The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs

Volume 10, Chapter 11 “Severing The Ties”

Livia and Noel visit Leon’s room.

The reason is that they haven’t seen Ange and they want to know what happened to their relationship.

Livia looked depressed.

“In the end, their make-up attempt was a failure.”

As they walk down the hallway, they have a dark look on their faces, unable to repair the relationship between Leon and Ange.

Noel forced herself to act cheerful.

“They don’t break up because they don’t like each other. They both have their positions.”

Livia clenches her hand.

“That’s right”

The two made up successfully, but in the end, the circumstances surrounding them did not allow them to be together.

When they come to the front of Leon’s room, knocking hesitantly.

“Leon-san, are you awake?”

Livia calls out, but there is no response, and Noel knocks on the door harder.

“Wake up. Actually, I can’t find Angelica-san. Creare is fine, if he won’t take the matter up. Could you ask Leon for me?”

Perhaps Noel’s voice wakes him up, and the door opens.

However, the owner of the room should have been Leon, but it was Ange with her hair down who showed up.

She looks embarrassed with her cheeks slightly reddening in front of the two of them.

While averting her gaze from the two.

“――I’m sorry. I made you worry.”

Even though Livia’s cheeks are drawn back, but she is relieved to see Ange looking so well.

“Thank goodness! Ange, yesterday――”

“Wait a minute. I have something I need to tell you first.”

Both Livia and Noel closed their mouths as Ange became serious.

Ange took a small breath and then.

“I’ve decided to stay with Leon. Instead, I will sever my ties from my parents’ home.”

When Livia and Noel heard this, they screamed in the morning.

Part 2

The mansion of the Duke Redgrave family in the royal capital.

It was Vince, who didn’t even try to hide his grumpy face, who was in front of Ange, who had visited the mansion in the morning.

He glares at Ange.

“I never thought my beloved daughter would bite my hand.”

To Vince’s words, Ange replies with dignity.

“It was Chichi-ue who did the biting.”

“I didn’t think you’d sever your ties from your family. By the looks of it, you couldn’t have persuaded Duke Bartfalt, could you? It seems you’ve lost to Her Highness as a woman.”

Are you cutting ties with your family because you couldn’t convince Leon? Ange smiles faintly at this question.

“Leon assured me that he would not marry Princess Erika. Then he told me that he wants me even if he has to fight with Duke Redgrave.”

Vince’s face contorts when he realizes that Erika is not the reason why Leon has not joined forces with the Redgrave family.

With a look of incomprehension, he asks Ange.

“What are you talking about? Well, in that case——”

“Leon said it would be troublesome for the kingdom to fall.”

“You don’t seem to understand that if they don’t perish when they’re supposed to perish, they’ll just be showing ugliness.”

The kingdom is reaching the end of its life span.

When Vince said that there was no point in prolonging its life as it was now, Ange gave a small nod.

“I think so too”

“Then why can’t you persuade him? It’s easy for you now, isn’t it.”

Indeed, it is easy for Ange to persuade Leon.

Leon would have sided with Duke Redgrave if Ange had asked him to.

But that’s not what Ange wants.

“I didn’t want to”


“My wish is for Leon’s happiness.”

Declaring with dignity, Vince swung his fist down on the desk in the office.

“Are you going to betray the Redgrave ―― your family?”

Are you going to fight with your family? At this question, Ange’s eyes shook slightly, but she did not change her mind.

“I have no excuses. Thank you for all you have done for me. Chichi-ue, please be well.”

“I don’t need you to tell me. As of today, I’m severing the parent-child relationship with you. Get out of here!”

“Excuse me”

Ange leaves the office with her back turned, but stops at the door and looks back.

Vince looks like he wants to tell her to leave quickly, but she takes a picture out of her pocket.

Since Vince probably won’t be able to see it from his position, so she tells him what the picture is of.

“Also, I’ll let you know just in case. I challenged an unexplored dungeon with Leon and we got the treasure.”

Hearing this story, Vince’s back was lifted out of his chair.


As a nobleman and a father, he could not forgive his daughter.

However, when he learns that his daughter has achieved greatness as an adventurer, he is disturbed.

As a father and adventurer, he is filled with the desire to congratulate his daughter.

At the same time, the adventurer’s blood is boiling.

His daughter has done what he could not do.

