Nero, The Legendary Hunter

Chapter 111 - 110: Chen City

Flying on the back of a dragon was a very unique sensation, even Yui and Nero who were already familiar with flying, noticed that it was different to fly on your own and fly on the back of a dragon. It\'s like being able to run super fast and ride a horse super fast, although the purpose is the same, the feeling is totally different.

"Wow!" Yui exclaimed, and it wasn\'t because of the unique experience of being on the dragon\'s back, or because Elsa\'s big breasts crushed her back, or because Choko kept rummaging through her fat mum behind her, but because she saw Chen City.

Surrounded by water, the city had a wall that separated the city from the tide, there was also a gigantic gate that connected with a bridge that at the south entrance, the other entrances were necessary to enter by ships and boats.

The city was twice the size of the previous city, there were many huge buildings made of heavy blocks. Some were very beautiful, some were even prehistoric, the streets were made close to the ocean, and there were many bridges in the city, the city itself was deity in four divisions and connected by bridges.

In this city there were two dungeons, one of Rank D and the other of Rank C.

Obviously, they came because of Rank C. This dungeon was in the left division, which was the biggest part of the city, and also the most designed, the buildings were newer and more modern.

After they got very close, Nero commanded the dragons to descend.

"Nera, I mean Nero, can stop directly in town. I\'ll let you know we\'re coming." Saying this, Elsa didn\'t wait for Nero to respond and stepped out from behind Yui.

She created a pair of wings made of wind and flew to the city even faster than the dragons.

"Well, she must have a reason," Nero muttered and went in the direction Elsa went.

Above the gates, knights in iron armor and bows and harpoons were about to shoot Nero, but stopped when they saw a sign in the sky that exploded.

Nero didn\'t understand what was happening, but he knew it must be something related to Elsa, she was already about to command the dragons to strike back.

"I was about to throw fireballs at them…" Jana muttered.

Well, it was hard to suffer in silence, they were used to fighting and if someone attacked, it was obvious that they would fight back.

Honda put away the bow and sighed. She was happy that nothing much happened.

Nero looked up and saw that everyone, without exception, was preparing to fight. \'Umu, it\'s not bad...\'

Seeing this made Nero proud. She felt she was doing a good job.

The pair of fire and lightning dragons landed near the dome-shaped hall. On the front was written: [Chen - Hunter Association].

That said it all, it was a branch of the Hunter Association.

Because of Elsa, even the manager of the Chen - Hunter Association came out to welcome them. Elsa wanted them to understand that they shouldn\'t be intrigued by her sister.

"Isn\'t that your sister?" Choko was surprised that after they went down they saw a statue of Elsa in the middle of a square.

Elsa approached and said with a small smile: "I saved this city from an invasion of sea monsters, because of this they created a statue of me."

"Oh..." Choko remembers that Nero said that her sister came from a Sea Hunter Clan. She also saw about the news Nero showed about Eliane that it\'s the sister who wants Nero dead... Well, Nero too wants her dead, so is it a reciprocal feeling?

In short, they are experts at killing sea monsters. So it didn\'t surprise them for long when they heard that Elsa saved this town; she was, after all, an A+ Rank Hunter.

"Welcome all very welcome!" The general manager said with a wide smile.

He was big and strong, with tanned skin and incredibly clear eyes, his muscles were big, the kind that takes part in weightlifting competitions and a smile so friendly it didn\'t match his profile. It reminded Nero of an actor who had 3 jobs, or something like that. Now she couldn\'t remember his name, in any case, he was very nice and Nero didn\'t see any falsehood in his smile.

"By the way, my name is Justino Alvorada, you can just call me Justino." He held out his hand.

"Mm, thanks." Nero shook his hand after descending from the lightning dragon.

Jair, Breno and the rest shook his hand too.

After greeting each other, they were invited to enter.

