werewolf Clan was someone akin to a criminal organization leader, he controlled many organizations within the normal human society and the underworld, and such organizations included things such as drug dealing, prostitution, piracy of items, illegal weapon market, amongst many things. Most of his products were brought directly from Europe thanks to his connections with his family there.

Being the daughter of a strong criminal leader such as Beowulf, the young Erika was an intimidating figure for anyone that knew about the Werewolf Family, or not even that, as long as they just knew about the \'King of Akihabara\' they would immediately associate Erika as his daughter, the youngest daughter at that, often named as the \'Young Princess of Akihabara\'.

Due to such thing, she was like an extremely precious thing that no one even dared to touch nor spoke ill of… and it was not as if Erika was defenseless or something, as she would be capable of easily snapping the neck of mostly anyone within the district that weren\'t her siblings and father.

Erika entered the large building as a beautiful scenario greeted her, the building was no abandoned building, but a very rich-looking one, with many beautiful decorations, paintings that cost fortunes decorating the walls, Roman and Greek statues, and large pillars spiraling towards the ceiling. There were also many statues and other \'precious things\' within humans, something that Beowulf liked to collect, making his building something like a very extravagant art museum.

"Daddy is once again on a buying spree… this entire building will get clogged with garbage in a few months…" thought Erika as she sighed, her father had a clear addiction to collecting things.

Using the elevator, Erika went to the top of the building, where she was greeted by a young woman with long black hair, black eyes, and pointy ears, her appearance would suggest being a normal Japanese woman, but her pointed ears were clearly not belonging to a human.

"Lady Erika, welcome back," she said with her eyes closed.

"Ah, Natsuki-chan, how\'s daddy?" asked Erika.

"Ah, well-"

"You know that you can come and ask me here, right?"

The voice of a manly old man resonated within the palace room filled to the brim with extravagant pieces of art, statues, and many other luxuries, the voice coming from behind a large couch in the center of the room, where an enormous man, easily surpassing three meters of height sat down while watching a gigantic led tv stuck to the wall in front of him.

"Daddy!" said Erika, running towards her father, Beowulf.

Her fur suddenly popped out of her skin, covering her hands and feet, as wolf-like ears grew atop her head and a long and fluffy tail appeared atop her butt, waving excitedly.

"Erika-chan!" said the manly man, his face twisting and resembling a happy gorilla.

The man named Beowulf was the strongest Werewolf in the whole of Japan, and the representative of the Werewolves from Europe in this country. His size was almost three meters, his entire body was packed with burly and monstrous muscles that barely could fit inside of his jazzy tuxedo that seemed to have been made out of tiger skin. His skin was tanned, being bright brown, almost chocolate, his hair was blonde just as his daughter, and his eyes shined brightly with aquamarine colors, showing a gentle demeanor towards his daughter, despite the fierceness that they held. He had a short blonde beard that covered most of his chin, which he maintained quite well.

Beowulf\'s enormous arms greeted his daughter\'s charge as she landed into his chest, he embraced her in a tight hug as Erika kissed her daddy\'s cheeks.

"You\'re finally back!" said Erika as she licked her father\'s nose like a puppy.

"Hahaha! My precious little pup! I missed you so much! I am sorry if that trip took longer than I expected, things got a bit rough in the transactions and a few heads had to go rolling! Gahaha! But nothing much aside from that! How have you been? How has school been? You\'re about to finish the first week, isn\'t it?" said Beowulf, as he sat down on the large couch while Erika sat down on his enormous legs as if she were a tiny doll in comparison to him.

"Yeah, it has been pretty boring, to be honest, I don\'t like school that much. The humans there are not even that tasty looking… Ah! Right, but there is this guy, Frank! He recently joined the Monk Clan and he\'s just my type!" said Erika with a bright smile that her father could barely resist, amongst the many children that he had, Erika was the only one that treated Beowulf like her actual father, while the rest had grown too cocky and coldblooded to even be affective towards him.

However, Beowulf held his daughter on such a pedestal that the moment he heard about Frank and that he was \'just her type\', he could not help but grow concerned…

"Monk Clan? Frank? Hm, I think I got some news about that kid, he\'s some kind of Healer-type Ability User or something? Why would you even find that weakling attractive? I don\'t want a random thug to come and steal my daughter from me!" said Beowulf.

"But daddy! Frank-kun is so tender~ And the smell he releases is amazing! I\'ve never smelt someone that had such a scent!" said Erika.

"The scent? Isn\'t he a normal human aside from the ability?" asked Beowulf.

"Eh? Not at all! He already showcased to me some of his power! He seems to be a strong Aura User! And to be honest, his muscles were quite well built for his age," said Erika.

"Hmmm… Is that so?" muttered Beowulf while rubbing his chin.

"I can\'t trust in a kid that I\'ve never seen, nor I know about what he\'s capable of, you know? Erika-chan, are you sure that you are into him? Maybe you were just hungry, and he looked appetizing!" said Beowulf.

"No, daddy! It is true! I think… I think he is the one! The one for me!" said Erika.

"T-That fast?! Could it be… This is fate then!?" asked Beowulf.

"Do you think so too? I have never felt like this for anyone before…! Daddy, this is really fate! Frank is meant to be mine!" said Erika as she waved her tail.

"Hmmm… What you are saying are serious words, my daughter! But okay… I believe in your instincts. However, I am going to monitor this kid for a bit, and then whenever I feel more confident about the whole thing, I will ask you to bring him here, I want to speak to him directly! This is an especially important issue after all!" sad Beowulf.

"Yes, daddy! For now, I will go around as usual in school and I am also going to test him a bit, I am still not COMPLETELY sure, so don\'t worry! It is not like I am THAT idiot! Fufu" laughed Erika.

"Sigh, okay, okay! Just so you know, if that brat dares to hurt your feelings, I am not becoming responsible for what I might do to him!" said Beowulf with a bit of ferocity on his eyes, although they were not directed to Erika but Frank.

"Yeah, sure~ But I am sure that he\'ll not disappoint you! Also, he is pretty nice, and never turned me down anything I said, not even my playful teasing!" said Erika.

"R-Really? Hmmm… Well, it is too early to judge! Anyways, let us have a banquet! Natsuki, bring the booze and the meat!" said Beowulf.

"Immediately, Beowulf-sama…" said the maid, running out of the room at a fast pace.


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