He wanted to congratulate her, but at the same time, he felt frustrated.

But he just broke the relation between them.

While wanting to hear more details, he cannot show that kind of attitude here.

He had that kind of expression on his face.

Ange politely informs him.

“The dungeon will be named the Old Castle of the Golden Hand. We have already recovered all the treasures, but a survey team is being organized to investigate the site. I was told a full-scale investigation will begin in a few years”

The treasure has already been collected by Ange and others, but perhaps there is still something more to be found.

With this in mind, adventurers will be heading for the Old Castle of the Golden Hand one after another.

Vince also looked like he wanted to head over right now, but he turned away and sat back in his chair.

He crosses his arms and yells at Ange.

“W-What does it matter? You and I are strangers now. Get out of my house quickly.”

“I will. Thank you, Father, for all you have done.”

Ange bowed deeply, and her voice sounded slightly sad.

Vince lets out a deep sigh as Ange leaves the room and leaves him alone.

“Stupid daughter. ―― That is where you should have talked about the dungeon first. You think that was payback?”

He wanted to hear his daughter’s adventure story, but regretfully.

Then he looks up at the ceiling and smiles.

“Even so, she’s got a good eye now.”

There was a father there, pleased with his daughter’s growth, even though their ties were severed.

Part 3

School rooftop.

I was to discuss the future with Herring, but the topic inevitably turned to the old castle of the Golden Hand.

Herring happily talks about Mia-chan.

“Listen. I think Mia may have discovered a new species of plant. I would love to name the plant after Mia, what do you think?”

“How many hours are you going to talk about Mia-chan?”

“I haven’t even told you 30% of it yet?”

Watching Herring tilt his head back, the word “overprotective” seems to perfectly fit.

I sigh, and Herring, perhaps feeling bad about it, asks me about the recent situation.

“Meanwhile, what about you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I heard that daughter of the duke cut off her ties with her parents for your sake. I thought it was kind of sudden, even though there was some break-up talk going on. I thought I’d ask you what kind of methods you used, for future reference.”

“Aren’t you just curious?”

I’m dumbfounded, but there is no point in hiding it, so I tell the truth.

Of course, all my pathetic stories get cut.

I cannot disclose my shame openly.

“I just told that I needed Ange.”

“Is that all?”

“What else is there?”

“No, if that’s all, wouldn’t it have been better if you had told her beforehand?”

If I can tell her, there wouldn’t have been a problem in the first place.

I can think of a reason I hadn’t noticed and give Herring an answer that sounds like it.

“Is it a difference in values?”

It was a messy answer, but it seemed enough for Herring.

He is thinking seriously.

“――That’s a troublesome problem for us.”


When I make a sidelong glance, Herring leans his back against the rooftop railing and looks up at the sky.

Then he cut to the chase.

“It’s time for me to make contact with another capture target.”

“Robson? You have a harsh judgment”

“I’m just trying to determine if he’s the right man to trust with Mia’s life.”

I say that’s the problem.

Herring, who is overprotective toward Mia-chan, inevitably has a strict eye for men.

Above all, Herring himself is a high-spec man.

Back in the empire, I hear he’s famous as a knight.

I hear he’s not a noble, but I’ve heard the empire is a meritocracy, so there’s a chance he could get a peerage.

I haven’t heard about his financial resources, but I heard that he has a lot of savings because he doesn’t spend much money.

Once I asked him what he was spending his money on and was surprised to find that most of it was related to Mia-chan.

Is there a man in this school that Herring would approve of?

Herring asks me for it with an unflattering look on his face.

“―― But I’ve been realizing lately that I’m a little strict.”

“A little? That’s a little?!”

“That’s why I want you to help me find out.”


Why would he ask me to do that?

When I wonder, Herring tells me the situation.

“It can’t be helped! I don’t have anyone else I can ask. Marie――san, I feel like she has no eyes for men.”

Indeed, it is doubtful that Marie, surrounded by five idiots, has the eyes to judge a man.

She was a person who fell for a hopeless man from a previous life.

“I’m not confident either, but isn’t it more important that Robson gets along with Mia? Forcing them to get together won’t end well”

I remember what happened to Loic in the Arzel Republic, and I tell Hering that the best thing to do is to let the two of them feel each other’s feelings.

Herring seemed to agree.

