My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 115: The Goddess of Chaos Anger

Chapter 115: The Goddess of Chaos Anger


Abraddon went through everything that had undergone in his life since he came with his siblings and created this new world, full of events, chaos, and tragedies.

"Axitl… I don\'t regret your creation, you came from us and I still consider you my daughter… Nor I want to shift all the blame to you… You most likely changed after being left alone for so many years watching the mortals do as they pleased… For such an innocent and growing mind as you, you might have gone through a lot… I only regret not having been there for you…" muttered Abraddon, as his three heads seemed filled with regret.

Despite his intimidating presence and appearance, Abraddon was a very sensible god, perhaps one of the few that remains the same as he was since the beginning of this world, and although he had become fiercer to protect himself and Thineas, he was still an emotional man.

He woke up from his area of resting, now that Frank had healed his wounds, he felt filled with energy, and did not want to simply rest anymore, he had been resting for way too long.

He walked through the endless jungles of his Divine Realm, crossing through the vast landscape of greenery and beauty until he reached a sacred-looking place.

It was an enormous and crystalline lake, where beautiful and enormous trees reached the skies, surrounding this entire lake, giving it a mystical feeling.

Within the crystalline waters inhabited countless species of fishes and other aquatic animals, alongside small dots of light, spirits.

These were Spirits of Light, little living beings formed from purified Mana that maintained the world\'s Attributes, they were an essential part of the world and how it maintained itself, and they were present everywhere.

However, within places where Gods rested, they gathered the most, flying around them constantly.

Within the crystalline lake, there was a large crystal, shining brightly as the artificial sun of the Divine Realm showered it.

Atop the crystal, there was a bed of flowers and plants, where a beautiful woman rested, deep on her sleep.

Her beauty was outstanding, with chocolate-colored skin, long blonde hair covered in countless flowers and plants, wide hips, a generous chest that seemed befitting of a mother who had feed many children, a beautiful and almost perfect face, and a peaceful and gentle smile.

She wore a simple white dress, while the rest of her body was covered in plants of all types.

"Thineas…" said Abraddon.

Thineas was the Goddess of Life, Harvest, and Love, and the one who created the Beast-kin alongside Abraddon.

She rested in this altar due to her grave wounds, which she had suffered through the battle against Aladel, the Goddess of Light and Order, and Eton, the God of the Sun and Day.

Such wounds were inflicted after a fierce battle, due to the rage of the Gods against their race in ancient times.

Even up until now, such wounds persisted in Abraddon and were just recently healed, however, Thineas was still wounded, and could only sleep until the wounds finally closed themselves, perhaps after thousands of years later.

However, now that Frank was here, Abraddon decided to ask for his help to heal Thineas\' wounds and finally bring her back from her slumber, Abraddon missed her very much.

Although not romantically, Abraddon loved Thineas deeply, after all, she was one of his siblings and the one who created his believed race of mortals, the Beast-kin through asexual creationism.

"You will soon wake up, Thineas, the new Hero has the power to even heal us Gods… I am sure you will like Frank, he\'s a strong and brave kid," said Abraddon.

As the God of Beasts and Nature rested near Thineas, within a vast and gray landscape, a place filled with many craters and lacking an atmosphere, the moon, a large black palace raised atop the largest mountain within.

Within the vast dark palace, a throne of darkness was erected in the larges hall, where a beautiful woman, with pale white skin, crimson eyes, and black hair.

Her body was slim, and her arms and legs slender, her eyes had a penetrating crimson light, and in the middle of her forehead, there was a demon-like eye vertically opened, glowing with purple light.

She wore a beautiful gothic-styled dress, and her heels were long and sharp like blades, her nails were painted in black, long like claws.

This woman was the Goddess born from the residual energy that became chaos energy after the creation of the world, which the Gods decided to shape into a god instead of trying to destroy it, as it was way too unstable and could bring the destruction of their creation.

A Goddess born in the world of Terra, one that has not visited the world where the Gods came from originally, the Goddess of Chaos Axitl.

She was often very calm, but now, she seemed a bit annoyed.

Just recently, she was taking a nap while receiving the constant nourishment of the Dungeons across Terra.

However, out of nowhere, she felt that the connection of one of the smallest dungeons was completely severed as if someone else came and stole it from her.

It was all too sudden, and she had just recently woken up after feeling such a disturbance.

Although it was a small Dungeon that barely gave her any power, it was still a dungeon, one of her properties, and something she created with her power.