Inside, they went through the evaluation and after they found out that they were a group of LV20 and Nero who was in LV24, it left many impressed. Mainly because they are so young. Of course, Nero didn\'t let them see their abilities, that was something personal. Mainly her and Yui\'s.

"As expected from the younger sister of our savior Elsa." Justino wasn\'t too surprised, he kind of expected something like that when they saw it riding dragons.

In fact, he also gave them lifetime permission to stay in the city without having to pay tax. This was also thanks to Elsa.

"Mm, we\'re done here," Elsa said. "I have a small mansion here in this town. Although I\'ve never used it, we can use it now."

Despite wanting to go to the dungeon as soon as possible, they wanted to rest after a long trip, although not that long, it wasn\'t short, and they were also tired from the dungeon.


The small pattern was another level for Elsa. It was at least a 20-room mansion. And there were employees in the house. When they see Elsa arrive, they recognize her even though she has never used the \'small\' mansion.

After a slight introduction, they became acquainted with the employees of the house, there were a total of 6 employees. 1 gardener, 1 cook, 1 butler and 3 maids.

The butler is named Alfredo, he had gray hair and was in his 60s, 180 cm tall. He had a gentle smile on his face and a very professional demeanor.

The cook was a little fat but not too fat, with 183 cm and short hair, he weighed 100 kilos. He is called Zechariah.

The gardener was actually a woman, she was 177 cm, quite tall and had long blond hair tied in a ponytail, her eyes were light brown and she had a very fit body, she was the kind of woman who seemed to train everyone. days, and she had a sexy little belly that made men envy. Her name is Cecilia.

The three maids were actually triplets, the only thing notably different was the way the three tied their hair. Green eyes and black hair, Julia was the one with shoulder-length hair, Samantha with double-braided hair, and Sara with her hair tied in a high ponytail. They were approximately 20 years of age and wore standard white clothing employed with pale brown accents.

"I am Nero. Take good care of me for the next 10 days." Nero smiled at them.

"Jana." She said, "Take good care of me too."

Then everyone introduced themselves too.

When the introduction was over, they went to choose their rooms.

Both Yui and Choko were obviously upset when they were placed in separate rooms from Nero.

But, they dared not contradict Elsa\'s decision to separate them into different rooms.

Nero didn\'t care, if she felt lonely she would invade Choko\'s room. As for Yui... Well, it still wasn\'t sure what was going to happen, it all depends on whether or not she would be able to do what she said to her before.

The room Nero stayed in was very tidy and with a decent amount of furniture, at least it met the basic needs, a large double bed, \'Mm, soft.\' Nero liked it and it had a closet. Even though she doesn\'t have a lot of clothes, a small closet would be enough.

Flipping the switch, the bedside lamp came on. \'Working...\'

After testing, she turned the bedroom switch off and on and the bulb in the four-pointed hook-shaped chandelier at each end a round bulb was on.

Hanging up, she went to the bathroom. It was large, with a toilet, a sink for washing your face and brushing your teeth, a shower, and a bathtub.

\'If Choko comes, we can bathe in the bathtub together...\' Nero shook his head like a rattle clearing impure thoughts from his mind and went back to the room after peeing and washing his hand and brushing his teeth.

She changed into cute pink button-down pajamas with white polka dots. She lay down on the bed.

Lying on the bed, she looked up at the ceiling and held out her right hand for no apparent reason. Looking at her hand that even after so many fights, used swords, etc. It was still so delicate and beautiful, she sighed.

\'Maybe I should use cell regeneration on Choko?\' She\'s been thinking about it since saving Yui. If she did, she had a basic notion that she could help Choko get stronger fast. However, she was still uncertain about it, maybe it\'s her selfishness, but she wanted Choko to get stronger on her own and would only use it if necessary. As in Yui\'s case. Of course, it doesn\'t have to be something as extreme as in Yui\'s case, it could be because she got hurt a little, etc.

While thinking about these things, Nero became sleepy, little by little her beautiful eyes closed and she fell asleep.

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