“I guess so. First, their feelings. On top of that, it’s whether he’s a man who can protect Mia. At this point, I’m thinking of raising him to be a man who can protect Mia, what do you think?”

“Do you want to start a game of nobleman’s training?”

“If he can’t, I’ll have to prepare him!”

Since there is no man suitable for Mia-chan, he said that he would prepare one himself.

What could make this guy go that far?

“Isn’t your love for Mia-chan too heavy?”

“It’s not heavy. This is normal.”

Raising the capture target of that Otome game and developing him into a man worthy and suitable for the protagonist!

I had a bit of trouble stopping such Herring.

But if he could make the five idiots decent, I’d be inclined to leave it to him.

Part 4

Robson Fou Ethan.

He is a man born with everything.

He was born into a prestigious Count family, and also had a talent for sword and magic.

He was not only a military man, but also showed great talent in writing.

Ethan, who grew up with no such flaws and was hailed as a genius by those around him, had an older brother who was nothing like him.

Compared to Ethan, he is a man of no talent, is foolish, and has a nasty personality.

Envious of his talented younger brother, he planned to assassinate him, he was worried about his status as heir of the family.

However, the lack of talent is shown here as well.

His brother is disinherited by his parents because of an act that is too poor to be called an assassination.

They said he was being pushed into the remote countryside, but Ethan didn’t know the details either.

Is he alive or dead?

His parents feared that his foolish older brother would run the family into the ground, so they took advantage of the situation and made Ethan their heir.

Thus, Ethan became an heir to the Robson family.

“Yes, that means I’m the perfect guy who has it all.”

――The man who talked about his bragging so far with a little sadness was Ethan.

He sat down next to Aare, who was sitting on a bench in the school’s courtyard, and suddenly started talking about his upbringing and bragging.

Aare is also puzzled by the bragging.

“I-I see. That was tough.”

Aare had a small, lovely, homemade lunch box spread out on her lap.

When she was spending her lunch hour alone, Ethan suddenly sat down next to her.

Even though she did not listen to it, he began to tell her about his upbringing.

Ethan glances at the lunch box, and Aare offers him a side dish.


“Oops, excuse me. It looked so delicious that it caught my eye. I was hoping to fix my gaze on a beautiful woman like you, but what sinful food.”

Ethan grabs the omelet and eats it, chewing and swallowing it before smiling at Aare.

“I’m sure you will be a wonderful wife. By the way, I have an empty spot next to me for you. You can always next――”

With both hands held, Aare realizes what Ethan wants to do.

――Ah, I’m being picked up now, she thought.

“Ano, I’m glad to hear that but I”

As she tries to decline the offer in a reserved manner, there is one man who approaches them.

It was an angry Jake.

“What are you doing there!”

Seeing Jake approaching with a raised voice, Aare hurriedly shook off Ethan’s hand.

“Your Highness Jake?! T-This is”

Jake looked at the bewildered Aare, then immediately glared at Ethan.

“Aare is troubled. Get out of there, Ethan.”

Jake seems to know Ethan, as they are also first-year students.

It is the same for Ethan.

However, it appears that both sides do not have a good relationship.

Ethan, with a fearless smile on his face, provokes Jake.

“Well, well. Isn’t it His Royal Highness Jake who cannot be the crown prince? According to what I heard, you couldn’t persuade Duke Bartfalt? Is the Duke backing the disinherited Prince Julius?”

Ethan’s blatant provocation to Jake, who was aiming for the throne, told Ethan’s position.

As a nobleman, Ethan’s Robson family likely isn’t backing Jake.

But Jake doesn’t step back.

“I was impressed with you for pushing your brother aside and sitting as his heir, but apparently I overestimated you. You’re just a kid who wants what others have.”

Ethan, who was called a kid, raises his eyebrows with a smile on his face.

Although he is trying his best to show his composure, he must be quite angry.

“I would say. Speaking of which, where is your guardian Oskar? He has to take care of His Highness, but I can’t seem to see him.”

While bringing up the topic of Oskar, ‘even though you are just a kid who can’t do anything without a guardian!’ A roundabout message that he said.

However, Jake touched his face with his right hand and made an indescribable expression.

“――Oskar is at the woman’s place.”

“Oskar, who can do nothing but work on his body, is with a woman? People grow up, don’t they? Your Highness could learn from him”

Jake responds to Ethan, who is undermining him, weakly.

