My Backyard is the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 260: Great harvest!

  Qin Huaiyu said with a smile: "It\'s okay, this time I didn\'t disappoint His Highness. We captured all the slaves of the three Yong tribes. More than 200,000 people are enough to alleviate the shortage of slaves in Yizhou."

  Zhu Youzhi glared at him, "If you hadn\'t been greedy for meritorious service and scared off part of the Tubo army, we would have captured more people.

Qin Huaiyu laughed awkwardly when he heard the words. According to Zhu Youzhi\'s plan, they were planning to fight a siege, but Qin Huaiyu was anxious to make a quick decision, so he launched an attack in advance, and finally let some Tubo troops escape back to the plateau .

"But that\'s fine too. Let them take our reputation back. Seeing that Zanpu of Tubo still dares to continue to be arrogant, I remember that His Highness once said that two very Tubo businessmen threatened him, and now we are doing it for him." Your Highness has vented his anger." Zhu Youzhi said.

  Murong Shun laughed and chatted with the two for a while, and said: "You two generals, I have already prepared the banquet, why don\'t we have a drink together now, how about it."

   "Okay!" The battle ended with a complete victory, and the expected goal was achieved. The two of them no longer held back, and entered the tent with Murong Shun to drink together.

  After drinking for three rounds, Murong Shun took out the parchment scroll he wrote, and said: "The two generals are about to return in triumph. Can you pass this letter on to His Highness the King of Shu?"

  Zhu Youzhi took the sheepskin scroll and said: "There is no problem with this. This time, we have won a big victory. Tubo\'s vitality has been greatly damaged, and it is estimated that there will be no further southward invasion in a few years. Murong Khan should quickly control Tuyuhun, recuperate and restore national power."

   "Naturally, but this time I have to thank the two generals, otherwise, Tuyuhun may really be about to perish." Murong Shun was still in a state of palpitation.

   "This is already in the past, come on, continue to drink." Qin Huaiyu said heartily.

   "Yes, drink. Since the two generals are going back tomorrow, let Murong Shun give this banquet to the two." He drank it down.

   After eating and drinking, the three of them dispersed separately. The next day, Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Youzhi got up early to organize the army and march towards Songzhou with the servants under pressure. Staying on the grassland for one more day will put more pressure on the logistics. They decided to go back as soon as possible, because the New Year is coming soon, and the soldiers also hope to go back before the New Year and have a safe and stable New Year.

  Including the captured slave soldiers, a total of 240,000 people were captured in this battle. Most of these people were slaves captured by Tubo\'s attack on other tribes. For example, the Qiang tribe on the west side of Yizhou, these slaves have become very tame under the rule of Tubo, so under the supervision of the army, they did not resist, but just marched numbly towards Songzhou. Transferring to another slave owner is all too normal.

   Before the expedition team arrived in Yizhou. Li Yin of Yizhou had already received the news of victory, and the huge number of slaves that the scouts said made Li Yin feel relieved. With these slaves, the development of Ryukyu can finally be implemented.

   At the same time, the expedition team he sent has already set off to find the large transport plane that fell. And Li Yin also asked them to bring a digital camera. Once they find something different, take a photo and bring it back to let him confirm whether it is that thing. Compared with the 240,000 slaves, Li Yin cares more It was something inside the transport plane. Although Yuan Shoucheng did not explain what it was, the text still revealed that it was a very high-end thing in that era, because he himself was performing a secret mission. Who would have thought that such an unexpected thing would appear in the end? .

Thinking of things that are six hundred years ahead of modern technology, Li Yin can\'t sleep no matter what, his future will be full of more uncertainties, and those modern flights that mysteriously disappeared, have they also encountered problems? The same event as Yuan Shoucheng was transported to other places by the magnetic field? After all, rumors of the Philadelphia experiment have been circulating on the Internet. In 1943, country M used electromagnetic fields to send warships to seas more than 400 kilometers away. This experiment also proved Einstein\'s theory that magnetic fields can distort time and space. Of course, this The experiment was denied by the military of country m, but there are many hidden truths in this world, isn\'t it?