For it to be simply stolen or taken away from her was baffling, especially because she had never taught any of the other Gods how to manage nor create Dungeons, this was a knowledge that only she had come out with after thousands of years in loneliness while experimenting with her godly powers.

Of course, it was such a small source of power that she could clearly don\'t think about it as it wasn\'t anything that really affected her that much…

But Axitl was not that carefree, she immediately summoned a large crystal sphere of dark and purple colors, which opened a crimson eye in the middle of it, showing images of Terra to her directly.

"Now, now… Where is this Dungeon…? Perhaps something happened to the Dungeon Core? Or the worst-case scenario… A God learned how to use Dungeons and stole this one because it was rather weak…" she said, with sharp eyes.

She finally found the Dungeon that had lost its connection to her, it was the Dark Lair Dungeon of the Acacia Town, a large rural town within the outskirts of the Westwind Nation of the Beast-kin Country, located in the largest continent of Eurasia, where all of the Countries and Nations of each intelligent tribe inhabited.

"This place is… Abraddon? What does that old beast do? Did he really… learned that on his own? But he\'s clearly more of a life and battle-oriented god, he couldn\'t possibly create or learn to manage dungeons… Then, Thineas? No, if Abraddon could not do it, Thineas couldn\'t possibly- Huh? What\'s that?"

Axitl glanced over the town, expanding her vision, and finally finding within the inside of the dungeon, as a young boy and spoke with a band of monsters, a large pale man and a floating… Dungeon Core!

"What?! Is that Dungeon Core #12434?! What is it doing with that weird human kid?! Wait a moment… this… connection! No… It cannot be… How can… How can a mortal have created a connection with a Dungeon Core?! And why is the Dungeon Core speaking to him so complacently?!"

Axitl hit her throne with her hands in anger, although it was the weakest Dungeon Core amongst her collection of dungeons, it was still her property, if this weird kid suddenly stole it from her, she would surely feel terribly frustrated!

"Who? Who is this kid?! How did he manage to… Could this be a new type of never seen Magic? Recently, new types of magic and spells had been discovered, and it seems that mortals are developing more and more types of spells… but how it could be that one of them was gifted with a set of spells that gave him the power to steal a whole dungeon?! That\'s some God stuff! Impossible that this… Rank 1 kid could do this! Wait… Rank 1?! He\'s not even of a higher Rank! What…?! This… Should I descend? …What a pain. No, perhaps I can knock him out with a Chaos Cannon from here…"

As Axitl aimed her finger towards Terra from atop the Moon, she began to gather a large amount of Chaos Divine Power, forming an enormous sphere.

"This should be enough to wipe this stupid kid out… Though, now that I think about it, it might be a bit too much for that town to handle… and perhaps the whole Nation might end up being destroyed as well… Hmm…"

Axitl then began to consider that her idea might be a tad bit too much…


And just before she was to shrug it off and fire it anyways due to her chaotic nature, a large mass of black tentacles covered in metallic scales and possessing gigantic crimson eyes appeared right in front of her!

"M-My lady, please stop! If you fire that attack, the entire nation of Abraddon-sama might be destroyed!" it said with a very polite, gentleman-like voice.

"Ah… Aztraloth… Well, maybe you\'re right," said Axitl, absorbing back the sphere of pure chaos into her body.


The creature that had shown before Axitl that managed to convince such a chaotic being as she was her first friend in this world, Aztraloth, a former octopus, a normal sea animal that Axitl adopted in her years of solitude, she feeds it her Divine Power until it mutated into a monster, and slowly raised him into a Divine Beast, a monster with the power of a lesser God.

"My lady, you must reconsider your choices… Perhaps speaking with Abraddon-sama could be a better thing to do…" said Axitl.

"Gah… I don\'t want to speak with that old man… But what would I ask him? To give me the kid so I can kill him?" asked Axitl.

"W-Well, it would be better than… whipping an entire nation, right?" asked Aztraloth.

"Riiiiight…" said Axitl, crossing her arms as she sighed, flying back to her palace with her friend and sitting on her throne once more.

"Alright, let\'s call that old fart…" she said, manipulating the giant crystal ball and contacting Abraddon.

Abraddon who was resting near the sleeping Thineas suddenly was woken up by the sudden call from the Goddess of Chaos, the one he was thinking about just recently…

"Axitl? I-It has been a while since I have spoken with you… How… How are you?" asked Abraddon, trying to be as friendly and polite as possible.