“You’re right. ――Aare, come with me.”

Jake takes Aare’s hand as he puts away her lunch box and leaves Ethan.

Seeing them together, Ethan does not seem to be angry.

He just looked coldly at Jake’s back.

“――I will only let you have her for now, Your Highness. I hope you will make happy memories with her.”

Ethan knew what was about to happen to Jake.

There is no need to imagine the fate of the prince of a dying country.

Out of pity, Ethan watched Jake take Aare away.

Part 5



It was Oskar and Finley who visited a coffee shop near the school.

Jenna, who came first and had been waiting for him, looks only at Oskar and has a big smile on her face.

She doesn’t seem to have noticed that Finley is coming with him.

Jenna feigns friendliness in a place where the sisters know each other well.

“I’m sorry to call you here. I really wanted to have lunch with Oskar-sama~”

Expressionless Finley looks at Jenna, who feigns friendliness, and her eyes are void of highlights.

Oskar, oblivious to Finley’s state of mind, looks embarrassed.

“No, I am happy too. I have not had many experiences with ladies asking me out, so I am in high spirits.”

“Oskar-sama is so cute!”

Those around them who see the new couple react either smiling, awkwardly, or biting their back teeth and cursing the world.

And Finley.

(Why am I being punished like this?)

A male student who was a good friend of hers had somehow gotten into a good relationship with her own sister.

From Finley’s point of view, he does not understand what happened.

After watching them for a while, Jenna finally seems to notice Finley’s presence.

“Ara, Finley was here too.”

With a very annoyed look on her face, her words show not the least bit of concern for her younger sister.

“I’m sorry to disturb you. Mom and dad tell me to do so. ―― Keep an eye on your sister to make sure she doesn’t get into trouble, they said.”

Finley, with a fake smile on her face, was Jenna’s watchman.

“You don’t have to come. We’ll get along fine. Why don’t Finley just buy some candy and go home? Ah, and be sure to tell your mother and father nicely.”

“I’m a serious person, so I can’t do that~”

Oskar listens to the conversation between the sisters, but he is not smart enough to understand their feelings, so he takes his seat and starts ordering.

Jenna was grinding her teeth inwardly.

(Even I don’t want to keep an eye on you guys! Please understand my feelings a little!)

Her parents were worried that her sister was going out with Oskar and might cause some problems. Finley was asked by her parents, who were concerned about her sister’s relationship with Oskar.

(And aniki also says to never let you out of my sight)

Finley, who received an allowance from Leon, could not refuse when asked.

Also, her own intuition tells her that she needs to keep an eye on things.

Both Jenna and Finley are smiling at each other, but their eyes are not smiling at all.

Finley takes a seat.

“We don’t have much time, so let’s get a quick meal. We are students and have classes in the afternoon. Unlike onee-chan, who has nothing else to do.”

Jenna naturally sits next to Oskar and clings to his well-trained arms.

“Oskar-sama, you found a treasure in the dungeon, didn’t you? Did you get a lot of money by any chance?”

She ignored Finley and spoke to Oskar, but the answer she got back was not what Jenna wanted.

“No, the Duke got all the treasure.”


“As I thought, the dungeon conquerors are different. I am not even close to him. I am lucky to have a wonderful senior.”

Jenna’s cheeks are drawn back as she is told with a smile.

“T-That’s so. That Leon has got another treasure. Hm~m.”

“Yes! The Duke was very concerned about me. He told me that if I overexerted myself too much and injured myself, he would be sorry for all the things.”

Finley drinks the juice brought by the waiter, thinking that sorry for all the things parts must include Jenna.

Jenna brings her face close to Finley’s and tries to get some details about the situation.

“What does that mean? Did he find another treasure? He’s rich even if he doesn’t do anything, isn’t he.”

“I don’t know. He’s been strangely out of his mind and in a fickle mood lately.”

“He’s always out of his mind. He’s out of many other things, too.”

As a blood sister and brother, Jenna’s assessment of Leon was harsh.

Finley doesn’t deny that part either.

The Leon that they had seen at their parents’ house was not the hero, as everyone said he was.

“It’s worse than when he was at the parents’ house. And he’s strangely attached to Angelica-san.”