Leading a team that stretched for more than ten miles, Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Youzhi finally arrived in Yizhou years ago. At the gate of the city, Li Yin, who had already received the news, was waiting for them with many generals in the army, including those who had been working together. Xue Rengui, who was in charge of military affairs in the state, also returned to Yizhou.

   "Your Highness." Qin Huaiyu and Zhu You dismounted from their horses, walked quickly a few steps, and bowed to Li Yin.

   "Excuse me," Li Yin helped the two of them up, "I\'ve already prepared a banquet for you, welcome your triumphant return, let\'s go and drink."

  Both of them were overjoyed when they heard the words, Qin Huaiyu said: "We are just waiting for His Highness\'s words, these days my mouth is watering, a whole roasted lamb, I can eat it myself."

   "You are the only one who is greedy!" Zheng Binglan was also there, seeing Qin Huaiyu\'s foolish look, and said angrily.

  Qin Huaiyu went back and forth for a month, and also missed Zheng Binglan very much, so she cast her fiery eyes on her, making Zheng Binglan blush immediately, but with so many people watching, she could only pretend not to care.

"Miss Zheng!" This time, Zheng Binglu was also in the team welcoming the triumphant return. After Zhu Youzhi and Li Yin exchanged greetings, she went to say hello to Zheng Binglu, but Zheng Binglu seemed a little absent-minded, and whispered: "Zhu Youzhi General."

She didn\'t want to come at first, but Zheng Binglan forced her to come here. Seeing Zheng Binglu\'s appearance, Zhu Youzhi didn\'t take it seriously. The life-and-death struggle on the battlefield made him understand that if he wants to get it, he must fight for it boldly. Life is only once. , He didn\'t want to come to the end of his life to regret what he hadn\'t done.

When the army entered the city, the people of Yizhou City cheered at the same time. They stood along the street with victorious smiles on their faces. Some urchins kept running back and forth in the army. Many people stuffed peanuts for the soldiers who returned from victory. , Zaozi, now the hearts of the entire Yizhou people are connected together, one is prosperous and all is prosperous, and one is damaged and all are damaged.

Under the noisy scene, the generals who went on an expedition all the way to the Shu Palace. At this time, the palace had already set up a banquet, and many officials were already waiting here. It was the New Year, and Li Yin invited many important officials to come to the Palace to gather together as usual There are many new faces among these officials. They are all students who graduated from the School of Political Affairs and the Military Academy. Now they are assigned to various important positions, and they are doing their best for Yizhou. own contribution.

  Seeing Li Yin walking in with two generals who hadn\'t taken off their armor, everyone stood up. The students of the military academy knew these two men, and they were very proud of their victory.

   "Let\'s all sit down!" The banquet this time was not held in an open space. When I was in the old palace, the space was too small. Now in the new palace, there is a very spacious hall dedicated to banquets, where you can eat and drink as much as you want.

"This banquet is here to reward everyone who has worked hard for a year, and secondly, it is to honor the two generals who have returned from victory. Come, let\'s give the first cup to General Qin and General Zhu together." Li Yin sat After taking down, he glanced at the whole room full of subordinates, and he was very satisfied. This is the third year since he became the king of Shu. After three years of hard work, the ruling system of his fief has been established, and he is also very satisfied. Relieved?

  Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Youzhi stood up when they heard the words, and they held their wine glasses and said, "For Your Highness, I\'m willing to die and die."

   "I\'m willing to do my best before I die!" The other officials also stood up and raised their glasses together to toast Li Yin.

   As soon as his heart warmed, Li Yin also stood up, a sense of accomplishment spontaneously filling his heart, he said: "Drink!" After finishing speaking, he drank it all in one gulp.

   After the other officials had finished drinking, Li Yin said: "Everyone eat with an open stomach, don\'t be polite to me, I still have money for this little food and drink."

  As soon as Li Yin finished speaking, there was a lot of laughter from below. Looking at the exquisite food in front of them, they suddenly felt that their saliva was about to flow down.

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