Epic of Summoner: Supreme Summoner System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 167 - New And Upgraded Equipment!


Anna and I have been working all these last two weeks, probably even more, into this. We had spent a lot of gold too, and even other resources as well. This is why they had not increased as much through all this time.

"Probably our finest work so far, Master, it was fun to do it with you." Said Anna.

"Indeed! Anna-chan is so talented!" said Veronica.

Veronica had also joined us. She had developed the ability to manipulate materials similar to her original version after leveling and unlocking more and more skills, and her relationship with me and Anna had strengthened as we worked together for days.

More than I would have expected, in fact… Yesterday, they had said to "not be able to hold back anymore" and ended assaulting me in bed, apparently, they had already gotten the approbation from Kireina without my permission… And I… I suppose a lot of things happened after that.

I don\'t really mind this at this point, so many crazy things had happened that this was nothing too surprising, I already knew that Anna was into me because she was always acting cute and looking at me intensively. I had decided to just thoroughly embrace her in bed and Veronica too, who got mixed into this due to Anna.

Nonetheless, enjoying an entire day of hard passion with the two had left me quite tired, but today I had woken up quite refreshed and had recovered faster than other times, even when Kireina and her "twins" assaulted me this morning as well, being a Demigod just makes you more resilient in this kind of stuff.

I checked the equipment in detail now, we had worked hard into this by fusing over many piles of equipment drops we got from the last big war and also from the dungeon, but the results had made it, so the new equipment was able to Rank Up to the next Rarity Realm, which was close to my current Existence Realm too.

Equipment rarity goes like this, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, Mythical, Legendary, Phantasmal, Heavenly, and so on… Before the war, the equipment was upgraded to Legendary Rank, and now it has become Phantasmal Rank after so much hard work.


[Rainbow-Colored Spiritual Golden Divine Elemental Spear of Oblivion: Gungnir Valhalla (Phantasmal-Rank+++)]

[Durability: 850.000/850.000]

[Attack Power: 750.000]

[Essence Conductivity: 800.000]

[Weapon Speed: 900.000]

[Traits: [Divine Weapon (SSS)], [Evolving Divine Weapon (SSS)], [Automatic Divine Reconstruction (SSS)], [Annihilation Renewal (SSS)], [Divine Essence Conductivity (SSS)], [Divine Judgement (SSS)], [Evil-Cleansing Divine Flare (SSS)], [World-Destroying Divine Storms (SSS)], [Soul Destruction (SSS)], [Divine Skill Enhancement (SSS)], [Seven Elements Requiem (SSS)], [Unhealing Accursed Wounds (SSS)], [Life Bestowal (SSS)], [Gungnir (SSS)], [Super Enhanced Otherworldly Alloy (SSS)], [Divine Shape Adjustment (SSS)], [Divinity Element Sharing (SSS)]

[Special Traits: [All Stats +500.000 (Phantasmal)], [Enhanced Divinity Mastery (Phantasmal)], [Divine Power Fusion (Phantasmal)]

[Abilities: [Grand Heavenly Domain: Valhalla (Phantasmal)], [One Thousand Divine Piercing Thrusts (Phantasmal)], [Sacred Holy Judgement (Phantasmal)]


[Sacred Abyssal Divine Blight Dawn Summoner Guardian Set (Phantasmal-Rank+++)]

[Durability: 1.000.000/1.000.000]

[Essence Conductivity: 800.000]

[Physical Defense: 850.000]

[Magical Defense: 950.000]

[Traits: [Divine Equipment (SSS)], [Evolving Divine Equipment (SSS)], [Automatic Divine Reconstruction (SSS)], [Status Effect Immunity (SSS)], [Divine Essence Conductivity (SSS)], [Divine Fire Enhancement (SSS)], [Divine Storms Enhancement (SSS)], [Divine Golden Aura Ward (SSS)], [Divine Essence Absorption (SSS)], [Divine Holy Ward (SSS)], [Divine Elemental Ward (Fire, Wind, Water) (SSS)], [Hyper-Enhanced Magic Technology Super Body Suit (SSS)], [Alchemist Master (SSS)], [Divine Protection (SSS)], [Enhanced All Element Resistance (SSS)], [Environment Adaptability (SSS)], [Divine Equipment Size Alteration (SSS)]

[Special Traits: [All Stats +500.000 (Phantasmal)], [Enhanced Divine Defense (Phantasmal)], [Enhanced Divine Resistance (Phantasmal)]

[Abilities: [Greater Divine Summon Enhancement (Phantasmal)], [Divine Shield (Phantasmal)], [Divine Barrier (Phantasmal)]


[Divine Demonic Ring of Malicious Infernal Souls (Phantasmal-Rank+++)]

[Durability: 600.000/600.000]

[Essence Conductivity: 900.000]

[Bonus Stats: 500.000]

[Traits: [Divine Accessory (SSS)], [Divine Evolving Accessory (SSS)], [Automatic Divine Reconstruction (SSS)], [Divine Essence Conductivity (SSS)], [Demonic Corrosion Aura (SSS)], [Infernal Abyssal Shadow Spear (SSS)], [Lucifer\'s Fortune (SSS)], [Divine Multi-Elemental Spirit Blessing (SSS)], [Chronology Watch (SSS)], [Hydrokinesis (SSS)], [Devil Necromancy (SSS)], [Abyssal Phoenix Feather (SSS)], [All Elemental Blessing Enhancement (SSS)], [Divine Spiritual Calling (SSS)]

[Special Traits: [All Stats +500.000 (Phantasmal)], [Enhanced Devil\'s Fortune (Phantasmal)], [Equipment Combination (Phantasmal)]

[Abilities: [Divine Fortune Siphon (Phantasmal)], [Devour Fortune (Phantasmal)], [Divine Fortune Bestowal (Phantasmal)]

And there they were. All three of them acquired large amounts of new Abilities.

There were new things such as Special Traits and Abilities. Special Traits were… well, special traits, which could enhance into Phantasmal Rank and more, things that the normal Traits seemingly couldn\'t get to. These Traits were stronger and offered special benefits, such as Bonus stats, or enhancing the aspect of a Trait.

Abilities on the other side were like skills that needed to be activated, from releasing one thousand thrusts using my spear to generating shields and barriers, or even giving me the power to steal, edit, and even grant Fortune even more easily than before, these were Abilities, and they sounded honestly quite broken. They needed a lot of Mana to activate, however, One Thousand Thrusts required around 1 million mana to activate once, although its power was devastating.

  These new equipment sets were incredible, and I quickly equipped them all, gaining a large amount of new power flowing across my body.

Oh right, I can also equip them over normal clothes and then use the [Invisible Equipment] Function, turning the equipment invisible unless I want it to be seen, I can also make it incorporeal, even, and the stats and effects they grant will be kept. Quite convenient.

With this done, I had decided to plan my raid into the Demon Settlements…


Meanwhile, as Gustav prepared for a new war, the Demons celebrated the arrival of new leaders.

Thousands of monstrous and horrifying creatures celebrated, raising their grotesque arms and appearances, roaring in happiness with their grotesque voices as they saw a figure emerge from within an enormous red tower.

It emanated a tremendous amount of power!

And this entity was not the only one like this that had just arrived here, as it was quickly greeted by three more!

"So you\'re here at long last."

"Now that the Celestials and Slarkobs are gone, we can do whatever we want here…"

"Let\'s play around thoroughly~"

"Hmph, we\'ll see… The one that defeated them… is clearly not a normal mortal."


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