“That idiot, if you made a profit, you should give me a share of it”

Jenna has no right to anything, but that is a sign of unreasonableness as a sister. Also, she is just bad-mouthing him and does not really want a share of the money.

Finley nods her head.

“But I heard that aniki is financing aneki’s life in the royal capital.”

“That is that, this is this.”

“Aneki is trash too”

What is fascinating about this older sister?

Finley is curious and asks Oskar.


“What is it?”

“Why did you fall for my sister? From me, her younger sister’s point of view, she’s pretty trash.”

Jenna is furious when she is called trash right in front of her.

“―― Finley, do you have a grudge against me?”

She gives her a steely look that says, “I will not forgive anyone who destroys my happiness”.

But Finley does not stop warning Oskar.

Because she hates her sister.

“Oskar-san, you should break up with her now.”

While Jenna, ignored, turns murderous eyes on her sister, Oskar scratches his head in embarrassment.

“No, I don’t think so. Jenna is a lovely lady.”

Jenna folds her hands with a twinkle in her eyes at Oskar’s statement.

She looks as if she is praying to Oskar.



Finley covered her face with her hands as she watched the two of them staring at each other.

(Is this guy’s eye blind!!)

Part 6

I was in my room with my head in my hands when Finley told me what happened at lunch.

“How am I supposed to apologize to Viscount Hogan?”

If I apologize that ‘my big sister seduced your son, will you forgive me?’ No, I don’t think so.

If I were Viscount Hogan, I would be outraged to learn that my heir had been seduced.

Ange makes a dumbfounded face as she prepares a drink for my dejected self.

“You don’t have to worry about it so much. Isn’t Viscount Hogan rather pleased?”

“It’s my sister?! It’s that sister who played around a lot when I was in school and caused me a lot of trouble?! I pity Oskar so much.”

He’s an idiot but a good guy, but the woman he falls in love with is pretty bad.

I wanted them to break up for Oskar’s sake because I know Jenna as a person well.

Yes, for the sake of Oskar!

Why do I have to worry about the romance of the guy who is the capture target of the third work?

Perhaps Ange is tired of talking about this, so she switches the subject to cutting ties with her parents’ home.

“More importantly, it will soon be known that I have broken off relations with my parents’ family. If that happens, the palace and the school will be in an uproar. People around you will be wondering what you’re up to.”

Apparently, everyone is looking to see whose side I’m on.

I wish they would have paid more attention to something else.

The best tea gentleman in the school, or something like that.

“I don’t want to be the center of attention”

“The price you paid for choosing me was high.”

“――I guess I’ll just have to endure it then”

With a giggle, Ange lets me know how I should act in the future.

“Show them that Leon is friendly with the royal palace. Make it look like you are friendly with His Highness Julius.”

“With Julius? What about Erika and Jake?”

If it’s all about appearing friendly with royalty, Erika and Jake are no different.

However, Ange was fixated on Julius.

“His Highness Jake is too ambitious. If you get close to him, he might use the relationship to stir up trouble for the position of Crown Prince.”

“That Jake? Even though he’s crazy about Aare-chan?”

The two are often seen together in school.

I heard that Jake is chasing her.

It seems that Aare-chan is also not dissatisfied and is happy about it.

―― But they are both men. No, one of them changed sex and became a woman, but the problem is that there is no concept of sex change in this world.

Therefore, no matter how feminine Aare-chan is, she is treated as a man on documents and in the family register.

Ange is also aware of this fact and is worried about Jake.

“If His Highness Jake knew the truth, he would have a rough time.”

“If things get rough, I’ll beat them up with Arroganz and make them as merry as Julius and others.”

“Think of it as a last resort. Also, stop tea parties with Princess Erika to a minimum.”

I don’t understand the reason why Erika is not good.

As I was tilting my head, Ange reached out and pinched my cheek.

“Ange, it hurts”

“It’s because you look like you don’t understand. I don’t want you to get close to Princess Erika, partly because of politics, but mostly because of my personal selfishness.”


Ange removes her hand from my cheek and gently strokes the red, swollen area with her fingertips.

“It’s jealousy. Besides, if you get too close to her, Milene-sama will make a move. She will do anything to protect her country.”

Ange lets go of her hand and tells me about Milene-san, who I don’t know.

She wants me to have more sense of danger.