"I am pretty enraged, you know? This kid that lives in your country suddenly came to my dungeon, killed the dungeon boss (not like I mind), and then stole the freaking Dungeon! He\'s even talking with the Dungeon Core I CREATED! What\'s up with that?!" asked Axitl.

"E-Eh?! W-What…? Axitl, this isn\'t the time to joke around-"

"It\'s not a joke, he actually just did that!" said Axitl.

"But that\'s… impossible! How could a mortal-"

"Do such a thing?! Yeah, I know! I am in the blue just like you! I was about to wipe him out alongside the feeble town he was in (and maybe the nation too), but then my good friend here stopped me, so you own Aztraloth a big one!" said Axitl.

"O-Okay… Could you tell me the name or the appearance? I will track him down…" said Abraddon.

Axitl quickly gave Abraddon all of the descriptions she has, although she did not know the name of the boy.

Abraddon sensed that something was odd about all of this, but decided to look for the kid, nonetheless.

Only to find that it was Frank…

"(I can\'t possibly let her touch Frank!)"

Just as Abraddon tried to come out with some solution, Frank\'s presence disappeared from Terra, as he had gone back to Earth…

"H-He\'s not here…" said Abraddon.

"What?!" asked Axitl.

"He\'s gone, I swear it, Axitl! Look for yourself," said Abraddon.

"Hmmm… Eh?! He\'s… really gone?! Just like that?! And he even stole my dungeon! Who is this kid even?!" asked Axitl.

"I don\'t know… now, don\'t bother me anymore please, I am very busy," said Abraddon, cutting off the call with the Goddess of Chaos, as Abraddon sighed in relief…

"Did Frank almost died?" wondered Abraddon.

Meanwhile, Axitl was left frustrated.

"Just where did he go?! He can\'t possibly disappear out of thin air!" said Axitl.

"Perhaps… No, it can\'t be…" said Aztraloth.

"What? Spit it out!" said Axitl.

"W-Well… What if he can travel… through space? That\'s how the God of Space often disappears, right?" asked Aztraloth.

"T-That\'s… right… Agh! So frustrating! How can I even find this kid now?! You are saying he\'s a Space Hero or something now?! So what is the planning now?! So confusing! Ugh… Whenever he appears again, I am going to tell Abraddon to bring him to me!" said Axitl.

"My lady, I would recommend you to not try to kill the boy, but at least negotiate with him first… He is but a mere mortal, and you don\'t enjoy killing, right?" asked Aztraloth.

"Well, I certainly don\'t like the disgusting stuff inside of living beings, so I guess you might be right… Sigh, okay, only because you suggested it," said Axitl.

"T-Thanks for accepting my suggestion, my lady…" said Aztraloth.

"Yeah, but you\'ll have to pay it being my seat for a whole week!" said Axitl.

"A-A whole week?! But my lady…! …Fine," said Aztraloth, as he rested on the floor as Axitl jumped over his fleshy and tender body, which she liked to sleep over.

"T-This is… better than the boy dying, at least… My lady shouldn\'t get to kill others, if she becomes a truly chaotic goddess and gives in to her desires completely, the entire world might end… The power she has amassed can even overpower the other gods themselves after all…" thought Aztraloth, as he was being squished and used as a bed by Axitl.

Meanwhile, Zudithe, the God of Space, and Judith, the Goddess of Time, who lived with each other in the same Divine Realm, noticed once again the disturbance in space and time.

Both Gods resembled humanoid figures made out of light, one seemed to contain an entire galaxy inside, while the other, a woman, seemed to be constantly aging and then becoming younger like an endless cycle.

"Who is doing this, seriously, it is becoming quite annoying…" said Judith.

"It is a young human boy, he seems to be capable of traveling through worlds at whim," said Zudithe.

"How odd… Should we let he do as he pleases?" asked Judith.

"Abraddon is taking care of him, for now, let\'s observe," said Zudithe.

"Are you sure? The last time we simply observed… Axitl becomes someone quite dangerous…" said Judith.

"That\'s… true… Perhaps we should have intervened and given her some company, but we had our own issues back then, regarding those Gods that tried to enter here and all… It is not like we just watched over her while doing absolutely nothing…" said Zudithe.

"You\'re right… But still, I feel guilty…" said Judith.

"I do feel quite guilty as well, things could have been better if we were more responsible," said Zudithe.

"Sigh… Isn\'t this what most Gods in here are thinking?" asked Judith.

"Indeed, we are no different than our siblings, Judith," said Zudithe.


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