“When that person was married, there was a lot of fuss that the United Kingdom of Leparto had played its trump card. She’s the one who was rumored to have been the eventual queen of the allied countries.”

“Milene-san is amazing.”

When I am impressed, Ange doesn’t look amused and I cough to cover it up.

It seems that Ange had served as an apprentice in the past by Milene-san’s side and had heard a lot about her from her.

“The United Kingdom has been tormented by Raschel for years. Knowing that, that person was desperate to hold up the military alliance and suppress Raschel.”

“So she’s going to use her daughter?”

“Although she has sentiments, she is also a person who can make decisions as a royalty. In fact, Erika-sama was betrothed to a legitimate son of the Fraser family when she was very young.”

I have a complicated feeling because it was my niece from a previous life who got engaged.

Ange concludes with a joke.

“So I don’t recommend it, personally or politically. Now that I’ve said all this, you’ll reconsider, won’t you?”

I pull back slightly as Ange comes closer to my face.

“You’re more aggressive than before.”

“I stopped thinking about it. You don’t get my indirect expressions of affection.”

When I can’t say anything, there is a knock at the door.

“Who are they at a time like this?”

When I stood up from my chair, Ange narrowed her eyes.

It seems she has an idea who the visitor is.

“While I prefer that he come before time, I wish he’d be more thoughtful.”

“Eh, did you call someone?”

“It’s His Highness Julius.”

Part 7

I was walking the streets of the royal capital with Julius, who had been called by Ange.

I was told to walk around the royal city, alone with Julius.

Two guys going out together or something like that makes me sad.

Despite that, Julius was in a good mood.

“I was told I could tour the food stalls on your dime. Why don’t we tour my recommendations here, but also explore new ones.”

He turns his useless, sparkling, handsome smile on me.

The women walking around were fascinated by Julius.

――What’s the point of you smiling at me like that?

I won’t have a crush on you.

“A tour of the food stalls, are you okay with that, as a prince?”

“This is also a daily practice. But it’s a hobby and partly for practical purposes, though.”

“No, that’s not what I asked you.”

Why do you get to have so much fun just walking around with the dude?

Julius feels like a mysterious creature I don’t understand, and as I look at him curiously, Luxion speaks to me.

[Master, I’ve identified some suspicious individuals in the area.]

“Is that an assassin?”

Even like this, I have a billion-yen bounty on my head from another country.

There are people out there who are trying to kill me, but this time it seems to be different.

[No, they seem to be investigating the Master’s friendships. As Angelica mentioned, there is a lot of commotion around Master]

“It’s a pity that they are desperately trying to find out about my friendships.”

[I agree. This country, where Master is such an important figure, is already at its end.]

“Can’t you be nicer? Would you be nicer if I gave you an order?”

Wouldn’t he be a little nicer partner if I ordered him to do so?

Such faint hopes are soon shattered.

[After considering the good measures to be taken forward, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to do so.]

“What do you mean “considering”, after giving a quick answer?”

As I was having a routine conversation with Luxion, Julius looked around and let out a small sigh.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way. No, more than me?”

When I looked at him to see what he was talking about, Julius led me to the restaurant with a serious expression on his face.

Walking quickly, he weaves his way through the crowd.

“Oi, what’s wrong?”

“There’s quite a few of them watching us. Leon’s even more popular than I am.”

I see Julius laughing, and it makes me angry.

“Only nasty people come to me”

“I used to feel the same way.”

I could understand a little bit how Julius felt about being the crown prince, the one who was getting all the attention.

It is certainly uncomfortable to be watched all the time.

And Julius asks me what will happen from now on.

“It’s going to be tough from now on. The royal palace, of course, will be noisy, but so will the school.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s the way it is. That being said, I hear you and Angelica are getting along well.”

“Idi! Don’t say getting along well.”

Julius tilted his head, but continued talking as if he didn’t care.

“She no longer looks thoughtful. She is more full of energy than ever before. You’re going to have a hard time now, aren’t you.”

Having had her mind blown, Ange became tougher in many ways.

Thanks to that, I am overwhelmed.

[She already dominates.]


[Isn’t that the fact?]

Unable to say anything back, I turn my face away, and Julius laughs.

“I knew you were more than me. ――Do well, Leon.”

I guess the “do well” part includes the future.

It’s not just about Ange.

“I don’t need to be told.”

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